Post news RSS The Bugs have been Squashed

Another milestone in the mod's development. The pesky bugs have been squashed!

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Bugs squashed

Even though some gave quite the struggle, the bug fixing stage went a lot faster than I anticipated. Who knew that something would ever go fast in this mod's development.

I am very very very pleased to announce that the list of bugs has been striped off. Meaning that from this moment on I can gather all the files for the Beta testers. Who shall receive their copy this Friday.

Although the bugs have been squashed. There are a few individual items I could not get fixed, simply because that is where this mod pushed the very boundaries of the LS3D engine. These are minor bugs that some people may never encounter or even notice. I do wish to reiterate though that despite all the polishing efforts going on, this is still a mod for a game, so it may not have the same glossiness a AAA title has after 3 patches. That said. The mod is playable and seems to work really well on my PC, and should feel streamlined throughout for players. If it ain't, the Beta testers shall point it out.

As for the release date. I have a specific day in mind that I deem feasible. Please standby for the definitive release date announcement.

dinnerblaster1 - - 680 comments

A Bug's Life 2 is cancelled then, sorry all Pixar fans

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