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The battle for the models begins! Today I have started trying to extract models straight from Halo Reach. Should I succeed Halout 3 will have exact copies of the models and textures used in Halo Reach!

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The battle for the models begins! Today I have started trying to extract models straight from Halo Reach. Should I succeed Halout 3 will have exact copies of the models and textures used in Halo Reach! My brother has extracted content from other Xbox 360 games so with his help (if he wants to) this should be a cake walk, if he doesn't help then I will still try my hardest to get the models. If I manage to get this done I will have a nice surprise for all of you :).

xPearse - - 2,462 comments

why are you doing that for, is it not illegal to do this why dont you just make them yourself instead of ripping them out of a game

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Clockworks - - 357 comments

..i agree.. isnt it illegal to extract models from another game to your own? for example, that chinese company of heroes mod was extracting models from men of war and i think they got sh*t for it :/
anyways.. oh god.. everyone! download it before bungie shuts this down D:

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[Ae}Dr.Mckay - - 236 comments

lol people rip models from halo 3 all the time and port them to halo CE or garry's mod so what would be the difference on Fallout 3, besides there isn't any public tools out yet to rip stuff from halo reach the tools are private for now as far as i know

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Nathanius - - 2,305 comments

If it doesn't breach fair use clauses in the US and pilotofwar's respective country then they're fair game, if he makes money off it though he's going to be screwed :P

As for doing the same with a private modellers work you have the community and moderators who police that :P

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pilotofwar Author
pilotofwar - - 235 comments

Well I will not be making money off it and I know tons of people rip content from other games to use in mods. Now if Bungie messages me saying I can't then I will stop but until then why shouldn't I try? This would be much better then spending months to make exact copies. I'm sure If I was selling the mod/models I could get in trouble but I'm not so I don't think there will be a issue :). Oh and I almost forgot, I own a fully paid for copy of Halo Reach so its not like I'm just pirating the game either.

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CanadaMan7 - - 2,590 comments

Way to make a post about it, idiot.

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LonelyKnightess - - 841 comments

I know this is an old post but you are an idiot.

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ken9764 - - 484 comments

hope the models riping goes well

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