Today the battlefield 40K proudly announce that all the Tau Infantry models are finally finished. However some are still lacking the weaponry they are armed with. Special Thanks to Mefisto for his rapid & Professional efforts.
Please check our Moddb profile gallery for the new models of the Tau Pathfinder, Tau Vehicle Crewman (or as seen on forgeworld Tau Tank Commanders) and the Tau Pulse Rifle (Thanks Wezil, Commonly used by Tau Firewarriors)
The Tau Pathfinder normally is armed with the Pulse Carbine Assault rifle that features an integral Photon Flash Grenade Launcher.
They are mainly used for reconissance and have a Tau Markerlight that allows them to designate targets for Anti Tank Seeker Missiles.
Their other role is they can be equipped with the Rail rifles (Not in this release) in limited numbers for sniper actions.
Hawk has also been working on the intro movie for the mod, and has a nice new render to show for Imperial Guard Fans
Great work! now when can we play some of it :3
Christ, this is really good work. Looks real promising :) GJ
great work on the suits but i am not a warhammer fan but i love playing the game . I was wondering the unit with the animal that looks like half rex half bird could that be in this mod or would it be difficult doing it's textures?