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Firearms: Source was accepted into Steamworks, and FA:S 2.0 will be available via Steam. Also check out two new weapons coming to FA:S.

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Hey gamers, we bring great news about Firearms: Source's distribution and publicity. We at Firearms: Source like to patch our game frequently, which should normally be a good thing. However, this means servers and clients have to keep making sure they have the latest version of Firearms: Source. How do we solve this? Steamworks! The next version of Firearms: Source will be released via Steam as Firearms: Source 2.0. We have so much new content and new features being packed into the next version of Firearms: Source, that it will once again feel like a whole new game. With Steam works, your clients will auto-update whenever we release a new build, and Steam will install the game for you. Also, expect some Steamworks features like Achievements and Player Stats. If that doesn't get you excited enough, check out some of our fresh media.

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We give you the Sterling, an old SMG that was featured in the original Firearms on the GoldSrc engine. It only felt right to bring the Sterling back in action as it brings class to the battlefield and helps beef up our rather limited amount of Submachine Guns. One thing you will also notice about the Sterling is its spiffy integral suppressor that will be included if you choose the suppressor attachment. In an upcoming developer blog, I will discuss how attachments will be implemented, focusing on the game mechanics and balancing of attachments. I am sure one of our programmers will also make a post about our very interesting technical implementation, allowing us to future proof attachments so that we can keep adding to and diversifying our attachment list. Make sure you check up on our forums as we will also be releasing images throughout development.

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The next weapon we have to show you is the Raging Bull. You may recall Firearms GoldSrc featured a Colt Anaconda revolver. It's about time we added a revolver, however we wanted to mix things up and add a revolver that gives us the option of multiple calibers, especially one that fires a .500 S&W round. This hand cannon is like no other pistols currently in our arsenal. Most of our pistols are weaker and have faster rates of fire, but the Raging Bull has a slower rate of fire and can drop a player in two shots. You'll be using in more medium range combat instead of the usual CQC. Grabbing an SMG and a Raging Bull will allow you to excel in all short to medium range confrontations.

We have also starting the Firearms: Source League and have already begun scheduling the first scrimmages. If you operate or participate in a clan or team that plays Firearms: Source, post your roster in our League Forum and sign up and take part in the competitive gameplay that makes FA:S so great. Our first scrimmages will be recorded and posted on the website to show how well Firearms: Source plays in a competitive league. We will also be updating our website rather soon, moving to use CMS so that we can update the website more frequently without having to edit static HTML pages. I hope you are all enjoying FA:S 1.0e and are looking forward to FA:S 2.0. See you all on the battlefield and thank you for playing Firearms: Source.

Post comment Comments
eXeC64 - - 225 comments

Nice, congratulations on getting Steamworks.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
masterchief396 - - 425 comments

I love Steamworks it makes things ten times better! :) Oh yea and congrats.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Valhyn - - 45 comments

Lets Just Hope They Dont Strip the Mod like What they Did to Synergy

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
MagnumPI - - 595 comments

Let's Just Hope That You Don't Capitalize All Of Your Words In The Future.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
ShadowFear - - 864 comments

Let's Hope They Serve Beer In Hell.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Detnaite - - 303 comments

Let's hope your correct, Sir.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Nocis - - 48 comments

Congratulations! Will be watching for the release!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Anddos - - 390 comments

why dosent steamworks show on steam the mod is on steam , like some kind of popup , its kind of ignorant of the developers.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
billyboob - - 297 comments

Who are you criticising? Slightly confused here...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
FAS_Naota - - 95 comments

We haven't fully integrated Steamworks as of right now, so naturally there hasn't been an announcement on Steam. When everything is ready, we'll be releasing the next version alongside it, at which time I hope Valve will inspire us with much joy at the sight of a news update mentioning us when you log into Steam (they seem to be quite generous like this, going by other HL2 mods which made it to Steamworks).

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billyboob - - 297 comments

That's very good news. Congratulations. Will re-install via Steam when it's ready.

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zaglis - - 114 comments


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.sverek - - 97 comments


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EricFong - - 1,585 comments

Is time to get bullied by pro player... :D

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Anddos - - 390 comments

no other mod has advertised on steam as a popup , so i dout this one will , you have to find mods from the homepage , which is very ignorant.

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Uh...tons of mods have been.

PVKII, Age of Chivalry, NeoTokyo, that Rollerball one, Zombie Panic:Source, Dystopia...and many others I can't remember right now.

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FAS_Naota - - 95 comments

I am almost entirely certain nobody else will understand a word of what I'm saying, but your avatar fills me with glee, sir.

Now I know for sure that when I pack a drawer full of human organs into a refridgerator in a level of mine down the road, at least one person out there will get the reference. Excellent.

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Indeed, and remember, don't use a clear container for them, you might have company over.

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MrMattWebb - - 1,803 comments

Epic win. :)

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Awesome_ninja - - 809 comments

kinda a noob question: Are there ppl still playing this mod? The lasy time I played I couldn't find a server with more than 4 ppl on it =S... I am not ctiticizing the mod, but it hurts me to see another Steamworks mod that have no players at all (R.I.P "D.I.P.R.I.P.")...

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Awesome_ninja - - 809 comments

not isn't a steamworks mod
On other note: ModDB comment system REALLY needs to be rewamped entirely so that you can actually post where you want to (like I was posting a reply to Mkilbride but it failed miserably), and track your comments -_-

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Never said it was. Merely said it got a Steam post, I started Steam up and it had a post about NeoTokyo's release.

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Awesome_ninja - - 809 comments

@Phenex (FFS Another comment that didnèt reached its destination, grrrrr):
its not what THEY did to Synergy, but the Synergy TEAM DID to the mod...At the beginning, they had 80% of their code missing, and they are lazy to update their mod now... Synergy is old and outdated anyways, Obsidian Conflict got Steamworks too, and it is WAY better than Synergy...And at least its updated regulary

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MARiN3 - - 713 comments

wow, that are awesome news with the steamworks stuff, thats so cool !!

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ThePeanutBaron - - 249 comments

I think a Borat quote is necessary "very nice".

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FAS_Naota - - 95 comments

At the time of posting this I count 27 players in FAS, and it's 1:00 PM on a weekday. We don't exactly have throngs of players (yet - this update and steamworks should bring in a lot more), but I don't think there have ever been that few. At the very least I can always find a game of more than 14 people running at most hours of the day.

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slayersarge - - 138 comments

I knew this game was too good. How could steam say no to something that far surpasses their very own work hmm?

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NGS616 - - 364 comments

A raging bull?! I'm gonna have to DL it now!

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BillPZC - - 3 comments

Congrats on the Steamworks guys and i can't wait to see what this next version has in store for us.

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RockerFox - - 359 comments

congrats, nice to see the sterling back in action and to see the raging bull

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Snuffeldjuret - - 98 comments

Congratulations =).

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Kitsunami - - 121 comments

very nice...

now the important question, does it actually work? :P

Firearms has always loved to put me in spectator automatically and not let me ever join the server xD

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DarkLiberator - - 155 comments

Congrats on the steamworks! XD

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GeniusAction - - 4 comments

Only one word Congratulations!!!!!!!

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Yuri69 - - 21 comments


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