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just quick update covering the details in the finished version of the Stargate Faction

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I come with some good news. Today a major step forward was taken, i finished balancing in stargate, and after some testing, i found it to be good...

Now the finalised details of stargate are as follows
Set 1 - Class - Ability
Death Glider - Light Fighter - Hunt
Wraith Dart - Light Fighter - Hunt
F302 - Heavy Fighter - Hunt
Ori Fighter - Heavy Fighter - Hunt
Replicator Fighter - Heavy fighter - Hunt (only in supergate)
Alkesh Bomber - Light Bomber - Bombing Run
Puddle Jumper - Heavy bomber - Bombing Run

Set 2 - Tier - Spawns - Ability
BC304 - Tier 1 - F302 x1 - Turbo
Old Hatak - Tier 2 - Death Glider x1 - Power To Weapons
Apophis Hatak - Tier 3 - Death glider x1 - Cloak

Set 3 - Tier - Spawns - Ability
Anubis Hatak - Tier 4 - Death Glider x2 - Power to Weapons
Replicator Spider - Tier 4 - Replicator fighter x1 - Infest (only in supergate)
Wraith Cruiser - Tier 5 - Dart x2 - Power To Weapons + heal
Asgard Beliskner - Tier 6 - none - Power to Sheilds

Set 4 - Tier - Spawns - Ability
Ori Warship - Tier 7 - Ori Fighter x2 - Ori Beam weapon
Oniell Class - Tier 8 - none - Power to Sheilds
Replicator Capital ship - Tier 8 - Replicator Fighters x3 - Infest (only in supergate)
BC304 Mk2 - Tier 9 - F302 x2 + Jumper x1 - Turbo

Set 5 - Tier - Spawns - Ability
Wraith Hive - Tier 10 - Dart x20 - heal
Carter Class - Tier 11 - none - Power to Sheilds
Aurora Class - Tier 12 - Jumper x2 - Drone Barrage

Heroes - Tier - Spawns - Ability
SG1 in Alkesh - Hero 1 - NA - Cloak
Mitchel in X305 - Hero 2 - NA - Turbo
Pendergast in Prometheus - Hero 3 - F302 x2 - Barrage shield peircing shells + turbo
Apophis in his command ship - Hero 4 - Death Glider x2 + ALkesh x1 - Power to weapons + defend
Anubis in his super Mothership - Hero 5 - Death Gliders x3 + Alkesh x2 - NA (See NOTE1)
Caldwell in Daedalus - Hero 6 - F302 x3 Jumper x1 - Beam nuke + Turbo
Thor in Carter Class - Hero 7 - none - Power to Weapons + Power to Sheilds

NOTE1 - the NA after Anubis is the only thing in SG thats not resolved. Im trying to give him an energy pulse attack but atm its refusign to work. Ive moved on to finalising Star Wars, but i do plan to come back and get it to work eventually

The Starbase is still the same as before, its the Goauld Hassara Station. It Autospawns Midway and 2 Death Glider squadrons. Because midway is an autospawn unit now, if the two Death Glider squads die, they will not spawn back in unless midway is destroyed. This was done to make getting started easier, with the research station autospawning saves time and money in building it. It is still limited to one thouh. For the tech tree we have a less complicated version now.

There is Gao'uld and Tau'ri upgrades for Speed, Armor, Shields and Weapons
Establish Homeworld Security - Unlocks F302, Hero Mitchel, Hero Prometheus, BC304 + Mk2 Refit (see NOTE2)
Mk2 Refit - Unlocks Hero Daedalus, BC304mk2
Access Pegasus - Unlocks Jumpers + Explore pegasus
Explore Pegasus - Unlocks Wraith Cruisers + Ancient Shipyard
Ancient Shipyard - Unlocks Aurora, Wraith Hive
Ancient Database - Upgrades Aurora Class
Cloaking Generators - Unlock Hero Apophis, Apophis Hatak
Ascended Knowledge - Unlocks Hero Anubis, Anubis Hatak
Asgard Alliance - Unlocks Oniell, Beliskner + Agard Upgrades + Asgard Core
Asgard Core - Hero Thor, Carter Class + Mk2 Refit (see NOTE2)
Supergate - Ori Mothership + Ori Upgrades

NOTE2 - Both these upgrades need to be purchased for the Mk2 Refit to become available

The orbital Sats have also been balanced, they are
Anti fighter - AG3
Anti Capital - Ori Sat
Sensor/Jammer - Lantian sat

I think that about sums up the Stargate faction. I cant think of anything ive forgotten, but if i have them ill comment it below

Post comment Comments
Admiral-Ash - - 1,812 comments

I think I'm missing a few thing here! When has there been a Carter-class and X305? The only Asgard ships I know of that are named after members of SG1 are the O'niell-class and Daniel Jackson. Were you half asleep when you made this, or are they fanon?

They should've had a Carter and Teal'c-class.

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Adrien_Victus - - 3,823 comments

the carter class is fannon its an o'neil class with it wepons replaced by plasma beam wepons the X305 ummm well spino will explain....

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Admiral-Ash - - 1,812 comments

I don't see how that's any different. I thought the O'neill-class already had plasma beams.

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endingsarrow - - 14 comments

Plasma beams weren't introduced until the Ori came as the Asgard created them to counter the Ori beam weapon.

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Spinobreaker Author
Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments

The Oniell class was built to win the war with the replicators, The Carter Class is a refit of that ship that gives it Asgard plasma beam weapons, more advanced shields and armor, for the War against the Ori. And yes its fannon

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dyboss - - 74 comments


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CommanderDG - - 1,388 comments

that is perfect. except could the Asgard drop the old anti-replicator satellite. not sure how much this could be useful but it just a random suggestion.

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noing - - 1,507 comments

Well mitchel is a fighter pilot so i would expect the x305 to be a fighter

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Spinobreaker Author
Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments

The X305 is a F302 with experimental shortrange asgard plasma beam weapons

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arkangel101 - - 82 comments

Awsome now just can't wait untill a full realese of the stargate faction too bad there was not any ancient ships listed I would love to see the Destiny or something.

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EclipseStardestroyer - - 1,716 comments

Well that's one faction. About what like 7 to go? And still patient...

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Spinobreaker Author
Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments

something like that. Halo is almost done, all it really needs is the orbital sats (currently WIP) and its done as well

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