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Hey everyone, Today is a very special news about both solo and multi. New info but also new pics, just for the pleasure of our eyes! Multiplayer : Let's start with a very cool news all bugs seen in 1.2 have been tracked and fixed for the upcoming 1.0 version. So all stabiliy system issues no longer

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Hey everyone,
Today is a very special news about both solo and multi. New info but also new pics, just for the pleasure of our eyes!

Multiplayer :
Let's start with a very cool news all bugs seen in 1.2 have been tracked and fixed for the upcoming 1.0 version. So all stabiliy system issues no longer exist, and to be honest, SGTC has never been so stable...

Let's continue with this: almost all of our models (weapons AND characters) have been remodeled or reskinned.
Take a look at the screens:

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You'll see a totaly diffrent gameplay: the power and the acuity of the weapons have been changed, some limits in buying weapons added, and modifications in the menu done to make you clearly see what weapons may be bought or not. All packs have been redone.
You now have more information about your mates (status, action, position, etc). So iit will be a completely different way to manage a team; it is the opportunity to offer the game a little more strategies.
You now may sprint, using your stamina of course, but offering you a good mean to get safe.

All maps have been redone; they are now equiped with our brand new gate, wich let bullets and other weapons shots go threw the gate. Ther are also new maps to discover:

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To finish with the multiplayer news part, something that will please more of one player: in manual configyration, the Glider and teh USAS have been suppressed, but you may find them in another config, the Captain mod.
To activate those weapons, type in your console the command : "mp_superweapons 1". To deactivate them, type "mp_superweapons 0"


Solo :

It's harder to reveal some informations about it beacause it will be the only playable version. Ah yes there is a demo, but it s not possible to make comparison. If you loved the demo, you will be astonished by the full solo game. So no real news, but I can wish you a good appetite by telling you this:

Concerning the mission: they will follow a specific scenario and will be playable in a special order, that will progressively open other missions, if you have the right amount of experience.

Concerning the scenario: the storyline is dealing with artefacts to be found during the missions.
They are old and mighty energy sources, that will power up a Ancient weapon found on a planet. Some of you may have noticed a topic with screenshots in the solo part of the forum:
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Here are some screens of several missions :
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Good day to all gaters
ApOpH!s and StargateTC Staff

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