We love RPG. We love skyrim. We..got a serious case of Skyrimtitis. Doctor says is curable but takes some time (approx 100 hours) to heal.
So, here's our personal tribute to the Skyrim world: epic helmet with horns!
Micro FAQ
Even if the helmet looks great in game we cannot use it because...well...isn't very piratey. But we can borrow something else from Skyrim: the camera with a lateral offset. What? Just look the video :)
The second (real) update is a target indicator in the minimap. This was a very requested feature and I hope will help you in not getting lost anymore. It will point you to next quest objective.
In b4 lawsuit lol.
Cool, i just hope nobody get's sued by using Skyrim related stuff...
Was I the only one who read it as 'Skyrimtits'?...
Imagine that... Playing Skyrim while staring at your girlfriend's tits.
You guys shulld remove the helmet. They will sue you just like they did with Mojang.
Bethesda NEVER sued Mojang its owners did... aka zenimax or something like that
Don't worry guys, the helmet will not be available in the final game. That was just a joke :)
I read it as skyrimtitties