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So some of you might have heard of our mod Shogun, if you havent, here's an introduction for you: Shogun is a Battlefield 1942 Modification that aims to bring Feudal Japan into the mod scene. There are not many Feudal age mods and hopefully Shogun, like Seige, will bring something different to the table.

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So some of you might have heard of our mod Shogun, if you havent, here's an introduction for you:

Shogun is a Battlefield 1942 Modification that aims to bring Feudal Japan into the mod scene. There are not many Feudal age mods and hopefully Shogun, like Seige, will bring something different to the table.

Currently we have several ideas for classes:


The only two classes we have a "for sure" on is the Samurai and Ninja. Many of you might be thinking why we have a Ninja as an option for fighing on the open battlefield, our reasoning for this and our motto is "Fun over Realism". I like things to be somewhat realistic, but when realism interfers and makes the game too technical, it is no longer fun.

If you have any suggestion/comments, feel free to post them on our main page. You can also contact me at . I should be adding more screenshots soon so stay tuned

mangos - - 2 comments

man im going to play this when it comes out

i just hope its good

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EvilFish - - 94 comments

Isn't Shogun already the name of a medieval Japan game?

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