Hello and Welcome everyone today we will be making a brand new mod for mount & Blade Warband. so far it is just myelf and my friend working on the team so updates will be slow going unfortunately but have you ever wanted a full lord of the rings mod for warband to have the full experience that is what we are doing today. yes there is blood in the west and its a beautiful mod as well as the last days but devs have stopped T_T so wouldnt you like more of a variety of factions more the diversity and just all around more blood and killing well so do i so we decided to make Shadows of War. Stay tuned for more updates on the mod soon
Shadows of War
a new project for the mount & Blade Warband game we are looking for a few modders to join the team at the moment the most important would be a mapper if you think you have what it takes to help out let us know and send me a message all help welcome
Posted by CrimUndeadPaladin on
You guys should make a discord server
Ya i plan on making one shortly just life is busy until next week and ill probably make it then
There are plenty of LotR-mods out there, at least eight (8!) are still getting developed. Not sure if you know about them if you only list 'Blood in the West' (which can be in some way regarded as dead) and 'The Last Days' (still getting regulary updates after 11 years now). Look up the rest here:
Since you didn't publish anything new I consider your mod-idea already as dead, maybe you underestimated how much work it is^^