HaZardModding Coop Mod 609 for Star Trek Elite Force II
In this major release new a Multiplayer Fix among other Tools is included, new Menu Options, and a new Map.
The most noticeable changes are:
- A new Borg themed Coop level: coop_coreattack
- Mouse-Input-Method selection in Gameplay Options
- Render-Method selection in Video Menu to allow selection of r_primitives 0-3
- Settings Menu, showing now the Game Installation Path on the bottom screen
- Auto filtering on server for leading ^ / and \ in player console commands
- Fixed Friendly Fire Vote not working correctly
- Fixed game braking bugs on a few maps
The new level (coop_coreattack) has a Borg Invasion theme and originates from a project that was never finished. Barclay and you are up against invading Borg, can you keep cool and help Barclay to regain Computer Control of the Enterprise ?
Bugs fixed on Coop_bugs, ah yes, I did think about it and still name the level coop_bugs...
A few minor bugs where fixed and a few minor features where added, hopefully the level will be easier to play now. Remember your feedback helps!
Mission-breaking bug on Coop_HatoriaOutpost fixed. Sometimes bugs sneak them self in again after they have been fixed, this is such a bug. Players could not modulate the last Console and there for not activate the Landing-pad lights, this would get the mission stuck. Other features like the Holodeck, Replicators, Bathroom and re-spawning enemies where still working, so the fun factor on this level was barley scratched.
The game settings and controls menu was slightly modified to show the path at which the game is installed. This might help players to locate their game installation path in the future.
The new Mouse input selection in the gameoptions Settings Menu, gives you the option to select RAW-Mouse-Input, which can solve a number of issues from Mouse lag to a sticky mouse.
The new Renderer-Method selection option in the Video Settings Menu, will sure be one of the most famous new options in this release, as it can resolve issues that can come with more modern and powerful computers. For all those who would not know how to rename the EF2.exe to quake3.exe this will help you out big time. But keep in mind that renaming the EF2.exe to quake3.exe is still the better alternative.
Also the new collection of Tools should make it easier for everyone to find and join Internet Servers.
On September the 27th Unity One and we will have a Coop gaming event on the official HaZardModding Coop Server at 20h
Which is GMT+2 or CET (Central European Time)
Please download the new version and join us on the offical HZM Coop Server by using the Quick Connect button on the Multiplayer Server Screen, even if you do not have the Multiplayer Fix installed, this will work.
We would also like to hear your feedback!
Join us on Discord, for the event or to find other players and help
- Elite Force Series: Discord.gg
- HaZardModding: Discord.gg
- Unity One: Discord.gg