So I've decided that release of KRP will be at the end of January, hell or high water. The game is in a good place right now, it just doesn't have quite the content (levels) that I want it, so I'm going to be burning the midnight oil to get as many of those done by the end of December as possible, and use January to prepare the game for release on the various platforms (, Steam, etc.).
Since I don't want to silently release the game into the void, I'll be making updates every Friday with information on the game, what I've done that week, cool stuff that I had previously done but not shared, etc. So! Here are some gifs for you. Please be aware that the gif's are not the best quality and have some graphical artifacts which are definitely not in the game itself. Here are some gif's with the progress I've made in the last week or two.
One of the kickstarter rewards was to define a callout that the characters would make during gameplay. These won't happen anywhere near as often as they do in this image, but it adds a really nice bit of characterization into the game, and will enable me to tell a little bit more of the story through the characters and game-play rather than through static dialog systems.
Engineers can build ladders and bridges to span obstacles, which the player can somewhat anticipate and prepare for since it also takes time for them to build those structures. You can even knock down their ladders. But the Mountain Woman is a character that surpasses those limitations and really just DGAF.
Another Kickstarter rewards was to have an obituary on a gravestone in the game. I'm not entirely sure I'll get to making an actual graveyard themed level before I have to release, so I figured this was also a good way to fulfill that reward and show off what people had written (as well as some stuff I'll throw in myself for variety).
And finally, I got some new animations for the barricade trap, which slows units down. Up close it looks sort of magical - like magic is moving the papers - but at a distance I think it looks really good and provides some nice visual feedback for the player that the stacks of books are having some effect on units that walk by.
So as you can see there has been a lot of progress made. I'm up to nine main levels and two challenge levels more or less complete which just require some polishing, balancing, and tweaking. I hope to be at 15 by the end of the month, and 25-30 by the end of December, but we will see how things shake out! That's all the news for today. See you next Friday.