Post news Report RSS Realism Mod Video Demonstration

It's been a while since last update, so this update should help you determine what is the new release going to bring to BF2

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Youtube video:
Video contains MI-8 with S8 pods and SU-39 with S8 pods. You'll also see some destruction, new firing sound system among other things.

Non-video updates:
-Updated distant sounds
-Updated weapon sounds
-Changed brick walls into destructible brick walls
-Now most houses are destructible
-Destructible mosque (Mashtuur, Jalalabad)
-New firing sound system, which pretends to be BC2-like (you can hear a distant echo with each fired round-explanation at the bottom)
-New AK-74U Animations
-Updated engineer kit - now they have a parachute and are some kind of a paratrooper
-Added heli distant flying sound
-You can now hear aircrafts from a longer distance
-Updated aircraft distant sounds
-Added UMP-45
-Updated soldier ragdoll
-Updated several objects to be dynamic
-New music theme:
-Main menu : Alice in chains - Rooster
-US Win : Brygada Kryzys - Cosmopolis
-US Loose : Brygada Kryzys - Centrala
-MEC Win : Brygada Kryzys - Centrala
-MEC Loose : Brygada Kryzys - What to do to be true

Firing sound system explanation:
Each muzzleflash now creates one distant firing sound at its own position and a distant echo sound about 400 meters higher. Both sounds are created at the same time, but you can hear the echo sound with a little delay. It pretends sounds hitting objects and returning to you, just like real echo is created. I've tried that too, but with no luck. Hopefully you'll like this new system.

Planned release date : 13.08.2011

Post comment Comments
Cpt.Dann - - 6,959 comments

This was very impressive! Love it! My favorite part is the destructible building! Although I don't think a few shots from a small arms would pull a huge hole in a wall. ;)

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PapaEcoMyk - - 69 comments

The sounds are very cool . Cant wait

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Gamer_Goo321 - - 325 comments

Lolz at 1.58 mins into the video. Still impressive

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DewmBot - - 518 comments

I think you sould have more of an animation when you destroy the house (refering to the 0:25

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dodek96_pl Author
dodek96_pl - - 1,197 comments

Of course that was just a demonstration and it all will be fixed. 1:58 was destroyed so fast because it was already damaged with 2 SIMRAD shots. Some houses need two arty strikes or about 40 hydras to be destroyed (mosque takes about 80). I will make as much destroy-animations as I can without creating too much lag. I will also re-do most of weapon animations, especially reloads.

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aidas2 - - 3,816 comments

So where's the realism part?

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aidas2 - - 3,816 comments

Music looks out of place aswell.

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dodek96_pl Author
dodek96_pl - - 1,197 comments


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dodek96_pl Author
dodek96_pl - - 1,197 comments

It was said before, this is semi-realism mod. I have no skills to make a second Project Reality, and I have no war experience. Realism Mod is some kind of a work-name.

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aidas2 - - 3,816 comments

You could name it something like extended singleplayer mod or smth like that, it's plain bad right now.

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AJSB - - 175 comments

Well, it's not "worse" in that aspect than in BFBC2 or how it will be in BF3, trust me , i'm know of what i'm talking about ;)

There is a mod with a similar name IIRC...maybe Battlefield 2 Total Mayhem ? :D

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AJSB - - 175 comments

This is freaking amazing !!!
The things that you can do with a "old" engine are amazing !!! you put DICE to shame :))

Keep the good work !!! Can't wait for it's release !!! I prefer this to BF3 or BFBC2 any day !!! (one of the reasons is because i can play it offline with open world bots instead of fully scripted bots) !!!

Are these new/remade_stock_maps or stock maps ?!? Can't be stock maps , right ?!?

I'm still in shock...

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dodek96_pl Author
dodek96_pl - - 1,197 comments

Nice to hear some positive feedback :)
These are stock maps, but a little tweaked to suite RM's needs (for example, 64-sized, on maps where there are lots of air vehicles kits are changed to have parachutes, some maps have ESAI-which is going to be deleted as it stops bots from firing from distance longer that 1 meter...). Look at DEVILMAN's work, he created FULLY destructible enviroment for AIX mod, but it isn't released and he didn't tell us about releasing it. His work is really amazing and what I've done is a picnic compared to what he has done. Here's his youtube channel:

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AJSB - - 175 comments

Wow !!! That was freaking amazing !!! But your mod is better....because it's gonna be released :P :D

He won't release it EVER or he will but there is no time line to release it ? (English is not my natural language so i'm not sure if i got the correct meaning of what you said), any URL with more info about it ?

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AJSB - - 175 comments

Well after searched the net i found some forums where he talks about it and after watched the videos i really consider YOUR mod better...why ?!?

1-He implemented a system where threes and buildings...respawn !!! WTF !!!
He says because with full destruction the gameplay in some types of game will be ruined for defenders....i disagree (will explain later)

2-When a building is destroyed in he's mod, it's fully remaining debris and/or destroyed walls ( like in your mod) that can be used as system is better and more realistic.

As for games with full destruction would be very bad for defenders there are much better solutions than the one used by him....a combination of ruins left after building destroyed like you do and/or a very long time for vehicles to respawn (like 10 or even 20 minutes !) will automaticlly solve the issue.

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Devilman. - - 271 comments

Yes AJSB,my threes and buildings respawn in 60 to 120 seconds
If its fun destroying things once,wouldnt it be more fun to destroy them more than once
As for buildings leaving partial building wrecks once destroyed
I do have that,but BF2 only has 2 building wrecks available
If you want to model some building wrecks for me
I will use them

Everything has a reason

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AJSB - - 175 comments

Hello Devilman :)

We are hijacking this mod comments to discuss this, i'm not sure that it's okay doing so...anyway...

Sorry but i don't have the software (and practice with it) to model that stuff :(
Anyway, what i was talking is that when it goes down some of the buildings/structures didn't left anything up above 10cm...but i gonna check better the videos to try explain better...

As for destroy same thing more than once, yeah it's "fun" and "fun" is always important, after all, it's a game....but the main purpose of destruction is to give more "realism" and "immersion" as we play.

When i played online ETQW it was very frustrating as for "game immersion" and "realism" shooting with a tank against buildings and don't see them even scratched and even a wired fence could stop a MBT.
Having trees and buildings respawning destroys again the "immersion" and "realism" experience.

That's why i had the idea of longer vehicle with "heavy" weapons (as in: vehicles with anything above a .50 cal MG) respawn times to somehow avoid/limit total destruction of scenario and still maintain the possibility of any structure destruction (very frustrating in BFBC2 having houses that can be totally destroyed and others that don't get a single scratch no matter they don't even look that strong) without need for tree/structures respawning...

Longer vehicle respawning also increases "immersion" because it adds to the sense that vehicles are not "cheap" as popcorns and will make a team be more careful to use them (dunno how that will work with bots :) it possible to make bots more aware to protect the vehicle assets that they drive ? usually when bots are aware that vehicle in which they are is going down they get out ASAP...would it be possible that instead they drive them ASAP for cover and only ditch them in last resort ?)

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AJSB - - 175 comments

I also consider that fear of excess of destruction of the combat scenario is actually over rated an BFBC2 player with ~600hours under he's belt , i can tell you that indeed only in the begin we have that fever to destroy, destroy and destroy....soon we start to learn to appreciate to leave some/many structures as intact as possible to work as cover both in defence and attack roles...with bots that would be simple to do because AFAIK they are not "aware" of destruction factor...i.e. per se , they don't feel the desire to hit structures be it for fun or strategic value so any scenario destruction that they do is only by need_to_kill_player/missing_players , correct ?.

As for respawning , i guess that we could say, and somehow is correct, that vehicle and player respawn is also "irreal" but that's natural/acceptable to happen even from a "realism" POV (notice that i use "realism" and not realism)....

This is why i also like mods that force all player respawning only at bases captured or main base overriding the possibility of respawning at (squad) leader position....after all, these are supposed to be games representing modern or WW2 warfare and not "beam me up Scotty" "Star Trek" warfare :))

I also like what Merciless 1942 mod does in Battlefield 1942 with vehicles...and that could somehow compensate "excess" of scenario destruction and same time increase game "immersion" and "realism".

What they done is the following (possibly you know about it, i'm only discussing it for the ones that read this and don't know about it):

Instead of two basic states, (operational and destroyed) (heavy) vehicles have 3 states (actually they have partial destruction of tracks/engine or tower but that doesn't matter for this discussion):

1- Operational
2- "Destroyed" : Burning > stay in scenario
3- Destroyed : "Fully" > colapses > Respawn

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AJSB - - 175 comments

What happens is that when a vehicle reaches a certain damage it get's "destroyed" (i.e. total inoperational and if any crew inside, it's killed) and it's carcass starts to burn...BUT, it's carcass remains in the scenario ad infinitum (and not only stays in scenario but also stays burning ad infinitum) and vehicle actually can't respawn !!!

If "destroyed" vehicle" continues to be hit by AT weapons, it reaches a new level of damage and it finally colapses and is fully destroyed and respawns...

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dodek96_pl Author
dodek96_pl - - 1,197 comments

That's already in vanilla... except for staying long time. I made some vehicle wrecks stay longer, eg. 120 seconds and they can be destroyed by shooting at them. But keep in mind that there ARE limits in Refractor engine and lots of changes like that would cause a lag. The destroyable mosque creates four normal house destruction effects with wreck and four effects without the ruin. That causes a lag, even on quad-core 4GHZ CPU with 4 GB of RAM. So I guess that even more FPS-eating features would make the mod unable to play on slower machines. Luckily, I got my second, low-end computer to test. As for vehicle respawn, on some 64-sized maps like Gulf of Oman I turned the coop mode into s battle scenario that first requires you to play as infantry and then vehicles start to spawn. For APCs the spawn delay is 300 seconds=5 minutes, tanks and planes require you to wait 10 minutes to drive/fly them. Cars and small choppers spawn immediately. Of course the period of time you need to wait at start, applies to rest of mission, so after destroying the vehicle you have to wait another 10 minutes to drive it. Sadly the bots don't care about it and they don't "protect" them.

Nice forum :P

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AJSB - - 175 comments

Nice info !!!

...and yeah, that goes in the lines of what i think it's one of the solutions to avoid excess of destruction....but i have to discuss this a bit further...

In Merciless 1942 , when a vehicle is burning there is NO settled time period for respawn...if no one shoots it till it reaches "final and total destruction" state , it never respawns and it never disapears from scenario can stay burning for hours (as long as map lasts !!!) in combat scenario without respawning and be used as cover !!! when it reaches "total destruction" stage, it disappears at standard time and respawns at standard time !!! This is a mod for Battlefield 1942, supposed to play in low end PC by today standards ...i do believe that can be done in BF2 without lag issue...

If you want , i can do a small 10 minute video in YouTube to demo what i'm saying and what they done in M42 mod...a video demo will explain it better than my limited English...

The vehicle only needs one extra effect compared to standard BF42 so i believe that can be done without lag...i gonna make the video :D

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AJSB - - 175 comments

Oooops...i don't play Merciless 1942 for such a long long time that i was making some confusion :D

Yes, there is after all only one state of "destroyed"...

What happens is that before that, as MBT is getting more and more damage, the amount of smoke gets bigger, then, when it reaches almost total destruction, with tank "energy" almost at zero (or maybe even zero, it's NOT represented by a number but by a bar and it looks very very near zero), the tank can no longer be driven and turret rotates very slow (as if the electric engine that propels it is gone) but weapons still work...

If we get out of tank in this state we still can get in and out as much times we want and tank stays burning with flames in engine sector for as long as map lasts without self destruct and/or respawning as long no one hits it with AT weapons or tank cannons strong enough to it finally reach "total destruction" level...

Sometimes instead of engine destroyed and slow movement of turret, it's the turret that can no longer work at all when MBT is in this state of destruction w/o respawning....

Still, no matter it's not working like i said, it remains interesting because MBTs in this state are in a perpetual state of "respawn denial" witch can reduce "excess" of map scenario destruction.

Video later ;)

PS: The system that you have and described however, will work just fine, at least , that's my impression...hurry up with new version :D

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Devilman. - - 271 comments

AJSB Maybe you should continue this discussion here

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AJSB - - 175 comments

Yeah, i will do it :)

Have to do some things for now but i will later...

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AJSB - - 175 comments

This is great to be used in a mod with total scenario destruction without the use of destructible structures respawn because somehow it kinda limits total number of operational vehicles at any given time and it let's players/bots to use "destroyed" vehicles as cover witch somehow compensates any "excessive" scenario, if it was possible to do it in Battlefield 1942, i guess it's possible to do it in Battlefield 2 ;)

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AJSB - - 175 comments

As extra bonus, this adds to the "realism" and "immersion" factors :D

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Wafflessss - - 892 comments

This looks really nice :)

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