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8Bit Fiesta has finally been greenlit and will be available on Steam on release. Thank you all for voting yes! Here is our story of the greenlight process.

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After 60 days on Greenlight we finally got greenlit. So thank you all for voting yes! We will do our best to make this game as fun as possible and you will be able to get it on Steam on release. The early access is available here.

The road to Steam - The true story

Many developers are happily making their games and then submit them on Greenlight. The votes starts pouring in and you will be hitting that update button until your mouse breaks. This continues for a few days and everything is great.

But then your game leaves the first page of Greenlight and all of a sudden the visitor count drops from thousands to almost a zero. This happens to all games without pre marketing help. You then realize that it might not be that easy to get your game greenlit as you first thought.

Days and weeks go by and the lack of progress on Greenlight takes away your motivation to continue on the development of the game. You hope for a breakthrough but it never comes.

So what to do?

After realizing that we had to work hard if we wanted to get visitors back to your campaign we started working. And after a while the visitor count went up again and votes started to come in again. So here are a few tips on making it on greenlight.

  • Make a promotional video for your game.
  • Use images in the game description.
  • Make the Greenlight game icon a GIF (Movement attracts attention)
  • Create a page for your game on facebook.
  • Share the campaign on social media.
  • Use friends for marketing and sharing.
  • Be active on forums and other sites.
  • Update your progress on indiedb and on your greenlight page.
  • Promote your game to gaming sites.
  • Join bundles (This is the most effective way by far to get votes)

Our yes ratio was pretty high and almost 50% voted yes on 8Bit FIesta.

So as mentioned above the most effective way for us was to get 8Bit Fiesta bundled. Because if people get your game in a bundle they usually want it to be available on steam and hopefully vote for your game. So if you have a game in a bundle with thousands of buyers that is a huge boost for your campaign. Once our game was available as a bundle we got thousand of votes immediatly and almost all of them was yes votes.

So keep at it and don't give up just because it seems impossible to get your game greenlit. And remember that the greenlight campaign can take time so don't stop developing the game. Keep working on the game and don't think too much about getting greenlit. If you have confidence in your game you will get there.

Best of luck with your project!

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