Just to let you know, we are back on track after this whole moving to new forums thing. However, I'm going to change the way i update Moddb...

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Hello everyone!

Just to let you know, we are back on track after this whole moving to new forums thing.
However, I'm going to change the way i update Moddb. From now on i'll be writing media updates once or twice a month and at the end of every month i'll make a Q&A(Questions and Answers). Well, i might show you an image or two in the Q&As, too. We'll see.

So for September's Q&A go ahead give me your questions, and i'll answer them all together at the end of the month. Post them as comments of this news post. You have 5 days. Please try not to ask questions someone else has asked.

Thank you,

bikkebakke - - 421 comments

1. Who will we play as in the mod?

2. If we get a megaĆ¼ber level will we always be inferior to people like sauron, Gandalf etc (I assume they will be in the game).

3. How will you handle population? -One thing I don't like about vanilla oblivion is that you see a huge town but when you walk inside there are like 15 citizens, will it be the same or have you boosted population a bit so cities might actually feel big.

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bikkebakke - - 421 comments

4. How large will the moria mines be! AND will you have lots of hidden places throughout the world that might contain valuable treasures as well.

5. Will we be able to face sauron/insert_other_famous_guy >,> and if so, will we run from him/them as fast as we can (see 2.).

IIRC the story line will take place during the ringbearers quest.

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Trans-Fat - - 129 comments

how will magic be handled? in oblivion practicaly everyone can use it... but in tolkiens word it was reserved for very few people and there seems to be very few spells.
can i play a magic based character?
how will balancing be handled?
would dificulty possibly be handled by race? ie wizard -easy, human -normal, hobbit - EXTREME!!!

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Pyryp - - 52 comments

Playing as maiar would be a bit too easy. But then again I think they restricted their powers when they besame wizards...

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Nuvendil - - 924 comments

*forget I said anything* :P

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Kappp - - 59 comments

How will combat be?
Would look stupid at least to have an orc taking like 10 arrows to the chest like in vanilla oblivion.

When you start the game, will you have every city and village marked on your map?

When you travel around middle-earth, will you sometimes run into traveling groups of enemies or allies?

How strong will roleplaying elements be?

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Captain_Iglo Author
Captain_Iglo - - 742 comments

elements like?

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Kappp - - 59 comments

I mean how important will your level be? If you're lvl 2, will you be able to kill a goblin for an example? Will there be beasts walking around freely in some areas like in WoW-type games?

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M_26_7 - - 40 comments

From what I understand there will be relatively little use of leveled creature spawning in MERP.

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KaiserMacCleg - - 40 comments

Will there be a fast travel system in MERP? If so, how will it work?

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archkyrie - - 1,134 comments

I do believe they have already said no to this before.

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KaiserMacCleg - - 40 comments

Oops, my mistake. Thanks! :)

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Kappp - - 59 comments

Will there be mounted combat? I haven't played oblivion in a long time but I think it didn't have it..?

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romanius24 - - 287 comments

What can you tell about the campaign and the voicework(from the movies?)
Huge battles and quests that are not related to the main story.
A EASTER EGG REQUEST: can you put giant eagles flying in some parts of the world(1 above Rivendell,Minas,Helms,etc...important locations).

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Captain_Iglo Author
Captain_Iglo - - 742 comments

"What can you tell about the campaign and the voicework(from the movies?)
Huge battles and quests that are not related to the main story."

What do you mean?

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IAspYrI - - 315 comments

Why do the character models look like the movie stars? Please don't tell me you basing this off of the Peter Jackson films.

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Nuvendil - - 924 comments

There really aren't many option's for vissual refrences for the people that are lore accurate (and don't EVEN suggest the illustrator John Howe or any of the others; they're less lore accurate than the films(except for Alan Lee but he didn't do illustrations for the LOTR)).

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Tonarion - - 402 comments

1. Will there be different starting areas? i hope so because its strange when for example both hobbit and men would start in the same area/dungeon

2. are the distances "realistic"? i know you cannot make a huge huge world map of course but i wouldnt like it if i would get from edoras to minas tirith within one ingame day on horseback.

3. how many quests have you planned to put into the mod? will there be one or two people in every village who need help or just some in larger cities?

4. do you change the leveling system from vanilla oblivion into something else (like Nehrim for example)?? I personally never liked vanilla oblivions levelsystem :D

that was all of them, for now :D


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M_26_7 - - 40 comments

1: For the main quest you will start in an appropriate location for your chosen character. For the "sandbox" mode you'll start in a location appropriate for your race (Edoras for someone from Rohan, Minas Tirith for Gondorian, etc) iirc.

2: The beta files available for download contain a finished world map. Download it, follow the instructions and see for yourself. It's quite enormous.

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archkyrie - - 1,134 comments

"2. If we get a megaĆ¼ber level will we always be inferior to people like sauron, Gandalf etc (I assume they will be in the game)."

^what he said.

Will gameplay continue on after the ring bearers quest is over? I know I heard we'll be playing at the same time, but can we play PAST the war of the ring? and will the world change much?

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snakeEYEZ - - 33 comments

1 WILL THERE BE BIG BATTLES that is something obliv has lacked OMG I BEAT THE GAME I HAVE KILLED ABOUT 2 BOSSES MABEY 10 BAD GUYS OMG WHAT A FUN GAME plz plz plzzzzzzzzzz make more ai if not i think this will be gay combat wize othet than that good job so far looks good

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bikkebakke - - 421 comments

problem with the engine oblivion have is that you cannot have a huge amount of characters available at once... heavy... fps dddddrrrrooppppsss

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