Post news RSS New Weapons Addon for Project Remaster and MP

As a thanksgiving gift we present you new weapons to use ingame! This includes the Vostok carbine, Koenig LMG, new Shotgun, Ares Magnum and 357 Magnum, Bofors and Zeller to use! Also we will speak about some news regarding Remaster and MP.

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This is a late thanksgiving update with a little present attached!

This page will cover Project Remaster and Project Remaster MP as well.
We want to provide some information about whats going on, where we are and where to go.

But presents first!

New Weapons

Get them here!

We release an Add-On for you, giving you new weapons for EU/PAC, pistol now on assault class too:

Weapon changes

*Voss is there to complete the style of the sheet.

Here is a playlist of videos showing all the weapons off, 7 animations to be looked at!:

Information about new Weapons-Addon:
THIS REQUIRES UPDATE 1.1 FOR Project Remaster | UPDATE 1.1 FOR Project Remaster MP!
The weapons release comes as a single .zip for Project Remaster and Project Remaster MP as well.
Just drop the content of the "Project Remaster" folder into your
/mods/Project_Remaster/ mods-folder and over write.
Same goes for "Project Remaster MP" in its /mods/Project_Remaster_MP/ or what they are called for you.
Inside those folders you will find a weapons_switcher.bat .
Start it and choose your weapon-kit to use.
This application can switch you back and forth between the weapon releases (vanilla and new weapons).
In addition to that you still can change the Recon grenadetype for Project Remaster MP.



-Project Remaster-
Currently we are investigating bugs regarding crashes on Northern Strike maps, the Goliath and the Walkers.
We work on update 1.2 with its goal being a even more stable game.
Currently the game will crash if you play a map rotation for to long because the game has a memory limit.
There are workarounds that we will cover in the next update. BTW, did you already download Update 1.1?
It fixes mandatory crashes with bots and vehicles!

Then we do work on the balacing of the weapons, suggestions for the new ones can be writting into the comments or on our Discord! We have thoughts about sprint, armor and running speed as well.
Also the weapons are fixed to the armies as they are right now.
We want every army to have their own skinned weapons. Read below the the multiplayer part for more.

-Project Remaster MP-
This is a fork from the Project Remaster Mod with the aim to make it playable in multiplayer.
It follows the same release as Project Remaster does, so everything above is included in this mod.
The guys behind this project have a Guide how to create a MasterServer for yourself and ported Project Remaster MP into it.
So now you can play Project Remaster with vanilla unlocks an kits in your LAN or on your own public server.
Next to it, they modify and balance weapons and stats as well, making it a better multiplayer experience against real people.
Then they do support the masterserver codes that are capable of running other mods too!
Their next big thing is a virtual machine that you can download, start and then have a working MasterServer to play immediatly on!

Support is over on their forum and on the Project Remaster Discord you all know.

Regarding the new weapons, we also think that the armies should have their own weapons as an unlock.
So right now when you unlock the GANZ HMG you will get this weapon for EU support, while you also unlock the Koenig LMG for the PAC support at the same time.
Same goes for recon's carbine: If you unlock the Lambert, you also unlock the Vostok, Lambert being exclusively for EU and Vostok for PAC. Supports shotgun works the same, its only a skin change afterall ;)

However this does not apply for assault class, since we have 5 rifles (EU,Pac,BauR,Voss,Bofors) at the moment and we try to get all into the kits customization screen. Same for the Zeller and the misslelaunchers.
We think about making the new magnum pistols a seperate unlock, so you can decide if you want the army's standart pistol or the magnum version of it (Ares=EU,357=PAC), but this is still in the works.

Whats next?
We will continue to update, upgrade and balance every aspect of the game.
But for that to work we need feedback from you guys. Every idea, every missing texture, a bad feature that we integrated... everyting we do can be commentated or made better, but you must tell us!

So thats it for today, see you on the field!

DewmBot - - 518 comments

Options 3 and 4 on that CMD screenshot are the same. Heehee.

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Phantomeis Author
Phantomeis - - 61 comments

that happens when i create screenshots before actually finishing the scripts :D

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Anthony817 - - 2,779 comments

Great update guys keep it up!

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Guest - - 705,622 comments

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