Post news RSS Operation Nublar: 1.3 Announcement

Though no release date has yet been settled on, a new version of Operation Nublar is in development.

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Hello; I am here to announce that Operation Nublar, the mod focusing on the pre-Jurassic Park III and Jurassic World world, is still in development; production is not going particularly fast (a JP3-themed Operation Sorna is in very early production), but there has been progress, and I do have a small amount of information to share regarding what will be in the next release.

Dinosaur revisions

Though not every single dinosaur is going to be getting an upgrade in this version, the big hook of this update is that a few of the dinosaurs I'm not happy with in the previous and current releases; as well as a few that some of you have expressed dislike towards; have been revised.

I have plans to change more than what is shown below, and the below models and skins are prone to alteration, but these are the dinosaurs that have been changed so far:

Opnub v1.3 teaser

To add to this, a number of the dinosaurs will have new sounds; most of the movie dinosaurs that have not already been resounded will have their film voices back, and some of the new dinosaurs will have their own sounds as well (e.g. the Suchomimus and Pachyrhinosaurus).

Smaller changes

  • A small change that a few have requested I implement; players should be able to build more amenities, attractions and dinosaur feeders!
  • Though no dinosaurs will be moved from one dig site to another (as to not risk messing up save files), new dig sites have been added to suit some of the dinosaurs in the mod; e.g. the Suchomimus and Lurdusaurus can be found in a new Elrhaz Formation, and the Metriacanthosaurus and Callovosaurus can be found in the Oxford Clay. An addon removing some of the dinosaurs from their respective dig sites will be added for realism.

That's about it for this announcement; though I have no set release date for v1.3, I hope that I will be able to release it soon; in the mean time, keep building, and make sure your T. rex is housed in a secure enclosure.

ArielKruger - - 650 comments

Nice, but you should redo pachyrino skin.
Carno is the most awesome

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DaRussianRex - - 4 comments

Just wondering, if I use the current version and then update with the new version when it releases, will my dinos/saves be lost?

By the way, keep up the great work, that Allo is the best from any mod so far :)

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NanoLancensis Author
NanoLancensis - - 64 comments

You shouldn't lose your saves, or any of the dinosaurs in them; I didn't see any reports of saves being lost come the last update, and, when v1.2 was released, a friend of mine said that his save ran just fine when he updated.

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NanoLancensis Author
NanoLancensis - - 64 comments

Issues regarding not being able to unlock any more than 10 dig sites in the game with the extra dig sites, even with the "maxchosen" number in fslhunt.ini being set to 12, has forced me to remove the extra dig sites.

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angelcgw715 - - 1 comments

You know it would be great if you created a Baryonyx with the design of the new movie as detailed as the Carnotaurus

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NanoLancensis Author
NanoLancensis - - 64 comments

I have chosen to stick with the website design that was used in promotion for Jurassic World; this is because I really hate the Fallen Kingdom design from an aesthetic standpoint.

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Guest - - 705,719 comments

Ok, and still has no release date?

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NanoLancensis Author
NanoLancensis - - 64 comments

Unfortunately, I still haven't settled on a release date (procrastination hasn't heloped). I'm hoping to get this out by the end of the year, but I'm afraid I can't make any promises.

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Guest - - 705,719 comments

This mos has no capacity to add new structures?

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NanoLancensis Author
NanoLancensis - - 64 comments

Though no new structures are going to be in the version that will be released on Christmas, adding buildings from the movies is on my checklist for the final release.

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Guest - - 705,719 comments

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