Greetings everyone.
If this is the first time you visit this page, you won't notice anything different, but if you are a fellow OpenMW fan who has been with us for some time you'll notice this page has had some major clean-up. Somehow we managed to mistakenly make two pages for our OpenMW project, one with the label of being a game and one with the label of being an engine. I guess we just wanted OpenMW to be as popular as possible so we started making more pages than necessary. This caused some confusion though, especially because some of our updates came online under the game tag, and some under the egine tag. So for all people out there still thinking OpenMW is a mod for Morrowind, we're sorry we have been misleading you to thinking that, but there is no place for disappointment, because OpenMW is much more than that, it's a new engine! And with this engine (and custom editor) will come an example suite to show what this engine is capable of, and that's what this page is going to be all about from now on.
I'll be following up with more news about the development progress, any help we might use and much more. Be aware that the development of the Example Suite is in it's very early stage and there won't be much to show for soon.
even more than i was already expecting very cool!