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List of Old Terra kingdoms before the Reign of Emperor and before Imperium and even before Great Crusade

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I believe that the universe Warhammer 40k more like Warhammer FB because of too strong similarities in the plots. There are no real religions in the world of 40k (no Christians, no Buddists, islamic and etc.). Many states (countries) in the world of 40k on Saint Terra resemble the countries from the world of FB. I have read many books on the Warhammer 40k and FB and i make a list of Terra countries and realms before the reign of Emperor (States of Old Earth). I think the world of 40k is not our real future. Its otherworld.

Realms of the Old Earth

Alba (I think it is prototype of Scotland)
Tali (like a Tilea in FB)
Indonesic (prototype of Indonesia)
Suma-Turan (its more identical with Turan from Conan universe)
Ursh (maybe its prototype north countries like Sweden, Norway and etc.)
Panpacific (prototype of Polinesia)
Frank (prototype of France)
Hy Brasil (Avalon in ireland mythology)
Athalantys (i think it is the legendary Atlantis)
Baktria (Belujistan)
Hyptus (its the prototype of Egypt)
Ney Moggol (prototype of North Eurasia)
Romana (prototype of Romania or Roman Empire)
Bukurezda (prototype of Serbia or Hungary)
Maskowi (Russia!)
Nordafrik (Nord Afric or Northland)

Yours faithfully Alexander

moddlord1 - - 11,188 comments


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BagaturKhan Author
BagaturKhan - - 8,010 comments

great thanks pal ;)

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