Post news RSS Official Mod Update #4 Brief

Can you believe it? We're already up to our fourth Battlefield 2: Australian Forces community updates. We should really rename these things "The Beex Community Update"; given that he seems to be doing the bulk of the content... he's a mod-making machine! All-Terrain Vehicle (modelled

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Can you believe it? We're already up to our fourth Battlefield 2: Australian Forces community updates. We should really rename these things "The Beex Community Update"; given that he seems to be doing the bulk of the content... he's a mod-making machine!

All-Terrain Vehicle (modelled and textured by BEEX)

Australian 6x6 ATV 4x4 ATV's

ASLAV-AD (modelled and textured by BEEX)


This is only a brief version what is contained in the fourth community update, the entire news item can be found here.

SpaceCowboy - - 21 comments

Hate to say it, considering that's a lovely model, but there is no air defence varient of the ASLAV.

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arkanis50 Author
arkanis50 - - 9 comments

If you read the full news article:

ASLAV-AD (modelled and textured by BEEX)
The Australian Light Armoured vehicle (ASLAV) is a highly mobile, amphibious eight wheeled armoured vehicle that is ideally suited to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance operations. The ASLAV-AD (Air Defense) is a fictional anti-aircraft variant based on the LAV-AD. Given that the Australian Army does not have a standard anti-aircraft vehicle, this was the most logical choice for the mod.

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SpaceCowboy - - 21 comments

My bad :|

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RogerRamjet - - 1,564 comments

Excellent, great to see another Aussie making quality mods.... keep up the superb work mate....

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arkanis50 Author
arkanis50 - - 9 comments

Can't take any credit for the content in the news post.

The entire mod team are made up of locals:


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