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Hello one and all! This mod isn't dead by a long shot. There has been no updates as things are going alittle mad at the moment. I'm in the middle of changing jobs, I'll also be loosing the net as I'm also in the middle of moving house. A new programmer has recently emailed me asking

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Hello one and all!

This mod isn't dead by a long shot. There has been no updates as things are going alittle mad at the moment. I'm in the middle of changing jobs, I'll also be loosing the net as I'm also in the middle of moving house. A new programmer has recently emailed me asking to help which is great so things are still much alive. To be honest mapping is all thats really left to do but its a job I really hate doing as I'm quite slow at it and don't really enjoy it anymore to be honest.

I have also been working on a commercial title using the Torque engine aswell which is in full swing - another reason why things have slowed down. The game is yet again a zombie game....Hell I'm a fan ok! But this is in the style of the old UFO/X-com games with base managment and tactical missions.

Heres some screenshot tests anyway - Nothing here is final.

Should be a blast.

I will be getting back into mapping and will be releasing something soon I hope

But cheers for your patients I don't deserve it.


Double_Blade - - 71 comments

Nice... We thought you were dead long time ago... Sorry for my naysaying though..

Congrats birritan!

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Wishiwascool - - 56 comments

you definitely deserve the can keep you from something you dont get payed for, its understandable...keep on keepin on man, this mod will rock :)

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