Post news RSS News Update - The 28th of January, 2014

Hello, welcome back to the seventy-one members that have been watching the mod thus far, and to every else who has a new-found interest for the third (If you're pedantic, fair enough, the fourth.) News Update for the Vaygr Expansion Mod for Homeworld 2!

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First, I'd like to apologize for our lack of content over the Christmas Holidays, but I'm sure that you all can appreciate the fact that we were busy with our families and friends at the time. Heck, I myself met this amazing woman at a New Year's party, and I can tell you now that she's been keeping me extremely busy! ;)

However, the holidays are over, and we are all now sliding back into our work for the mod. Although I have nothing to show you from the artistic department, I do have this, an extract from the script which I have decided to share with you all!

Extract begins//:

Cinematic 1 - Introduction

"In, our, First Time... We were a mighty people, a race of warriors, battling over our homeworld to compete for domination."

Similar to the intro sequences in the original game that depict the battles during the Kiith Wars. A Vaygr flag can clearly be seen.

"However, in our blindness, we destroyed the very world that we fought to control. Our Homeworld of Vay, fractured, it's location... Lost, to the Sands of Time."

Similar to the fourth, and a segment of the fifth, cinematic in the original Homeworld.

"However, we as a people, were not made extinct. Mighty fleets, known as 'Crusades', were formed. Travelling only on sublight drives, they swept through what is now known as the Vaygr Reaches, conquering and enslaving the worlds in their wake. Four thousand years have passed and the Vaygr are now a significant force in the galaxy, and with this, the greatest threat that the Council has ever faced."

Similar to the Khar-Toba cutscene during Homeworld's 'Tenhauser Gate' mission.

"One such Warlord, Makaan, is awaiting the completion of his Flagship at Vanig, one of the many great Strongholds of the Vaygr Warlords, deep within their territories."

The Flagship inside the dock, incomplete, with collectors carrying containers, carrying girders, working on the ship, etc.

*After a change in the sequence to Makaan's Personal Carrier on approach* *

"This is the prequel to the End Times."

*The scene 'fades' out of the cinematic and into ingame*

://Extract ends

I hope that you all enjoyed that little snippet, as now I offer you another wall of text, the completed ship roster for Kane's Vaygr in multiplayer:

Super-Capital Class:
- Flagship
- Shipyard

Utility Class:
- Resource Collector
- Mobile Refinery
- Listening Post
- Probe
- Proximity Sensor
- Sensor Distortion Probe

Platform Class:
- Assault Platform
- Missile Platform
- Hyperspace Inhibitor Platform
- Hyperspace Gate

Capital Class:
- Carrier
- Destroyer
- Battlecruiser

Frigate Class:
- Assault Frigate
- Missile Frigate
- Infiltrator Frigate

Corvette Class:
- Missile Corvette
- Laser Corvette
- Command Corvette

Fighter Class:
- Scout
- Interceptor
- Bomber

(This list is still up for revision and change. It is not final.)

Thank you all for supporting us so far! It really means a lot!

Douglas 'Forloftol' Bacon, Project Lead

Captain_Pritus - - 79 comments

Amazing... i love it. keep up the good work!

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-Rakieta-PL - - 487 comments

Interesting, nicxe concept. But:

"(...)we destroyed the >very< world that we fought to control.(...)"

very world?! can't understand this.

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Forloftol Author
Forloftol - - 516 comments

Is English your first language? Because, if that isn't the case, I can understand why it might be confusing.

And, as a matter of fact, I can't actually think of a way to define it. xD

Just cut out the word very and the meaning is still there. :)

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TOOTHPIK - - 31 comments

Adding "very" in that spot in the sentence is a way to convey the irony in the situation its describing. I'm also not sure how to explain why that is the case, it's just always been that way! Probably something William Shakespeare came up with :)

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Forloftol Author
Forloftol - - 516 comments

There we go! :D

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BlazingAngelz - - 437 comments


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Atabeg - - 46 comments


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