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We will come with new mods and new content, also restoring some of the old content as well.

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The mods of BW

Herr Doctor weapon pack

Here is the new flashbang made by the Crazy Froggers Team

Updates from the LDG Ballistic Balance pack

For the Crazy Froggers pack there will be new features like the far cry 2 / Crysis pickup styleFor now just a promotion screen

Reactorcore - - 646 comments

Neat, I'm always up for more BW content.

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Guest - - 706,807 comments

Is there any more news on what is happening with ballistic V10 pack?

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Blade_Sword Author
Blade_Sword - - 630 comments

Second what I know sergeant kelly paused it and halted its development. He plans someday on a release, but I don't know when.

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phobosvoid - - 162 comments

yeah we are now in 2017 and nothing about this pack,so RIP? or what? its taking too ******* long to release new weapons and stuff in BW,hope they still active or at least pretend to return.

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KleskDragon - - 7 comments

I'm absolutely in the dark. If you google "sergeant kelly runestorm" the first link says something about "suspended". I don't know what that means, but it sounds like some third party has put a stop to BW. If anyone could clarify this to me, please go ahead, cos I'm kinda lost...

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Guest - - 706,807 comments

There was a dispute between kelly and another developer about the naming of SKBP/BWBP and development was suspended. It is fine now, but kelly has but development of SKBP on the back burner because of life causing trouble. Development has pretty much ended. The last release of SKBP was likely v10.

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Blade_Sword Author
Blade_Sword - - 630 comments

Actually the naming thing was a bit because for him sgt kelly wanted to grab the whole merit of the weapon pack. But I believe there was more than this than just a name change. Now they just won't work again together in any way. SGT kelly pack might see a release someday, but it won't have much updates aside of stuff that were in the betas.
But one thing I can tell is that some of the model creators will put their stuff in other packs; so in other words and from my own side at the very least people will see weapons made by the modelers being released in other weapon packs.

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KleskDragon - - 7 comments

I'm a bit late with my reply, but thanks for the enlightenment. Also, that kinda really sucks.

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Sgt.Kelly - - 113 comments

Let me clear some things up here. First, how about you don't twist and pervert the facts? The guest had it correct.

The name was never intended to 'steal merit', and I made sure everyone was credited in multiple areas. (The front page here, the images here, the main forum thread, the readme, etc.) Except for one member, nobody really cared about the name, and that whole situation has since been resolved.

During that whole fiasco though, the mod was reported for copyright infringement and you used that opportunity to take control of this mod page. As a direct result, the mod can no longer be uploaded to ModDB. The beta has already released on Runestorm, and the full mod is already available (in modified versions) on the LDG and ABA servers.

Development on the mod has indeed been suspended due to the aforementioned issues and my lack of free time due to a full time job and university duties.

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Saladofstones - - 264 comments

Really sorry to hear about the chain of events.

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