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New features including cut planes for blood drip from sword strikes, softer blood splat lighting, blood is shadowed properly by environment, blood drips can collide with character hulls, convex hull shapes for character collision, smoother transition into ragdoll, sine wave modulation for flail strength, initial climb animation, low thrust punch and haymaker variations

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Here is the latest in our new weekly Overgrowth alpha format! David himself took some time to illustrate the traditional changelog in video form.

Don't forget that you can help support us, try out our weekly alphas (such as the one in the video), and chat with other preorderers in the Secret Preorder Forum by preordering Overgrowth.

Be sure to watch it in HD!

The features highlighted in the above video are as follows (among some extra ones thrown in for good measure):

- Cut planes for blood drip from sword strikes
- Softer blood splat lighting
- Blood is shadowed properly by environment
- Blood drips can collide with character hulls
- Convex hull shapes for character collision
- Smoother transition into ragdoll
- Sine wave modulation for flail strength
- Don't auto-wake if falling above a speed threshold
- Initial climb animation
- Low thrust punch and haymaker variations

Thanks as always for all the support! See you guys in IRC and the forums.

Also, feel free to support us by preordering Overgrowth!

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Post comment Comments
Hell_Diguner - - 3,646 comments

1:36 I half expected his head to fly off

Cut planes are yet another interesting solution of yours, and the animations and transitions keep looking better and better every video. Blood still seems excessive, but I realize that's largely for testing purposes.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Parker: - - 212 comments

I don't think that blood is excessive, for reality, I don't think so, but for a game, some would don't like ... some would like ... I think, for me, that blood should be choose from a parameter, like in some game, "No" "Low" "High" Like that, everyone should be happy :)

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Paxton - - 394 comments

I would prefer the settings "Minimal," "Realistic" and "Extreme", myself.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
xhunterko - - 41 comments

I'm the queezy type that prefers no blood at all.

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deathparadeNL - - 2,061 comments


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Spr09 - - 102 comments

blood should have some transparency to it! that way you can have lots of blood but make it look like it stains clothes. just like in real life!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
scottellison92 - - 492 comments


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Siccity - - 115 comments

Will you implement disemberment?
I'd like to see half a rabbit some day!

And i love the blood effects, very shiny red ^^

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
kazumo - - 1,174 comments

Hell yeah, great job.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Kokumotsu - - 528 comments


OMG this game is looking better and better! if only to play it wasnt 30 dollars for preordering, basically your paying for a game in development. which is wierd

Reply Good karma Bad karma-11 votes
DzjengisKhan - - 44 comments

naah, youre more like paying for an editor and source code to create your own game / addon / mod, as an extra bonus you get a free game when it's finished.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
MarcusM - - 158 comments

Source code?
Overgrowth isn't open source yet.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
MarcusM - - 158 comments

Why is that weird?
You support the game while being able to test and experience how games are being made.
You must remember this is an indie game, so preorders might be their only income at the moment.*

* Don't hang me up on that though.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
theM3nace - - 331 comments

What the... Are you taking the **** on us or something? How else do you expect indie game devs to get money rolling in? What is this I don't even...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Theon - - 712 comments


I love you Wolfire, but THE ****!?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-11 votes
Theon - - 712 comments


Why am I getting downvoted for this?
Don't you guys find it strange??

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
jeffr Author
jeffr - - 383 comments

They are posted here the same time as they are posted on YouTube... Perhaps the YouTube subscription mechanism is slow?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Raffle - - 74 comments

Trackin' this baby

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Lt_Veron - - 209 comments


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Hayst - - 250 comments

bloody hell! that looks cool

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SIGILL - - 1,156 comments

The climbing made me think of Assassin's Creed, which I'm currently playing. Assassin's Rabbit!

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kazarr - - 253 comments

Sweet blood effects. Getting very realistic here. Now all it needs is open wounds, dismemberment, decapitations, disembowelment and so on! :D
And yes, I'm just saying this to annoy the people who can't stand blood. :p
Seriously though, great work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guessmyname - - 179 comments

The only thing I can say about the blood is that it seems to run really fast. Like, you make a hit and he's suddenly covered in streams. It's a pity; it makes it look more like a decal rather than anything procedural.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AzureCrow - - 33 comments

loving this indie, and those are actually the most best blood effects i have ever seen lol and btw will you guys add some more buildings and trees, roads, civilization and variety in maps later on or will it stay really sub-urb, empty desert like feel?

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mrgriggs - - 82 comments

You almost got my money with the latest video, you have my faith before the game is even near complete.

Well done!

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Dr.Worm - - 181 comments

I want to make sweet sweet love to you, and have your programming god like babys.

Don't judge me!

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Shaemon - - 226 comments

im sorry but this level of badassery is bringing a tear to my eye...

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FJS - - 839 comments

Looks awsome..

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Sph!nx - - 722 comments

Nice. You guys always impress me with your creative approaches to the technical bits. Keep it up!

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captain_deathbeard - - 266 comments

Absolutely awesome. How do you check every single triangle against a plane without causing a performance spike?

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daneco - - 72 comments

you should release a list of the controls. I never know where to press to do most of the cool stuff!

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BlackJacketGames - - 23 comments

The blood is epic!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Dra6o0n - - 534 comments

Advanced Parkour and Climbing FTW! It would be awesome if wolfire goes beyond Assassin's Creed's climbing system and made something awesome!

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