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New features including dog broadsword and bastard sword attacks and animations (with placeholder blood), material definitions for all alpha terrains, sharpness maps for all weapons, weapon stance animation layers, and more!

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Here is the latest in our new weekly Overgrowth alpha format! David himself took some time to illustrate the traditional changelog in video form.

Don't forget that you can help support us, try out our weekly alphas (such as the one in the video), and chat with other preorderers in the Secret Preorder Forum by preordering Overgrowth.

Be sure to watch it in HD!

The features highlighted in the above video are as follows (among some extra ones thrown in for good measure):

- Added dog broadsword and bastard sword stances
- Added dog broadsword attacks
- Added material definitions to all alpha terrains
- Added sharpness maps for all weapons
- Fixed deployment problem with weapon sticking
- Added weapon stance animation layers
- Weapons can extend attack range
- Placeholder cut sounds and blood splatter effect
- Weapon flares only occur when weapon or camera are moving
- Added Macuahuitl weapons to spawner

Thanks as always for all the support! See you guys in IRC and the forums.

Also, feel free to support us by preordering Overgrowth!

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Post comment Comments
oWn4g3 - - 174 comments

Epic rabbit slayer of doom :D

Those fights look damn promising already, time for me to load a new alpha version after I missed many.

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AlekZanDer - - 2,695 comments

Oh, It can get better... when bodies with missing parts start falling on the ground.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Jokerme - - 1,170 comments

I don't think that's really necessary.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
GetSpookd - - 341 comments

It is.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
CMDKeen - - 647 comments

It is... NOT.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
marksman52 - - 393 comments

C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker! and it IS

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
newbie2356 - - 140 comments

nothing is necessary, but we don't play games out of necessity do we, so add in the arms falling off... and still be able to fight of course, because that's just awesome.

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Rikachu - - 164 comments

I don't agree with that.

Am I the only who who thinks it's completely silly to see a sword cut through flesh and bone cleanly? It would be more impressive and believable if the sword went far enough until it was "stuck" in the flesh. Then the attacker would pull it out and be ready for the next foe. This could lead to some interesting combat scenarios but I'm not sure how easy it would be add that.

I'm not a sword person, I never held one, but I'm pretty sure most swords aren't light sabers.

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BluishGreenPro - - 534 comments

It really depends on the sword, and I agree with you.
A Katana SHOULD slice through flesh and bone with ease (and other swords of that caliber) while other swords should get "stuck" in flesh as you described.

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SnakeTheFox - - 382 comments

>Am I the only who who thinks it's completely silly to see a sword cut through flesh and bone cleanly?

We're talking about a game with anthropomorphic rabbits jumping 30 feet through the air and chopping people upon landing. This isn't Mount&Blade, get out of here with that "in reality" garbage.

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Rikachu - - 164 comments

What the hell man? Apparently, I can't express my opinion anymore without getting insulted.

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Neomonkeus - - 98 comments

I agree with you there. There is constructive criticism and then there is just argumentativeness. It should be pretty easy to implement a data set for the character model which depending on the sharpness of the weapon would penetrate the model. This has already been implemented for the other objects in the game like the ground and tree. I would say it is probably in the works maybe a custom version for limb severance or penetration else just needs tweaking based on the sharpness of the weapon.

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Atheas - - 4 comments

it is necesarry and its not... create a turn on/off option and everybody is happy!

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Paxton - - 394 comments

The huge amount of work you guys put into this is really apparent.
It's gonna be so good. So. Good.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
Kokumotsu - - 528 comments

i wish that the alpha was free and had an option to preorder to get the really good updates

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DKR1138 - - 25 comments

It really doesn't cost much to pre-order the game.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
Halfmoon - - 113 comments

This is practically their job.

So no.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Trans-Fat - - 129 comments

dismemberment mod?

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Captain-Arse - - 467 comments

None Dice. :)

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Anonymousperson - - 189 comments

I don't know why but I find the various weapons falling and sticking into the ground all at the same time oddly hilarious.

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DKR1138 - - 25 comments

haha yeah, it was like... here, weapons *shtick, tick tick tick* and some more *Shtick, tick tick tick*

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Daystranger - - 327 comments

Only one minor cosmetic thing:
Shadows from player, weapons and terrain are overlapping each other.
They should blend together.

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Theon - - 712 comments

It seems it's about time to download the next alpha!
Man, I'm so hyped :D

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bopence - - 12 comments

All it needs now is a dismemberment mod/addon/option for all the more fun! :)
Or even a sneaky console command like star wars jedi knight 2.

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janpec - - 211 comments

This is the most realistic sword fighting and smashing i have ever seen in 3d game.

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Argoon - - 1,085 comments

Them you never played Severance Blade of Darkness, theres no game to date, even Overgrowth (from this video) that comes close to the sword fighting and gore of BOD, the only game that was coming really close was Elveon but that game is dead now.

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Jedi Academy. Light Sabers, but really, swords. Had the best sword combat I've played in anything so far.

Seeing this video, looks nice, but nothing revolutionary.

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Guessmyname - - 179 comments

Field of blades time :D

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WatchMaker - - 70 comments

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: This is a fantastic effort that represents the passion every indie team should strive to demonstrate with their work. This game has the potential to be something incredible.

And it's a damn shame I'm not able to appreciate it because of anthropomorphic animals.

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Octimus - - 222 comments

one word epic.

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BluishGreenPro - - 534 comments

Amazing! If you get the blood system in there, and add dismemberment this will be the most accurate fighting system I'll have ever seen in a video game!

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marksman52 - - 393 comments

I think it'd be cool if like when you went rag doll your weapons could kill you

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Ubris - - 147 comments

The blood seems too unatural and don't fit with the rest I think :/

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

They said it was a place holder.

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Arcones - - 5,546 comments

I just gotta say... that's a HUGE sword! :D

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Atlasfield - - 1,133 comments

Mmmm... I was wondered if will like Lugaru when you are fighting with a rabbit with sword exist the oportunity of theft the weapon or evade the attacks... well, thinking in you dont have weapons will move more faster than carry a big weapon but exist always the risks of die in the try.

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xhunterko - - 41 comments

Watches. Tries to hold down dinner. Succeeds....Watches twice more. Am I being morbid?

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MegaTruffle - - 11 comments

Time to overrun my budget! (and already did it in a hyper speed

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