Post news RSS New Member! & Wood Cutting Mechanics Video inside

Hello and welcome again! We have a new update for survivor first of all we have a new Very talented GFX Artist And we have a video showing the wood cutting mechanics!

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Hey guys, It's me Alvaro and we have another new update for SURVIVOR! First of all, we have yet another develeoper. Please welcome Shrike GFX!

He is our new graphics artist and with his awesome skills he will be making textures and general graphics. Thanks Shrike for joining us we hope you enjoy your stay on the team! Except more enjoyable media for Both Survivor and later Rising Soul games. We also started remaking our Indie DB Site and Logo as you can see!

The wood cutting mechanics are almost done. At the moment it's still in it's infancy a WIP so its most likely going to change soon. The way we've handled wood cutting is first you need an axe or weapon capable of cutting wood. Then you start hitting the tree. Once you get the wood, The chance of that the wood spawns is always random so you might not get wood on your first try. Once the wood spawns it falls to ground, ready to be picked up by the player.

There's only one thing that needs to be implemented: Make the tree react and topple over after certain amount of successful hits. Later on we can see some particle systems for hitting and other sounds.

Here's a small demo video on how far we've gotten:

With regards to 3D Modelling, Eshton has been making progress on the spear models. Here's a picture Showing the damaged spear models he has done!

We'd like to hear the community's feedback about the process for cutting wood. Post a comment below and have your voice heard.

That's it for now, and remember to watch this space for the latest news and content about Survivor!

SIGILL - - 1,156 comments

That video made me really nervous. Try disabling messenger pop-ups and setting up everything before you start recording next time.

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salesmax - - 22 comments

Hi alvaro, I sent you a private message about joining in your team.
The project looks awesome :)

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dafishanator - - 560 comments

Congrats on your new member :)

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poyt10 - - 8 comments

Wurm Online has it so that when you cut down a tree, the entire tree falls down. Then you need to cut it into individual logs that could be more manageable. Then you take those logs and have to create several individual boards from each log. Will you do the same or will it be simpler than Wurm?

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