Post news RSS New Inverto update is coming!

Finally, two new maps are finished, some bugs fixed, small inner changes have been made (and new bugs were born). Alphafunding, Steam keys and more

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Hello, everyone!

New Inverto update is almost ready to see the world.
Right now I'm testing new maps, finding bugs, fixing things and remaking details. Looks like a lot to do, but I'm being optimistic about it and hope to upload new files in a couple of days. Here are new screenshots:

Recent screens Recent screens

New maps are not only extra space on your hard drive, they introduce long promised features like teleports, electric circuits and gyroscopic switches. Game is becoming more interactive (and more energetic) now. Here is a short changelog:

  • As usual new pickups and secrets are included.
  • Also some small changes in GUI (internal mostly) and settings: FOV is now configurable.
  • Difficulty removed, checkpoints and orientation help are on by default, but can be disabled/enabled in options menu (if you want to try the hard way).
  • Weapon animation changed and zoom is fixed now (and you'll need this on new maps).
  • Player changes and fixes.

It have been discussed in comments and now it's officially announced. Everyone purchasing an alpha on Desura not only gets it at a discounted price (which will increase with more updates) but also will get Steam key once game will be Greenlit! So buy alpha (while its only $3.99) keep Greenlighting Inverto and ask your friends and relatives to do that! We need your help and support!

Thanks and stay updated!

Gn0meSlice - - 568 comments

Excellent! It's always fantastic to see games coming along smoothly in development!

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