Post news Report RSS New Dropships in Development

Hey everyone, so I know it has been a while since I have posted any blogs on here, so I just wanted to say that we here at Universal Sentra are working on new Dropships for Imperial Conquest.

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Greetings, I know it has been a while since I have been up to speed on this mod, this is mainly due to the fact that I am focusing alot of time on both Generation War, and Nero Conflict, but I wanted to sasy that this mod is not dead yet, not by a long shot, and I am also pleased to announce that we are actually hard at work coming up with actual Earth Dropships that will if we can some how port them into Men of War, will be able to use for both the Earth Resistance, and North American Resistance.

Down below will be information provided on each of the Dropships, including a name and date of construction. I hope all of you like the designs.

The Designs were free downloads pulled from Sketch3D, but I have added new things to their original looks featuring turrets (That were also free downloads from Sketch3D) and texture.

Now Keep in mind this may take months to do, so We just ask that you be a little patient. Thank you for listening.


Dropships Currently Under Development...

The Corpus Dropship

Corpus Dropship


AIRCRAFT TYPE: Dropship...
DATE DESIGN: January 4th, 2025...

DATE MANUFACTURED: April 20th, 2035...

FACTION OF ORIGIN: Earth Resistance...

MANUFACTURER: Kellogge Industries...

OPERATORS: Earth Resistance & North American Resistance...

DESIGNER: Andrew Raven...

ERA: Earth Imperial War...


The A-57 Dropship commonly reffered to as The Corpus Dropship was a VTOL type aircraft that was designed and built by American Engineer Andrew Raven during the mid years of the Earth Imperial War during the Galactic Empire's occupation of Earth. It was designed in hopes of attempting to solve the problen with ferrying troops in much larger numbers compared to transport helicopters and airplanes, that were seen to be easy targets for Imperial Ties and turrets on the ground.

First designed in 2025, by Andrew Raven, the Corpus was designed by retiried NASA Engineers in cooperation with Andrew Raven, while it was constructed in Antarctica about 6 months prior to the continent's fall, and was known to have been first tested in war during Operation Star Blitz, but was used in limited numbers compared to Transport Helicopters and transport planes, which were still the standard aspects of airborn travel at the time for ferrying troops to and from the battlefield.

The Corpus after proving itself to be pefrom well in a haevy fire fight during the events of Nylon, were eventually passed and given the green light for construction, but Antartica had fallen before any mass proructions could be made that same year, the Corpus's production was slowed and did not enter military service until 2034, the very year that Atlantic Outpost established that the Series of Industries had been established, allowing the dropship to finally be mass produced and manufactured by Kellogge Industries, in order to add to the small fleet of about 7 at the time.

The Corpus was the standard issued dropship for the Earth Resistance throughout the 2030s, until it was eventually replaced by the Forrester Dropship that was designed by Jack Kellian to be bigger, faster and could even travel in space, where unlike the Corpus could only travel planet wise, and cannot operate in space. It was also used by the North American Resistance in their final years of existance from 2034 to 2035, up until the Siege of Harkora before the remnaining aspects of them vanished without a trace never to be seen again.

Despite the Corpus being replaced entirly by 2045, the Corpus was still used by the Milita forces of the Earth Resistance as their own official dropship, along with the Earth Resistance space marines.

Forrester Dropship...

Forrester Dropship removebg prev

Forrester Dropship Gear Down rem

CLASS TYPE: Forrester...

AIRCRAFT TYPE: Dropship...

DATE DESIGNED: July 21st, 2041...

DATE MANUFACTURED: May 6th, 2043...

MANUFACTUER: Bartholomew Ordinance...

FACTION OF ORIGIN: Earth Resistance...

OPERATOR: Earth Resistance...

DESINGER: Jack Kellian...

ERA: Earth Imperial War...


The V-S1 Dropship commonly reffered to as The Forrester Dropship was an advanced VTOL style space dropship that was desinged by American-British Engineer Jack Kellian, that was desinged to replace the Corpus Dropship, that has seen service in the Earth Imperial War since 2034.

Despite a prototybe beinc constructed in 2041, the green light of the Forrester was not yet completed until 2043, due to the fall of Atlantic Outpost.

It took part along side the Corpus Dropship, replacing the much older dropship to the point that the Earth Resistance began to rely more on the Forrester then its predassasor, this was mainly due to the fact of the Forrester actually being able to carry more troops, of up to about 20 to 30, while the Corpus could only carry 15, it was also revealed that the Forrester was powerful enough to airlift heavy vehicles, sometimes 2 depending on the exact weight of the vehicle, once again surpassing the Corpus Dropship, which at the time could only air lift one vehicle at a time.

The Forrester was deemed to be the first and only vehicle to ever be constructed and pieced together through a mixture of both Earth technology and Imperial Tech that was salvaged throughout the years from destroyed Imperial vessels that dated back since 2031.

The Forrester became the standard issue Dropship of the Earth Resistance military by 2045, and would remain as the standard dropship for the Earth Resistance throughout the remainder of the Earth Imperial War, even after the arrival of the New Republic in 2046.

So as you guys can see, these were Earth's first attempts at actually creating and developing their own official dropships both for Earth, and Space.

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