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This week for Overgrowth Aubrey finished the "hex" crete set, and various other assets -- check inside for a video demonstrating all of the new art!

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This week for Overgrowth (which you can preorder here) I finished the "hex" crete set, and started using a more defined schedule. Although any schedule has to be flexible, I have found setting dialy goals pretty useful now that I have worked out most of the kinks in my model pipeline.

Be sure to watch it in HD!

I also started on a new set of monoliths I am calling the "sphere" set. I'm interested to see what people think of this new set.

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marksman52 - - 393 comments


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aerozol - - 179 comments

Textures on the spherecrete looks sweet, same with its effect on platforming. Navigating those on a high mountainside would be awesome.

I would prefer things to be moving more towards this style of environment though:
Rather than these large geometrical sets, but I'm sure you've visualized how this is going to fit into specific/ various levels. I have a little trouble.

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Cnaff - - 510 comments

Wow thanks for putting up that link, those are awesome =D!

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Tomwill - - 24 comments

I think you guys should make the levels more towards platforming.
(Like make a city with a giant gate and u have to jump across the side to enter)

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BluishGreenPro - - 534 comments

That hex set looks really great! I can't wait to see how this game looks as it nears completion.

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Regol1th - - 264 comments

When I saw the thumbnail for this mod on the front page I thought it was a cartoon *** :l

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FadeWalker - - 6 comments

The textures are detailed, but the lighting is so ambient and flat. There is not a lot of differentiation in light values to really judge them. It would have been nice to see some darker areas and hot spots.

Just being constructive, super excited to play this game though!

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alienzkiller - - 123 comments

awesome!!! BTW you have an amazingly calm voice...i hope you are a voiceactor too

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DillonBarba - - 74 comments

hexcrete looks fantastic, not so sure about the spherecrete but like you said its still a WIP.

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Hell_Diguner - - 3,646 comments

I think some hollow and broken hollow assets for the sphere crete set would really add to the diversity of the set as a whole.

Maybe some broken-angular pieces, like a shattered record, but in three dimensions?

Some sort of half-dome would allow for more platforming and level building options...

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TRL - - 148 comments

Somehow this new set, looks alot like very smooth rocks and not so much man-made like the hex set. It makes it seem more out of place to me.

Maybe having some kind of tiling or any kind of mosaic onto it, together with a different kind of material, could set it apart of nature more.

You could take inspiration from classic domes in architecture history.

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SolidFake - - 1,200 comments

Hexagons, F*CK YEAH!

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