Post news Report RSS Need testers! hoping for hl2files server!

Hi every'body, great news this week! TheOne his contacted our gracious hosts at hl2files in the hope that they will generous support our bandwidth needs for play test purposes in addition to the astounding job they do in hosting our page. Also, we are now looking for people to help test for our

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Hi every'body, great news this week!
TheOne his contacted our gracious hosts at hl2files in the hope that they will generous support our bandwidth needs for play test purposes in addition to the astounding job they do in hosting our page.

Also, we are now looking for people to help test for our upcoming release!
We have alot of new content and need to start testing it and getting feedback, if you are interested please stop by and tell us so!

You can apply here:

We are planning to make our public release early in February. So time in short! Please apply now!

Nirrad favored us with a delightful musing this week, you may view it here:

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