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Europe part #1- France and Benelux

  • French Socialist Republicflag france

Capital: Paris

President: Maurice Thorez


Member of: Prague Pact,Comecon, permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Brief history:

World War 2 and liberation:

In 1944, the French had the hope that the Americans would soon arrive, but eventually had to suffer under German occupation until 1946.After Berlin fell, German troops in France were weakened. Since the summer of 1945, French resistance (lead by the Communist Party) has controlled a large part of the country, but the occupying power did not intend to give up, the battles between occupiers and partisans took place often. The end of the occupation was brought by the Soviet Army. First Soviet tank cross French border in late September 1945. Since October until December Soviets and French resistance fought against Germans. On 17 December, the Red Army entered Paris. German garrison of Paris capitulated to the French partisans on 21 December. In December, a new government was composed in Paris.The French provisional Govertment was dominated by the tripartisme alliance between the French Communist Party (CPF),led by Maurice Thorez, the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO) led by Léon Blum,and the Christian democratic Popular Republican Movement (MRP), led by Georges Bidault. Chairman of the Provisional Government was general Charles de Gaulle.

Post war development:

In 1947 was proclaimed fourth French republic.Léon Blum was appointed president. Maurice Thorez was appointed premier, after CPF won the elections. The tension between CPF, SFIO and MRP has increased day by day. The noncommunist forces were afraid of the influence of the Communists. Ministers for MRP resigned. Throughout France, communist protests were organized. Léon Blum accepted their resignation.

These ministers was replaced by members of CPF.Maurice Thorez proclaimed the French Socialist Republic. Several opposition-backed generals launched a revolt against the Communist government.The nationalists troops in the French territory were defeated by the French Red Army. Nationalists fled to colonies.The French Socialist Republic proclaimed the independence of the African and Asian states, formerly colonies of France. The Africans and the communists defeated most of the nationalist forces in West Africa in the end of 1948. But the main nationalists forces were in Algeria. In 1949, bloody fighting took place in Algeria, after which nationalist troops surrendered. Nationalists fled to Corsica. Corsica was bombed by the French Air Force.Communists planed landings on the island.
Britain has interfered in the conflict and threatened that if the war continues to continue, it may lead to a war between Britain and France. Nationalists and Communists signed a ceasefire. France remained under the control of the Communist government, Corsica under the rule of the nationalists and all the colonies gained independence.

In 1950s by the most of the World the French Socialist Republic was recognized as "true France" and French Socialist Republic became one of the world major powers on the side of the USSR.

  • French State korsika

Capital: Ajaccio

President: Georges Bidault


-non recognized by the UN, observer in NATO

French State cooperates with British and Americans.

The Corsicans are hostile to the French government in Corsica and want more rights like recognize Corsican language as official language in the state.

  • Luxembourg lux

Capital: Luxembourg City

Leader: Charles Marx


Member of: Prague Pact,Comecon, UN

Brief history:

Luxembourg was liberated by the Red Army in October 1945.

After the war Communists came to power the Duchy was abolished and members of the aristocrat family were forced to emigrate from the country.

  • Belgian Socialist Federative Republicbel

Capital: Brussels

President: Julien Lahaut


Member of: Prague Pact,Comecon, UN

Brief history:

Belgium was liberated by the Red Army in November-December 1945.

After first free elections the Communists quickly came to power. Belgian Socialist Federative Republic was proclaimed. Monarchy was abolished.King Léopold III, who had surrendered himself to the German army in 1940, was found to as a traitor. Léopold III was arrested and was sentenced to death penalty.The rest of the royal family was forced to emigrate. Léon Degrelle and all key members of Rexist Party was publicly executed.

In 1947, the independence of the Congo was proclaimed.Former Belgian Congo was briefly after associated with the French Congo.

  • Socialist Republic of Netherlandhol

Capital: Amsterdam

Leader: Paul de Groot


Member of: Prague Pact,Comecon, UN

Brief history:

Netherlands was liberated by the Red Army in February-March 1946.

After first free elections the Communists quickly came to power. Monarchy was abolished and members of the royal family were forced to emigrate from the country.

In 1948 the independence of the Idonesia was proclaimed.Netherlands then supported the Communists in the Indonesian Civil War. In 1947 all Caribbean colonies was seized by the British and Americans, because Truman was concerned that they could serve as Soviet bases for an attack on the United States.After this act relationship between Netherlands and the West became very cold.

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