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There wasn't much development to begin with, but in terms of planning much was done. The campaign had been cut because the ambition was too much, and I do have a life, believe it or not, and it so turns out it's becoming increasingly hectic the more time goes on...

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There wasn't much development to begin with, but in terms of planning much was done. The campaign had been cut because the ambition was too much, and I do have a life, believe it or not, and it so turns out it's becoming increasingly hectic the more time goes on. I have lots of things to do, none of which I care to discuss here. But I never gave up hope on the mod. I had every single intention of finishing it... that is until I found out that MPQ editing will get your account banned. This may be old news, but I only found out about this just now. With Sc2 losing LAN and all that been going on about the game (like an incomprehensible editor, the restriction on bnet publising - 10MB limit, etc) and now this MPQ nonesense, I have little interest in doing anything for this game any longer.

This isn't set in stone. Maybe there is a way to get this done, but I'm not going for insane workarounds just to get the mod done at all costs. The story and concept of MesoCosmos is something I hold dear, and if it's not sc2, it'll be some other game that will get this modification. The only difference is, this might take even more time that it has been taking up until now.

I am sincerely sorry for making such promises when I didn't even know half of the story. MesoCosmos is postponed indefinitely.

Robots! - - 1,749 comments

'Salright bro.

Modding is hard.

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Spellbound Author
Spellbound - - 266 comments

Glad you understand :)

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PatoMatador - - 124 comments

Just hope you can restart the jobs wen you have some time. =)

Well best lucky for you guys.

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