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The Update that Changed the World! and the follow up fixes.

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  • One click broadcasting to
    • Microphone can be recorded too.
    • Chat integration in the game.
    • Several new settings
      • Twitch Broadcast Settings
        • Quality, Framerate, Bandwidth, Send Metadata, Mic Volume, System Volume and Compression
      • Twitch Chat Settings
        • Enable and User Filter

Improvements & Changes

  • New Mojang splash screen
    • Logo is now red instead of red-orange, has 2 square corners, and the rounded corners are rounder. The text is black instead of orange, the font weight is lighter (bold instead of black), and the face appears to be a custom hybrid of Insignia and Code Pro.
    • Mojang splash screen can no longer be changed in Resource Packs
  • Minecraft Realms
    • Servers now have an icon which is the face of the owner's skin


Improvements & Changes

  • Attribute
    • The Sharpness enchantment now affects the "attack damage" attribute.
  • Rideable entities
    • When dismounting entities players are no longer moved as far
  • Tab key
    • If all auto-completable options begin the same, tab will fill up the beginning - Example: /gamerule doM completes to /gamerule doMob


  • Chicken Jockey
    • Consist of a Baby Zombie riding and controlling a Chicken
      • Because the Zombie is riding a Chicken, it cannot take fall damage
      • As it is a Baby Zombie it will not burn up if exposed to daylight
    • Extremely rare - every Baby Zombie spawned has a very small chance of spawning as a Chicken Jockey
    • Zombie Pigmen Chicken Jockeys can spawn in the Nether

Improvements & Changes

  • Sheep
    • Sheep with the custom name "jeb_" change their color, fading between all 16 wool colors
      • Commonly referred to as "Rainbow Sheep", "Disco Sheep", or "Jeb Sheep"
      • Color changes are visually only; does not affect wool drops

Fixed 40 Bugs: [hide]

  • MC-107 – Potion of night vision: total blackout
  • MC-190 – Misaligned textures on south and east faces for non-full blocks
  • MC-2488 – The Unicode font is illegible in fullscreen mode
  • MC-5002 – Some texts can't be translated in a language file
  • MC-11129 – Unicode font text shadow in fullscreen mode
  • MC-12413 – Furnace GUI - "full" arrow texture always drawn on leftmost column
  • MC-12964 – Server performance issue: Chunk coordinates use a bad hash function
  • MC-14323 – Minimising other windows open, resizes Minecraft window
  • MC-16259 – Enchantments not showing stats in tooltip.
  • MC-19021 - Music discs cannot be renamed in Resource Packs
  • MC-23132 – Click or right-click stuck on OS X
  • MC-26102 – OS X Fullscreen is not supported
  • MC-28414 - Enchanted compass in item frame throws ##GL ERROR##
  • MC-29469 – Unable to take screenshot in GUI or active chat line
  • MC-30300 – Minecraft Mac Command Key Glitch
  • MC-30527 – Achievement "Adventuring Time" does not work
  • MC-30537 – Flower duplication glitch
  • MC-31006 – Adventuring Time — list of visited biomes resets on login
  • MC-31388 – Right clicking a flower pot that has certain plants in it while holding another plant replaces the one in the flower pot with the one you're holding
  • MC-31622 – Wrong render distance beyond 8 and more chunks settings.
  • MC-32295 – Glitchy item borders with Mipmapping and Anisotropic Filtering activated
  • MC-33035 – Loading text in Polish (and other languages with Unicode font) isn't showing properly
  • MC-34573 – Font file of Unicode Page C2 (Korean) shows character '숼'(U+C23C) at the position of '쉴'(U+C274)
  • MC-35617 – Cactus has incorrect inventory image
  • MC-35643 – Items with enchantment effect cause blocks and potion effects indicator to not render
  • MC-35658 – Water too transparent?
  • MC-35797 – Background Rendering Issues When Picking Up Enchanted Items / Caption of containers white
  • MC-35856 – Multiple Background Songs Playing At One Time / Automatic music overlap
  • MC-35897 – Damaged armor, tools & weapons placed in certain inventory slots cause other slots to go black
  • MC-36159 – Graphical glitch on beacon effects in inventory screen.
  • MC-36329 – Rendering glitch when looking at river through stained glass
  • MC-36383 – Translucent parts of stained glass not visible in 3rd person mode
  • MC-36395 – Weird rendering of transparent blocks on the 0-axis[6]
  • MC-36482 – Upon exiting (shift click) minecart, the range and criteria is drastically off, up to 8 blocks away
  • MC-36705 – Block held in 3rd person rendered incorrectly
  • MC-36772 – Enchanted items have big enchant around whole item
  • MC-37106 – All the textures are flipped/mirrored on north/east sides of blocks
  • MC-40255 – Falling Invisible slime causes "blue screen"
  • MC-41135 – Players become invisible+immune for PvP damage, after being killed and relogging instead of respawning
  • MC-41165 – SetSlot packet can no longer set item under cursor
  • MC-41508 – Hopper: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not a JSON Object: "

1.7.2 (The Update that Changed the World)
October 25, 2013


General Improvements & Changes

  • Resource packs
    • Complete menu overhaul
      • The ability to select multiple resource packs at once.
      • Resource packs at the top take precedence over those below if files appear more than once
      • Allows for non-manual merging of textures from multiple packs, a sound pack and a different texture pack, etc.
    • Servers can offer resource packs
      • Max size increased to 50 MB
  • Sounds
    • You are now able to add new sounds using resource packs
    • Resource packs can now add, remove, supplement, randomize, and group sounds using JSON
    • Sounds and music are now stored together in the new .minecraft/assets/sounds folder
    • Music now pauses when pausing the game
  • Network Code
    • Completely rewritten
    • Uses Netty now
    • Most packets won't change, handshake and ping procedure redone
    • There is a packet length header
  • Lighting
    • Several lighting issues fixed.
    • A lot fewer "black spots" in the terrain generator.
    • Torch bugs in strongholds and abandoned mineshafts have been fixed.
    • The light level actually falls to 7 during thunderstorms now (before it stayed at 12 like normal rain but hostile mobs could spawn as if the light level was 7).
      • The clouds go black and the sky goes much darker.
  • Options
    • Grouped a few options into the Controls section, allowed rebinding of 1-9 hotkeys, screenshot key, cinematic camera toggle (can be rebinded and no longer has a default key), camera switching and added sprint button which will keep re-engaging sprint whenever possible (left control by default)
    • Music & Sounds
      • Now allows separate volume controls for Master Volume, Music, Jukebox/Noteblocks, Weather, Blocks, Hostile Creatures, Friendly Creatures, Players and Ambient/Environment
    • The Resource Pack screen
      • Now a split view to list selected and unselected resource packs - multiple resource packs can now be used simultaneously with higher priority resource packs getting to use eventual duplicate textures/files
    • Video Settings
      • Render Distance is now a slider ranging from 2 to 16 chunks, Max Framerate is now a slider ranging from 10 to 250 fps, Unlimited; Mipmapping can be set to levels 1 to 4 or disabled, Anisotropic Filtering can be set to 2, 4, 8, 16 or disabled
    • Super Secret Settings
      • Plays a random sound when clicked and cycles through various experimental shaders: fxaa, art, bumpy, blobs2, pencil, color_convolve, deconverge, flip, invert, ntsc, outline, phosphor, scan_pincushion, sobel, bits, desaturate, green, blur, wobble, blobs, antialias
      • Can be reset by pressing F4
    • Language Selection
      • Added 'Force Unicode Font' option which allows you to change whether Unicode font is forced for text or not.
  • Inventory
    • In creative mode, the display item for the Decoration Blocks tab changed from Rose to Peony.
    • The armour boxes go black when the cursor is away from them
      • Putting the cursor over an armour box will cause it to display what armour is put there
  • Server list
    • Can now be refreshed using F5
    • Added server icons
    • Added support for multi-line MOTD comments which do not go offscreen
    • Hovering over the player count will now show a few online players
  • Logging
    • Now done using Log4j 2
    • Default logging location is now in logs/latest.logs, older logs are archived in logs/---1.lg.gz with the number at the end increasing each startup
    • The way logs are saved can be changed to, for example, html pages, databases, errors only, no logging at all
  • Minecraft Realms
    • Started preparing buying support internally
    • Started offering an option to download the world map
  • Splash text
    • 'Now contains 32 random daily cats!'


  • Commands
    • /setidletimeout
      • Automatically kick idle players after some time
      • Multiplayer-only command, can be used only by server operators
      • Usage: /setidletimeout
    • /tellraw
      • Is written in json to create "buttons" and formatted text (underlined, bold, italics, colored, etc.) in chat.
      • Usage: /tellraw
    • /summon
      • Used to spawn any entity in the game, including Giants, Ender Crystals, Ender Dragons, and primed TNT.
      • Usage: /summon [x] [y] [z] [dataTag]
    • /achievement
      • Used to give a player achievements.
      • Usage: /achievement give [player]
    • /setblock
      • Used to create, delete, or replace a block.
      • Usage: /setblock [x] [y] [z] [data] [method] [dataTag]
    • /testforblock
      • Checks for blocks in specific locations.
      • Usage: /testforblock [dataValue] [dataTag]
    • /setworldspawn
      • Sets the world spawn point for all players (even if they have never joined the server or are offline, but will not override beds).
      • Usage: /setworldspawn [x] [y] [z]
  • Particle effects
    • Fishing now has particle effects.
      • Bubbles will show up moving towards your bobber just before you have something on your hook. This has the appearance of a fish swimming towards the hook.
    • Falling now has particle effects.
      • Particle size depends on distance fallen.
  • New achievements
    • Repopulation
      • Breed two cows with Wheat
      • Requires the "Cow Tipper" achievement
    • Diamonds to you!
      • Throw Diamonds at another player or to a zombie that has the CanPickUpLoot NBT tag
      • Requires the "DIAMONDS!" achievement
    • Adventuring Time
      • Discover all Biomes
      • Requires the "The End?" achievement
    • The Beginning?
      • Spawn the Wither
      • Requires the "The End." achievement
    • The Beginning.
      • Kill the Wither
      • Requires the "The Beginning?" achievement
    • Beaconator
      • Create a full beacon
      • Requires the "The Beginning." achievement
  • New statistics
    • Distance by Horse
    • Junk Fished
    • Treasure Fished
    • Mobs statistics

Improvements & Changes

  • Fishing
  • Achievements and statistics
    • Now ties in with the scoreboard system - added 744 new objective criteria that were previously tracked with statistics and achievements
    • Are now per world/server
    • Achievements screen can now be zoomed in and out using the mouse wheel.
    • Achievements don't appear on the achievements screen if more than five achievements need to be achieved first (i.e. "DIAMONDS!" doesn't appear until "Getting Wood" is achieved).
    • Data for blocks, items, and mobs don't appear in their respective tab in the Statistics screen unless the player has crafted/placed/mined that block, crafted/used/depleted that item, or killed/was killed by that mob.
    • When a player earns an achievement it is now announced in chat. This can be turned off on servers by changing a line in the file.
      • Can be hovered over to show an achievement tooltip
      • Cannot be turned off in Singleplayer
    • You can earn achievements 'Time to Mine!', 'Time to Strike!' and 'Time to Farm!' by crafting the given tool with a material other than wood
  • Scoreboard
    • Can now use statistics to create objectives; anything that statistics can track can be used as an objective (can also track achievements)
      • This is the reason why statistics/achievements were changed to be stored per world/server
  • Commands
    • /give
      • Can now give items to players with custom names, lore and enchantments
      • Can give items with other custom NBT tags, such as SkullOwner to obtain the Head of a specific player, or even custom mob spawner traits, which removes the necessity to use an NBT editing program to obtain these items.
      • Will now print renamed items' name in chat and show tooltips when hovered over
      • Usage: /give [quantity] [damage value] [dataTag]
    • /time set day
      • Now sets the time to 1000 instead of 0
    • /time set night
      • Now sets the time to 13000 instead of 12000
    • Custom NBT data can now be added via commands
      • Works with /give, /summon and /setblock
      • Syntax examples:
        • /give @p 1 1 0 {display:{Lore:["Hi,","How are you?"],Name:"Nice Stone Block"},ench:[{id:1,lvl:10}]}
        • /summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {Saddle:1, CustomName:"Babe", CustomNameVisible:1}
        • /setblock ~ ~ ~ 397 3 {SkullOwner:MHF_Pig}
  • NBT format
    • New NBT tag Unbreakable
      • Applies to items with durability. Nullifies any usage dealt by the item.
    • List tags no longer need to be named
    • No longer crashes when given the wrong type (integer/short)
    • Added .dat files in data folder for storing structure data
      • Contains .dat called Village.dat, Fortress.dat (Nether Fortress), Temple.dat (Desert Temple, Jungle Temple and Witch Hut), Stronghold.dat, Mineshaft.dat, and others
      • NBT structure consists of the individual parts of each structure, labeled "children," the chunk it originates in, a tag called BB, and an ID for what type of structure it is
        • The children tags have information on each part of the structure and the type of part it is
  • Chat system
    • "Useful to map makers, modders, players and server admins"
    • Added a way to do things when clicking things in chat, like executing a command
    • Other actions include opening a URL and showing an item tooltip when hovered on
    • "Saved screenshot as" messages can now be clicked to open the screenshot, takes you to the .minecraft folder
    • Names can now be clicked to PM people
    • Added /tellraw to send chat messages with custom functionality to players - sender will not appear
    • Syntax example: /tellraw @p {text:"Daytime? ",color:"green",extra:[{text:"Click here!",color:"blue",clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/time set day"}},{text:" Nighttime? "},{text:"Click here!",color:"blue",clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/time set night"}},{text:" Have fun!"}]}
  • Fog
    • Removed the thin fog around the player
      • Fog is only at the edge of the visible chunks now
  • Death Screen
    • If you die and you select the 'Title screen' button, a prompt will ask if you are sure you want to quit and give you the options to go to the title screen or respawn and continue playing
  • Edge of the World
    • All blocks beyond X/Z 30 million (±30,000,000) from origin now act as solid blocks.
      • This includes air blocks.
      • This creates essentially an invisible wall at the boundary.
    • As all blocks function as solid, if the player is moved outside the boundary via external tools, they will be unable to move outside the block space they are within.
    • Despite the above, the camera can still move normally. This reveals that ghost chunks still generate, as the camera can pass through normally solid blocks beyond the boundary.
  • Block/Item IDs
    • Can now be referred to by their names instead of numbers.
      • Will be the only option in the future.
      • Necessary for the Plugin API.
  • Visuals
    • Changed F3+B visuals
    • Block bounding boxes are now completely black instead of dark grey
    • The sky now darkens when inside.
  • Nether Portal
    • Planned to have odd width to allow for design variations, and, if the one in the Nether is big enough, ghasts can go through them.
    • Portals can now be activated from any block within the portal, not just the bottom (when any fire block appears inside the frame)
    • New nether portal building rules: Any size from 4x5 to 23x23, but rectangular
  • Enchanting
    • Unbreaking can now appear on any item without the use of an Anvil
    • Enchanted Books can now receive multiple enchants at once

World GenerationAdditions

  • Trees
    • Acacia Tree
      • Curved trees made of Acacia Wood
      • These spawn in Savanna biomes
    • Dark Oak Trees
      • Very large, short trees
      • These spawn in Roofed Forest biomes
  • Biomes
    • Mesa
      • Composed of multiple colored hardened clay that are layered in a way that resembles sedimentary rock
        • There are seven colours including normal, orange, red, yellow, white, light grey and brown.
      • Has a floor similar to a desert biome, but made of red sand instead of sand
      • Dead bushes spawn in this biome
      • Occasional dying forests spawn on top of the clay mountains
      • There is no rain in this biome
    • Savanna
      • Acacia trees
        • New wood, sapling, and leaf type
      • Horses can spawn in this biome
      • NPC Villages may generate in savanna biomes
      • There is no rain in this biome
      • Very flat with plateaus and the occasional giant mountain
    • Sunflower Plains
      • Exactly the same as Plains, but can spawn Sunflowers
    • Roofed Forest
      • Has dark grass and giant mushrooms
      • Has Dark Oak trees; dark and dangerous under the canopy even during the day
        • New wood, sapling, and leaf type
      • Monsters will most likely be able to spawn during the day and the night
      • Monsters that spawned at night can survive during the day
      • This is the first biome aside from Mushroom Island that naturally spawns with giant mushrooms
    • Birch Forest
      • A forest made entirely of birch trees
    • Flower Forest
      • Forest variant with several of the new flowers, including peonies, orange tulips, white tulips, oxeye daisies, rose bush and allium
      • Very densely packed with the various new flowers
    • Taiga
      • Now generates without snow
        • The previous taiga biomes are now Cold Taiga biomes
    • Mega Taiga
      • This is a very rare biome
      • Contains 2x2 Spruce trees
      • Has a dirt block variant known as Podzol.
        • Currently obtained only by the silk touch enchantment.
      • Contains dirt blocks that do not allow grass to grow.
      • Moss Stone "boulders" are scattered around in this biome.
      • Dead bushes, mushrooms, and ferns spawn in this biome.
    • Extreme Hills+
      • Contains spruce trees
      • Goes considerably higher than the normal Extreme Hills
    • Ice Plains Spikes
      • Contains giant ice spires similar to upside down icicles made of Packed Ice
      • These ice spikes can reach y=120 from normal ground
      • Lakes of packed ice are dotted around the biome
    • Deep Ocean
      • Is about ten blocks deeper than normal oceans, the maximum depth is in the low 30s
  • Biome Variants/Technical Biomes
    • Over 20 variants for the biomes.
    • M - Biomes with an M variant are much rarer than any other variant.
      • Extreme Hills M, Taiga M, Roofed Forest M, JungleEdge M, Birch Forest Hills M, Cold Taiga M, Extreme Hills+ M, Savanna M, Savanna Plateau M, Swampland M,Jungle M, Mesa Plateau M and Mesa Plateau F M are more mountainous versions of their normal biome counterpart.
      • Desert M has patches of water unlike normal deserts
      • Birch Forest M has taller birch trees than usual
      • Savanna M has grassless dirt and mountains that can generate above the clouds and up to Y: 220 on rare occasions
    • Plateau - Biomes with a Plateau variant are like the hills technical biome, but flattened at the top
      • Savanna Plateau and Mesa Plateau are both plateaus
        • These are landforms which are raised by up to about 30 blocks and have flat tops
      • Mesa Plateau F - A variant of the plateau with trees
    • Mesa (Bryce) - A rare variant of the Mesa biome which works similar to ice spikes with tall clay spikes generating from the sandy mesa floor.
    • Hills - More technical hills biomes have been added to fit with the new biomes.
      • Birch Forest Hills, Cold Taiga Hills, and Mega Taiga Hills can now be generated.
    • Beach - New beaches separate certain biomes from oceans and rivers.
      • Stone Beach is composed mainly of Stone and often generates between an Extreme Hills biome and a body of water.
      • Cold Beach is composed of Sand with a layer of Snow on top.
        • Usually generates between a cold biome, such as Ice Plains, and a body of water.
  • World type
      • Amplifies the terrain hugely, using the entire world height
        • Almost all biomes can generate huge mountains that can reach well above Y: 200
          • Extreme Hills biomes frequently reach the world height limit at Y: 256
          • Swampland and ocean biomes unaffected by this world type
      • Extremely resource intensive and requires powerful computer to run
      • Ravines here can reach down to bedrock
      • Contains numerous various landforms that are very rare or non-existent in default generation
        • Some examples include floating islands, overhangs, large water and lava falls and huge indents
      • Taiga biomes reach such altitudes that snow starts generating (about Y: 130)
      • This will cause great lag if your computer is slow

Improvements & Changes

  • Biomes
    • Jungle
      • Melons can now be found in Jungle Biomes in patches similar to Pumpkins
      • Jungle biomes have been made much rarer
      • Has a Jungle Edge which has less foliage, but slowly leads into the main jungle
      • Jungle trees now have branches
    • Swampland
      • Grass is greener and fluctuates more in color, depending on biome temperature
      • In shallower parts, the coast is covered in staggered dirt block with lilypads between them
      • Spawn with Blue Orchid flowers
    • Plains
      • Now spawns with three of the new flowers - azure bluets, oxeye daisies and sometimes tulips
        • Double tall grass also generates here
    • Extreme Hills
      • Snow at high elevations of over y=95
      • Contain Stone and large dirt patches
      • Gravel can replace ground cover
      • Flat valleys near sea level
      • Can generate up to y=150, slightly above the clouds (previously y=124)
      • Has much more height variation and has flat parts as well, as opposed to the previous extreme hills which forced endless high peaks to generate
    • Ocean
      • Oceans are smaller and take up much less of the map
      • Contain only gravel on the floor instead of sand, dirt, and gravel
    • Gravel Beaches
      • Appear more often
  • Categorisation of Biomes
    • Four main categories based on temperature
      • Snow-covered, cold, medium, dry/warm
  • Placement of Biomes
    • Biomes will attempt to avoid getting placed next to a biome that is too different to itself
  • Elevation of Biomes
    • Much greater variation of elevation in general
    • Most biomes can generate to y=100
    • Hills technical biomes have been made taller
  • Modified the temperature system
    • Each biome has a base temperature that determines whether the biome is snow-covered, whether it rains or snows, or whether it rains at all
    • Biomes with a base temperature of 0.15 or less snow instead of rain
    • Biomes with a base temperature of 1.5 or greater don't rain
    • Biomes are grouped according to their temperature and attempt to generate next to biomes with similar temperatures
    • Temperature decreases by 0.05 every 30 blocks increase in altitude
      • Extreme Hills generate snow because of this at about y=95 as their ground base temperature is 0.2
  • Caverns
    • Are now less dense and interconnected
  • Bonus Chests
    • Bonus chests now also contain Acacia logs

Blocks & ItemsAdditions

  • Wood Varieties
    • Acacia Wood
      • Silver outside with orange inside
      • Makes up the Acacia Tree, found in Savanna biomes
    • Dark Oak Wood
      • A darker version of the Oak Wood
      • Makes up the Dark Oak Tree, found in Roofed Forest biomes
    • Acacia Wood Planks
      • Orange in appearance
    • Dark Oak Wood Planks
      • Same texture as normal oak planks but darkened almost black
    • Acacia and Dark Oak Wood Slabs
    • Acacia and Dark Oak Wood Stairs
  • Saplings
    • Acacia Sapling, found in savannas
    • Dark Oak Sapling, found in roofed forests
      • Must have 4 saplings placed in a 2x2 square to be grown, much like Big Jungle Trees
    • 2x2 spruce saplings now create the large spruce trees from Mega Taiga biomes
  • Leaves
    • Acacia leaves
    • Dark Oak leaves
      • Both visually identical to oak leaves
  • Fish
    • Pufferfish
      • Restores Half Hunger.svg
      • If eaten, you will be given Poison IV for 1 minute, Hunger III and Nausea II for 15 seconds
      • Used to brew a water breathing potion
    • Salmon
      • Can be cooked and eaten
      • Uncooked: Restores Hunger.svg
      • Cooked: Restores Hunger.svgHunger.svgHunger.svg
    • Clownfish
      • Usage still unknown besides being eaten and used to tame Ocelots
      • Restores Half Hunger.svg
  • Packed Ice
    • When broken, does not turn to water like normal ice blocks do
    • Does not melt
    • Opaque, rather than translucent like normal ice
  • Podzol
    • New dirt variation
    • Only found in Mega Taiga Biomes
  • Grassless Dirt
    • Grass can not grow on it
    • Obtainable only through /give
  • Red Sand
    • Generated in the Mesa biome
    • Behaves like normal sand (can be smelted into Glass and crafted into TNT)
  • Flowers
    • Red, Orange, White and Pink Tulips
      • Can be crafted to Red, Orange, Light Gray, and Pink Dyes, respectively
    • Blue Orchid
      • Can be crafted to Light Blue Dye
    • Allium
      • Can be crafted to Magenta Dye
    • Azure Bluet
      • Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
    • Oxeye Daisy
      • Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
    • Poppy
      • Replacement for the rose - roses no longer exist
    • All flowers can burn
    • All flowers and grasses are now randomly offset to the sides like tall grass
  • Two blocks tall Flowers
    • Applying bonemeal to them causes them to dispense a flower item that can be collected. Therefore, all two blocks tall flowers are renewable.
    • Sunflowers
      • Typically face East
      • Can be grown, unlike Roses and Dandelions
      • Can be crafted into 2 Yellow Dye
    • Peonies
      • Can be crafted into 2 Pink Dye
    • Rose bush
      • Can be crafted into 2 Red Dye
    • Lilac
      • Can be crafted into 2 Magenta Dye
  • Two block tall grass
    • Double Tallgrass
    • Large Fern
      • Can be made by applying Bone Meal to Fern.
  • New variants of Monster Egg
    • Includes Mossy Stone Brick Monster Egg, Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg and Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg.
    • Added to fix a bug where Silverfish entering Mossy, Cracked, or Chiseled Stone Brick would cause the block to change into regular Stone Brick.
  • Minecart with Command Block
    • Can only be obtained using /give (item ID minecraft:command_block_minecart) or /summon (entity ID MinecartCommandBlock)
    • Activate using activator rails
    • Run their command every 2 redstone ticks when powered (activates once when passing over an activator rail at full speed)
    • Can be success tested by going over a detector rail connected to a Redstone comparator
  • Potion of Water Breathing
    • Made by brewing a Pufferfish with an Awkward Potion
    • Enables you to breathe underwater for 3 minutes without oxygen bar depleting
    • The potion is dark blue in appearance
  • Stained Glass
    • Glass can now be dyed into all 16 colours
      • This is done by putting a coloured dye in the centre of a crafting table and surrounding it with 8 pieces of normal glass, yielding 8 stained glass
    • Stained glass can be crafted into stained glass panes using the same recipe as normal glass panes
      • Doing this yields 16 stained glass planes, like normal glass
    • Water, nether portals, and other stained glass blocks remain visible when looked at through a stained glass block
    • The colour of blocks they are placed on are tinted towards the colour of the glass
      • This includes glass of two different colours behind one another

Improvements & Changes

  • Wood
    • Wooden logs now have different textures for their top and bottom (with the exception of Oak Logs)
  • Written Books
    • Can now be cloned the same way maps can, but by using Book and Quills instead of Empty Maps.
    • Can clone multiple copies of the same Written Book by putting more Book and Quills in the crafting grid.
    • Can now be stacked (up to 16 per stack)
  • Item Frames
    • Now drop the item inside them when punched, then drop themselves if they are punched when empty
    • Will display the name of the item they hold (if it is custom-named) when looked at up close
    • Maps now display on a full block basis and no longer display player markers
  • Weighted Pressure Plates
    • Now output a signal relative to the amount of entities on them, always starting at 1 signal strength if any entities are present
    • For Light Weighted Pressure Plates, every entity adds 1 strength to the signal
    • For Heavy Weighted Pressure Plates, starting at 1, every 10 entities adds 1 strength to the signal (Example: 11 entities increases signal strength to 2)
  • Sugar Cane
    • Color/shade is now affected by the biome color (similar to leaves, grass, vines, etc.)
  • Flint and Steel
    • Is now a shapeless crafting recipe.
    • Can now be used to ignite Creepers
  • Dead Bushes
    • Can now be placed on Hardened Clay, Stained Clay, and Dirt.
  • Command Blocks
    • Now show what command it ran recently.
    • Extended character command limit to "many thousand characters".
  • Armor, Bows, Fishing Rods & Swords
    • Can now get the Unbreaking enchantment from enchantment tables
  • Technical blocks
    • Many technical block items removed (see Technical Blocks page for complete list)
  • Removed Locked Chest
  • Maps
    • Maps in item frames now cover the whole block so that connected maps join together smoothly. The item frame can only be seen when viewed from the side.
    • Now show colors for Colored Wool and Stained Clay, allowing a wider range of colors visible on maps
    • Each different type of block has a different shading on the map
  • Ice, Portals & Water
    • Now visible through each other
    • If Water is directly adjacent to Ice, when looking through the ice you cannot see the Water. However, you can see the Ice when looking through Water.
    • If Water is not directly adjacent to Ice, you can see the Water when looking through the Ice
    • You can no longer see the Water surface from underwater
  • Iron Bars & Glass Panes
    • Now connect to each other and Glass
    • Are now 2 pixels thick
  • Cauldrons
    • Cauldrons with water in them will now put out burning entities, taking away one water level each time
  • Boats
    • No longer inflict fall damage when running aground - replace existing Boats to fix them
    • Slightly improved boats being broken by Lily Pads
    • Boats have been reverted to the previous WASD controls
      • Note that the A and D keys can be used only while the W key is pressed
  • Boats & Minecarts
    • Players can now "sprint" in boats and minecarts which speeds them up slightly
  • Wooden Slabs
    • When used as a fuel they can now smelt only half as many items as wood
  • Air
    • Is now a block rather than the absence of a block (although cannot be kept in one's inventory

MobsImprovements & Changes

  • Iron Golems
    • Now drop poppies instead of roses
  • Creepers
  • Zombies
    • Reduced the lag that zombies create
  • Spiders, Cave Spiders, & Endermen
    • Don't become hostile when attacking them in Creative Mode
  • Baby Zombies & Baby Zombie Pigmen
    • Can now walk in one block tall spaces, but their hitbox remains the size of that of an adult
  • Zombies & Skeletons
    • Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with and drop armour, bows and swords enchanted with the Unbreaking Enchantment
  • Witches
    • Can drop a Potion of Water Breathing upon death as a rare drop
    • Now drink a Potion of Water Breathing when they are trapped underwater
    • Have been added to the mix of low light-level hostile mobs, now spawning anywhere where the light level is below 7, including at night in every biome and in caverns
      • They usually spawn in pairs
      • They have roughly the same spawn rate as the Enderman
    • Witch Huts now generate with a Witch inside.
      • They formerly generated empty with Witches spawning inside later.
  • Horses
    • Players can now "sprint" on horses making them go slightly faster

Bug Fixes
Fixed 99 Bugs:

  • MC-242 – Sprinting works inconsistently - very aggravating on PVP servers
  • MC-673 – Sky/lighting doesn't get darker during a thunderstorm
  • MC-715 – V-Sync in Window mode, settings not activated between sessions.
  • MC-881 – Boat inflicts fall damage if it runs aground in some fashion (Slabs, Mobs, Soul Sand)
  • MC-944 – Armor with Protection on it seems to reduce against hunger damage
  • MC-1000 - Some Zombie Pigmen are missing their swords in the nether
  • MC-1018 – Black Lighting under overhangs
  • MC-1105 – Villagers act like it is Raining when they are in the Desert, and it Rains elsewhere.
  • MC-1262 - Birch and Spruce trees do not grow directly next to one another
  • MC-1379 – Transparent texture makes transparent texture behind invisible
  • MC-1769 - X-Ray by standing inside TNT/Glowstone/Block of Redstone/Leaves (fast)
  • MC-1865 - Spawn eggs and firework stars are pure white when held by zombies
  • MC-2638 – Once hit old AI mobs and Wolves don't turn back to passive in Creative until they die or despawn
  • MC-2915 – Attempting to tp to an invalid coordinate returns "commands.generic.double.invalid"
  • MC-3305 – Cyrillic font not displaying on signs and in chat (Russian language)
  • MC-3575 - Double-clicking to join a server results in 'cancel' button activating
  • MC-3871 – Cauldron water does not put out fire / damage blaze
  • MC-3973 – Silk Touch, pre-lit Redstone Lamps
  • MC-4150 – Baby Zombies do not drop any loot / xp
  • MC-4482 – Saplings placed on Farmland are not affected by Bonemeal
  • MC-4592 – When mobs start to attack you in survival and you switch to creative mobs keep attacking you
  • MC-4630 - Sound level resets
  • MC-4732 – Tools and weapons lose durability without doing damage
  • MC-4921 – Sounds (e.g. Mobs / Portals / Water) Don't Immediately Fade
  • MC-4973 – Zombie Pigman from Nether Portal still spawns even if doMobSpawning is false
  • MC-5238 – 10 MB server texture pack limit too small
  • MC-5305 – Arrows from a flame bow aren't extinguished from rain but are extinguished from other water.
  • MC-5550 – Night Time Doesn't Immediately Allow Sleep
  • MC-6820 – The generation of terrain surface layer produces local straight glitches (fix included)
  • MC-7449 – Silverfish enter Chiseled Stone Brick, and the Chiseled Stone Brick appears as normal stone brick.
  • MC-8331 – Command block text disappears if too long
  • MC-9271 – Opening a singleplayer world is counted as a multiplayer join in the statistics
  • MC-9547 – Incorrect usage string for `/scoreboard teams empty`
  • MC-9686 - Right- and left clicking at the same time will cause a block to be placed on top of a block which then gets removed
  • MC-10077 – Adjacent Obsidian Blocks prevent Nether portal appearing
  • MC-10257 – When a pig gets struck by lightning it spawns a Zombie Pigman without a sword
  • MC-10984 – GS4 query listener fails to send player list when len(players) > 127
  • MC-11027 – Axes accelarate the speed at which Slabs are broken
  • MC-11037 - Uncapped framerate in certain screens causes high levels of GPU usage
  • MC-11280 – Sometimes Water flows out of newly generated Village Farms
  • MC-11518 – RCON and Scoreboard Command Output Formatting
  • MC-12450 – Missing usage string commands.scoreboard.players.list.usage
  • MC-12452 – Scoreboard team join command fails on invalid team name
  • MC-12454 – Scoreboard option seeFriendlyInvisibles not listed in usage
  • MC-12541 – The letters for the 'off' setting on smooth lighting aren't capitalised
  • MC-12731 – Minecraft crashes if you click edit or delete on a LAN game
  • MC-12769 – when typing /help with a number higher than 4, it produces the wrong message
  • MC-12984 – getting a locked chest pushed into your head crashes the game
  • MC-13565 – Fireworks sometimes don't stack when they should
  • MC-13661 – When re-sizing window before game loads internal view doesn't resize
  • MC-14165 - Attaching/detaching lead from far away in creative client-server desync
  • MC-14483 - When game opens in Fullscreen, Realms Button Mis-Placed
  • MC-14518 - When you try to get on a horse from far away, you look a different direction
  • MC-14865 – Carpets Are Not Flammable
  • MC-15189 - Cobblestone Wall with blocks on top shows black light on its north side with Maximum Smooth Lighting
  • MC-15193 - Invisible Mooshrooms after shearing them through slabs
  • MC-15548 - Breeding mobs from far away in creative client-server desync
  • MC-15688 – Axe breaks all slabs in adventure mode. No drops for stone.
  • MC-16324 – Massive Amount of "[SEVERE] Reached end of stream" messages in Minecraft server terminal when client pings the server
  • MC-16435 – Boats Still Break on Lily's
  • MC-16849 – Crash near pyramid
  • MC-16910 – Packet250CustomPayload(dk)
  • MC-17090 – Invalid teamcolors throw an NPE in the console rather than an error message "invalid color"
  • MC-18569 – Server resourcepacks not implemented yet
  • MC-18672 – Textures disappearing after setting player walkSpeed to 0
  • MC-19483 – sounds playing after leaving world
  • MC-19604 – Cannot /playsound records
  • MC-19623 - /playsound does not accept non-integer values
  • MC-19654 - Passive mobs don't spawn if you're riding a horse
  • MC-21223 - When fishing, sometimes the 'splash' noise when the bobber goes underwater does not exist
  • MC-21870 – Screen goes blank when modifying walk speed
  • MC-22927 – Animals running forever after being hit
  • MC-25311 - Loading bar for Minecraft Realms/Online is bugged
  • MC-26151 – Minecraft has advice on an error report that should be deleted.
  • MC-26608 – /spreadplayers confirmation text is wrong
  • MC-26660 – Constant minecart sound
  • MC-27284 – /scoreboard teams option color: Tab doesn't list all options.
  • MC-27364 - Fullscreen mode displays only on part of screen
  • MC-27904 – The Hindi, Malay and Norsk (Bokmål) language appear 2 times
  • MC-28400 – Breeding animals gives xp even if doMobLoot gamerule is false
  • MC-28405 – The saddle equip sound effect does not play when equipping a pig with a saddle.
  • MC-28478 – Successful hit sound effect does not match the sound in the assets sound folder
  • MC-28625 – The horse armor equip sound does not play when replacing it with already equipped armour
  • MC-28768 – Horse Breeding Doesn't Produce Markings Correctly on Foal
  • MC-29088 – Shearing sound does not play when shearing a mooshroom
  • MC-29279 – Bug: the command block can be damaged by the explosion of Blue Wither Skulls
  • MC-29321 – Jukeboxes play at the sound volume for effects until you change the music volume
  • MC-29361 – Oceans are too big
  • MC-29424 – Players appear offset for other clients after going through nether portals
  • MC-31031 – Spawn eggs can be used on top of water, but not lava
  • MC-32250 – Typo on "Unable to Load Worlds" screen
  • MC-33093 - Cannot enter fullscreen reliably on Linux
  • MC-33108 - Incorrect death messages after PvP
  • MC-34617 - Animation crash if frame #0 is not referenced
  • MC-35343 - Canadian English Language Selection Screen
  • MC-35718 - Language is broken
Post comment Comments
KBraid - - 259 comments

who is going to be the first to read all of this?

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timstro59 - - 1,584 comments


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Guest - - 699,943 comments

Why is this in the Android section? -_-

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
pos_car - - 91 comments

Especially since Minecraft PE is still in alpha

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
BluishGreenPro - - 534 comments

So many additions, I'll probably have to build a new world sometime and give them a try.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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