Post news Report RSS Meet… The Infiltrator

Well, what can I say…? OverDose has a LOT of media coming your way in the next few months, but we won’t just be releasing it all in one go… Instead, its much more fun if we release it slowly… We love to tease ;) But teasing isn’t much good without a LITTLE something every now and again, right…?

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As always, a few people are still unsure on the fate of, so let me start the news post with the same message; around 6 or so months back now, went into host trouble… In fact the host just disappeared. So, we have moved to the new much more friendly, open (and expensive) Massive change right? Anyway, you can get to the new OverDose site, as well as links to the forums, SDK/Developer Wiki, Screenshots, the whole seven and a half yards, simply by clicking this shiny logo below:

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Well, what can I say…? OverDose has a LOT of media coming your way in the next few months, but we won’t just be releasing it all in one go… Instead, its much more fun if we release it slowly… We love to tease. But teasing isn’t much good without a LITTLE something every now and again, right…?

Meet… The Infiltrator.
Sexy… Stylish… Good with kids… Just a few of the terms that you could never associate with the Marauder “infiltrator”. These guys are on the front line, making sure their team mates are stocked up on resources for the battle ahead. When designing the Infiltrator, we wanted to try something a bit different.

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Now in the field, its not always a simple task for a Marauder Locum (Medic) to simply revive a fallen team mate… Hell, what if he’s in several pieces, for one? Like other Marauders, having spent so long in the old dead wastelands, the Infiltrator is a mess of a person. We really wanted that feeling of a sickly, disgusting mutant that was stapled together to shine through but in a way not really expressed in many games these days.

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Hence the gimp mask… The torn clothing… The decapitated head he keeps as a trophy? Not exactly mainstream ideas that games get away with these days, right? But we thought they were cool ideas none the less. I mean… The guy has a frickin’ decapitated HEAD on his belt… What’s not to love…?

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But you know, this guy was fun. He was created by a really talented modeller/artist called Ben (Jamin). When choosing the model he wanted to do for us, he was pretty sure he wanted to try something different… Anybody can do a Marine, right? So he tried his hand at a Marauder, and from day one was adamant to stick to the concept as close as possible. In fact, one thing he was sure he wanted was flies…

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And so, it was written… Ben shall have flies. And thus, with a few weeks worth of love and sleepless nights… The infiltrator was born, freshly ready for the battlefield and more than willing to get his head blown off…

Here’s a few fun FACTS:

  1. The screenshots above are all taken directly INGAME. No post work was done other than adding the grid effect to the background. What you see really is what you get. That includes the rim lighting and SSS you see here.
  2. Yes… That includes the flies, which buzz around the decapitated head while ingame.
  3. Custom heads have been designed and created; They are just not being shown yet.

Stay VERY glued to the site over the next week, as I’ll be uploading a few other surprises that you won’t be expecting, including a little cameo from a furry little friend… Well, as always guys, you know where to find us. Visit the Team Blur Games website for the latest info!


Like I said before, every class has its own custom heads that the player can select. As a few people have commented on how un-original a post apoc wearing gimp mask dude is, heres an example of ANOTHER selectable head:

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Post comment Comments
FreeFall89 - - 59 comments

Wouldn't want to walk pas this guy at night :p Model looks cool overall.
Only critic I can make up is that the clothing looks to clean.

Other then that, keep it up!

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Cryrid - - 197 comments

I would second this; the side of the pants where a decapitated, rotting head is slapping against looks to be as clean as the side with just the pouch. A little dried blood couldn't hurt.

/viable crit

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GavinStevens Author
GavinStevens - - 620 comments

Actually, that is something I don't think either of us though about. The trouble is, it would likely go on the knifes too, and those all use the same texture... Hmm, tricky...

Reply Good karma0 votes
SinKing - - 3,119 comments

Ears aren't positioned "next" to the eye; not even when they're stitched on. If you correct this he'll look a lot better. Anatomy is a bitch ;)

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Gregs2k2 - - 161 comments

He's a mutant. **** happens.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
delarobe - - 648 comments

i got to say two things:
1) the model is great, its concept is good and such, but i think the textures should be worked a lil more
2) i think it would be "funnier" (i dont exactly know the word to define it by now...) if his mouth zipper was smiling

number 1 is something i really think u guys should do, but number 2 is just a suggestion, i dont know what u got in mind
anyway, good luck with the project

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Scriabin - - 119 comments

******* awesome, keep it up!

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booman - - 3,654 comments

That is one freaky character. Amazing Job! If you did release Overdose I would purchase it!

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Elementalist - - 732 comments

For my personal opinion, I think that it looks amazing. Only critique I'd have is that the decapitated head (which is awesome) looks a little blurry/low-res. Other than that it looks incredible.

I do kind of wish you had stayed out of it Gavavva, or at least kept your argument a little less heated, even if it is free. Which to be honest I guess I missed somewhere, I always DID think this was going retail, now I'm truly excited.

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GavinStevens Author
GavinStevens - - 620 comments

That was the plan, to just stay clear and let it work its way out, but bugger me, some people, its like pulling teeth lol.

As for the lower head, its actualy the same pixel ratio as the rest, so it might be something else.

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hate4uall - - 700 comments

hahaha love the head on a chain nice feature , he looks likes zombie gimp
great work

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NullSoldier - - 973 comments

The models look absolutely fantastic, great use of creativity and imagination. The modeling is very well done too. It annoys me to see so much pointless criticism. There's a difference between constructive criticism and trying to influence your own opinion.

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GavinStevens Author
GavinStevens - - 620 comments

Just a heads up, I asked for the comments to be removed for a reason. There’s feedback, then there’s constant attacking and moaning. Regardless of which side it came from, it wasn't smart, funny or clever, so they were removed. If you have actual viable crits, post them, and they will either be acknowledged/discussed or you will be told a reason as to why its not the case. That doesn't mean you get to sit there having a huge flaming war as to why you are right and I am an evil person who goes against god (Seriously? WTH?) because we don't agree… That’s just how life is.

Also, the mods ARE aware of the down voters and know where its coming from, so useless down voting to get normal, good comments buried isn't on.

Anyway, any spam, flaming, needless name calling and bickering from this point on will be seen as carrying on, so your comment will be deleted, and you will be reported. This is a FREE project run by people in their spare time and every time you start a little flaming war off (And we know exactly where the posters are coming from, not that its hard) you make us one step closer to shutting it down. So, just relax.


Reply Good karma-4 votes
GavinStevens Author
GavinStevens - - 620 comments

Why would the stitches be new? It stands to reason its just as plausible they would be old stitches? Also, the clothes are old, with a lot of dirt, blood and tears in them.

As for the spikes on the head... I don't think they would do much other than distract from what they were intended to look like. You can't do a musician with random spike sizes and positions.

I think one of the main reasons a few people have said the clothes look a bit clean is the light set up. The light was shown to light the entire mesh, not be a more natural ingame light, and ingame it looks a lot different.

Reply Good karma-1 votes
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