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We've gotta stop releasing media in tidal waves, but as usual it just builds up and before you know it it's out of control. :P Anyway, here's a showcase of what the team has been working on.First up, the skinned Mills Bomb by Trigger. Approximately 70 million of these babies were used by the Allies

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We've gotta stop releasing media in tidal waves, but as usual it just builds up and before you know it it's out of control. :P

Anyway, here's a showcase of what the team has been working on.

First up, the skinned Mills Bomb by Trigger. Approximately 70 million of these babies were used by the Allies during the course of the war.

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Also Mortars skinned Mauser G98. Usually considered slightly inferior to it's Commonwealth counter-part - the SMLE MKIII - it was still a very dependable gun.

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We then have two vehicle map models, the British MKIV for HL and the German A7V for HL2. Whether or not the A7V will be drivable is still being debated but it's still a while down the track. ;)

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And here's a few skinned map models by Mortar that have been slapped together to make a second dugout scene.

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In other news, our beta testers are gearing up for internal beta testing which is to commence soon. Also, in an effort to let people let us know what they think without signing up to the forums, the News and Announcements forum is now enabled to accept guest posts. So tell us what you love (or hate, but constructively only please.) If this is abused then we will not hesitate to disable it and you'll have ruined it for everyone! Don't forget we have a channel on GameSurge (#somme) too! If you don't know how to use IRC and want to get to know the team a little (Fallen is very flexible ;D) then just head here. Cya at the front! kermit.gif

frosty-theaussie - - 845 comments

I made that smilie, why didnt you credit me Nuc? :(

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NuclearFriend Author
NuclearFriend - - 57 comments

Correction. You made the picture, I made the smilie. :P

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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