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Happy Star Wars day from the Star Wars Battlecry team!

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Hello Star Wars: Battlecry fans and Happy Star Wars day!

It’s been exactly one year from our announcement that we are moving to the epic Unreal Engine 4. A lot has changed since you first started witnessing our progress and watching everything slowly take shape.

Because it’s May the 4th as you already know, we think that this is a great moment to celebrate and reward your great support over the years with something special. We’ve put a lot of work on this and hopefully you will like it.

It’s time for our first gameplay video showing what we’ve been up to in Unreal Engine 4. Keep in mind that this is in a heavy WIP stage and a lot of things are missing. Everything you see is subject to change. So take this more as a proof-of-concept, the rest will be filled, polished and tweaked as we continue to make progress.

Now a few screenshots taken during our gameplay and the video itself.

Enjoy and may the Tr4iler be with you.

SweetRamona - - 5,196 comments

May the 4th be with you guys! I hope Disney or DICE doesn't cease and desist this game.

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Deltaslayer - - 329 comments

It's looking good already!
Hope to see more soon.

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[GT]Anakin - - 1,033 comments

I prefere the CW era more than GCW. So i hope you'll add it to your game as well.

The video and the pictures are very impressive. Keep it up.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes - - 89 comments

that really does look like the old battlefront we love ;p i still am hopeful for battlefront but this looks like its going to be more to the battlefront style than even battlefront 2015 is trying to get..

looks really amazing, great work and as always i cant wait to see more :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
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