Post news Report RSS Mappers required - Nearing Beta phase

Quick request to all MoW mappers and mod followers, time for us all to pull together to make this mod happen. Help us all out and voluteer your superb mapping skills to a great cause!

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As the mod is nearing the Beta stage I have now found it nessesary to start designing some maps that can accomdate the realistic setting of the mod. The mod, as some will know increases the ranges of all weapons to their realistic values - where the engine forbids (Artillery limited to 1000units), thus I am in need of maps that are relatively large, i.e 1,000 x 1,000 + units, diverse in terms of objects, terrains e.t.c and able to accomodate tanks, planes, artillery & infantry.

I hope I am able to entice some of the creative minds of the Men of War community, I know full well there are many out there who are easily qualify as excellent mappers, I also hope that as a project on the whole, mappers will feel their time and effort will not go to waste as I myself have put in going on almost 50+ hours of work to finalise this piece.

If you are interested in contributing to the completion of this mod by providing custom made maps, please continue to read below for personal requests and specifications. Thanks again for your support, Sturm.

Contributing mappers

To those that have thus continued to read on, my thanks to you. What you can provide in maps will greatly ease the strain on me to complete this mod and will ultimately speed up the process of completion. You are helping everyone involved in creating and supporting this mod out.

Now onto the specifications. As you will have read above due to the increase of weapon ranges I am in need of large scale maps, I am also in need of large maps so as to provide a reason for the use of logistics such as trucks, jeeps, plane transports and trains which will thus increase the value of fuel on the battle field. The maps I will outline below will be large, but not too heavily populated so as to reduce the impact of the map on gamers, they will be similar in concept to maps used in Company of heroes whereby teams have rear guard bases to replenish and re-arm troops on the field of battle.

In total I require 5 maps, to which I hope to allocate one mapper to each. If the number of mappers is larger than expected I will assign 2 mappers to the same task so I have double the choice.

Here are my requests for maps:

[Note at present I only have 3 map requests to see how things go, I will then add 2 Russian, Eastern front based maps.]

1. Post D-day Normandy field / hedgerow / bocage setting
(Mappers working on map: PrussianSoldier, asureka [COMPLETED], lexy [COMPLETED])

Size: 1,000 x 1,000 / 1,500 x 1,500
Type of Troops involved: Infantry / Armour
Time of day: Mid-day / Mid-day raining
Date: June 1944
Armies Involved: US / German
Capture Points: 1 Middle of Map, 1 Half Way Between Middle Cap and Axis HQ, 1 Between 2nd Cap and Axis HQ

Extra Information:
The idea in mind is that of the scene in Saving Private Ryan when Captain Miller and his team are dispatched to find Private Ryan, im thinking of the part in the film where they are walking through the vast fields and hills talking and joking before they reach the bunker complex that they eventually assault.
-No buildings, all grass, trees, hills and hedges.
- Lots of wide open fields for infantry assaulting and tank combat
- Hills and dips which tanks can use as cover
- Very green maps, not too muddy as it has largely been untouched from artillery.
- Team bases consists of make-shift tank refitting stations with netting, tents and some rudementary foxholes, with 2-3 Mg sandbag positions protect the preimeter of the team bases.
Image reference:

2. Battle of France post Evacuation of Dunkirque
(Mappers working on map: JamesRyan113 [W.I.P], fastlegs/James Ryan ......)

Size: 1,000 x 1,000 / 1,500 x 1,500
Type of Troops involved: Infantry / Armour
Time of day: Mid-day
Date: June / July 1940
Armies Involved: French / British / German
Capture Points: 1 Middle of Map, 1 Half Way Between Allied HQ and Midde Cap,1 Half Way Between Axis HQ and Midde Cap.

Extra Information:
The idea in mind is that of an urban, large scale town, with big open boulevards like at the bottom of the eifel tower wear there is a large area of space between either side of buildings, the area im thinking of is Paris, very metropolitan area, with some grassy areas with tree lining for parks. Lots of cafes, lamposts and City-like objects. The reason for large open areas of concrete with benches and such is to reduce the impact on performance that will come from too many buildings. Also on the edge of the the Allied side of the map id like the beginings of a port like the map used in Company of heroes called 'Cherbourg'. If anyone has ever played the game, 'Commandoes' Id like this map to resemble the Paris as seen under German occupation in that game.

-Very Urban City, metropolitan, tubes, buses, cafes, benches, parks, tall buildings
- Lots of wide open spaces such as parks and concrete gaps between streets
- Tram lines through some streets
- Sandbags on monuments and buildinng doorways
- Ship port on Allied side of map
- Team bases consist of, for the Allies, a field HQ in a hotel in the City with flags, for the Axis A barricade building on the outskirts of the opposite side of the City.
Image reference:

3. Post D-day Falaise Pocket rural open map
(Mappers working on map: TheSoldier [COMPLETED], ShOcKeR [COMPLETED], Reditrigmore [KIA])

Size: 2,000 x 2,000
Type of Troops involved: Infantry / Armour / Artilley / Planes
Time of day: Mid-day
Date: August / September 1944
Armies Involved: US / British / German

Extra Information:
The idea in mind is that of a large scale open grassy landscape, with fields, some roads running alongside some fields to small pockets of rural villages (very small 8 houses max), some forested areas with foxholes placed in them, lots of room for tanks to battle it out (30+ tank combat) and planes to strafe and not seem like there constantly landing and taking off again. Some hills but largely flat fields, forests, rural pockets of villages. Heavy combat will ensue.

-Very open, grassy, fields, forested areas, small pockets of rural village hamlets (which will be fought over)
- Lots of wide open spaces for Infantry, tanks, arty and plane strafing rus.
- On the axis side there should be some rudementary concrete bunker complexes in the forests which would have been pre-made
- Team bases should be well-established, with tank-refitting stations, airstripes, lots of tank/truck tread marks, tents, just generally well fortified with barbed wire and such.

Image reference:
Bunker Complex:

4. Eastern Front / Western Front 1944
(Mappers working on map(s):
[COMPLETED] (Battle Of The Bulge Map),
[COMPLETED] (Holland '44 / Carpathian Mountains Map)
ShOcKeR [W.I.P] (Black Day July 42')
Asureka [COMPLETED] (Eecke, on the way to Dunkirk Map)

If you have any questions regarding my map requests or would similarily like to sign up to help me out, please post in the comments section below and I will add you name to the 'currently working on' tab.

Thanks in advanced to all,


Dont Forget To Join The Steam Group

Post comment Comments
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments

I'm pretty good with semi-urban and open fields. Mind if I take a whack at it?

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Herr_Sturmführer Author
Herr_Sturmführer - - 1,760 comments

Yes, that would be great TheSoldier, which map in particular, option 1/2/3?

Ill put your name down on the list above, just keep me informed on the progress with a few screenshots now and again so I can give you some pointers.

Thanks for joining the team TheSoldier!


Reply Good karma+4 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments

Most likely either option 1 or 3. Already started on the fields

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Herr_Sturmführer Author
Herr_Sturmführer - - 1,760 comments

Thankyou, I think ive put you down for #1, but do what you can and ill change it around later.

Already have 6/7 mappers on the team already! Great news.


Reply Good karma+2 votes
KriegsMar1ne - - 12 comments

Hey Sturm, mind if i take a whack at number 3? and/or make a new map entirely?

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KriegsMar1ne - - 12 comments

Btw though I am on a laptop so it cant handle a massive amount of buildings

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Rticfox - - 20 comments

cool....i'll have to take a look at that editor program

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ReditRigmore - - 55 comments

I've started #3.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Herr_Sturmführer Author
Herr_Sturmführer - - 1,760 comments

Thankyou, Ill add you to the official list for #3.

Thanks for joining the team.


Reply Good karma+2 votes
Stylo - - 377 comments

Hmm.... i'm allmost done whot my own D-Day map ;D

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asureka - - 506 comments

i think I'm starting #1

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
asureka - - 506 comments

already workng on it

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Herr_Sturmführer Author
Herr_Sturmführer - - 1,760 comments

Thanks, Ill add you to the offical mappers list for #1.

Thanks for joining the team.


Reply Good karma+2 votes
-M1Stinger- - - 489 comments

Always open for some mapping

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Solistx - - 641 comments

Heed warning that maps the size that you wish, 1km and 2km in size will cause extreme lag, unless you leave the map meagearly detailed. Done it before ended in the same result. At least for the people playing the map.

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Herr_Sturmführer Author
Herr_Sturmführer - - 1,760 comments

Dont worry, ive tried maps that are 1k x 1k & 2k x 2k on a laptop that dosent even have a dual-core, or external GFx card, ran fine. Just need to make sure to not be too densly populated with buildings as they really do cause lag even on the small stock MoW maps.


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pongo715 - - 16 comments

Hrum , I'm using redtide editor , assault squad editor , and FoW Editor .... sadly , I don't have MoW editor , well can i help you with these map if i use aussalt squad editor? and Yh I've made loads of map on FoW editor .... if you want to try some , will upload later on ....

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Herr_Sturmführer Author
Herr_Sturmführer - - 1,760 comments

Quick shout out to Lexy who is almost 75% done on his version of map #1.

Great work!


Reply Good karma+2 votes
asureka - - 506 comments

he's fast! I have done about 15% (I have life time works too)

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Herr_Sturmführer Author
Herr_Sturmführer - - 1,760 comments

I know , take your time though, everyone has there own commitments.

Look forward to seeing your map though, keep up the good work.


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Herr_Sturmführer Author
Herr_Sturmführer - - 1,760 comments

Hows it going mappers ?


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asureka - - 506 comments

My progress:
Today: ~40
Plan to do in end of the week: ~50%

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Modsforwin - - 52 comments

just 2 maps for eastern front? considering the massive fighting in that area, there should be more

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Herr_Sturmführer Author
Herr_Sturmführer - - 1,760 comments

Oh there will be but, as you said it yourself the Eastern front is vast, thus I want to concentrate on the Western front first, initally supplying only 2 eastern front maps after which Ill then add alot more.


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ww2fan - - 48 comments

Hi! I'm from Holland and I've always been interested in the world war 2. I wan't to send a picture of my map that I changed from the orignal D-day map in assault squad.(It does not look amateurish like d-day maps on that people show on youtube) I don't know if I can help you guys with something? but keep on going that great work!

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Hauptsturmführer - - 227 comments

Can i make u some eastern front maps? You can deside wahta

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