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Production is paused, a good computer is required! We are about to lunch crowdfunding campaign where you can get some rewards for helping us.

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Hello everyone of you!

My name is Daniel, and I'm the head designer, developer, and artist. I'm going to study in the UK this year, and I had to move from Poland with an ancient laptop. I'm unable to continue creating this game, and I'm sorry there is nothing worth showing.

But I genuinely want to make this prototype something more than just a zombie game. I believe together we can make it great, and this is why I want to start the crowdfunding campaign. I am not going to get that money and create some crap game. I care about everyone who helps me, and I want to reward every person.

Very soon the campaign will run (Saturday), it will be available here <<ClickHere>>.

Will we get enough money till the end of the month? Will some people help? Can we make OUR game?


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