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Rawr. It's all in there for the lazy --> Oh, and be warned. The old background story needs a rewrite, it's shite, lol Warning! a few spoily bits are included in the public version of this document. You have been warned Anyway, I'm currently heading up a new rendition of Death of a Hero

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Rawr. It's all in there for the lazy --> Oh, and be warned. The old background story needs a rewrite, it's shite, lol

Warning! a few spoily bits are included in the public version of this document. You have been warned

Anyway, I'm currently heading up a new rendition of Death of a Hero (aka David Hunter 3). I've taken considerable time to redeal with the concepts and character of the game and built it to fit very nicely into the Quake 4 mod realm.

I've just kicked off the website, and at present there's just me and three other guys working on the project; I'm looking to do a bit of soft code work, we have our main map man at a solo 3d artist and a concept artist / storyboarder. That leaves a rather large and scary number of openings, you can be assured, but this is after all effectively a new project !

"That was six months ago, the single event that changed the course of my life forever, changed the face of our lives forever, every single one of us. They called the First World War the war to end all wars, and they called the Second the greatest sacrifice of human resources the world should ever see. Of course, much of that seems irrelevant now. Here we stand, the last vestiges of the human race, under the onslaught of an opponent that should never have come into being. Millions of fighting men have already been slaughtered; many more will be before this war ends, and many are conscripted everyday into the vast war machine that stands as the final line between our civilisation and the enemy. At least a billion soldiers stand here with me on this very front line, charged with one task, to fight until we can fight no more, either through death or through glory. The United Nations has taken command of our fighting forces, and has created an additional 13 companies of fighting troops – the David Hunters. They are formed from the remnants of all western fighting forces. Most of us have never seen a war, yet somehow these soldiers seem to be the veterans of a thousand campaigns. Either way, the enemy draws ever closer. By dusk, I’ll be dead, and the Clones will swarm over this installation as if it were simply nothing more than a speed bump, regardless of the army we have arranged to meet them. There can be no mercy, no retreat, no surrender. Today we fight – fight until we die."

Death of a Hero is an uncomplex total conversion FPS mod for Quake 4, set in a preapocalyptic world with alternate history, we aim to bring highly distinctive gameplay to the blandening FPS genre, with a little bit of oddity here and there. The SP game is set to be fairly epic in scope, and the MP is essentially fast paced and brutal classic gameplay, with a few little tweaks here and there in both cases.

I'd like to hear input in regards to our current features listing, and am ready to host all manner of questions.

For the website and forums, hit
(soon to become

Many thanks,

Teh AmberZ
(The Ambershee - Shee Labs Dev. Lead)

Staffage we're looking for:

Mainly, we're looking for a C++ coder with a bit of minor experience. As I'm not primarily a C++ coder (rather C and C#) it's difficult for me to actively deal with some of the more complex parts of the Q4 source. It would be nice to see some previous work, it doesn't have to be games orientated.

Our second most important position is that of texture artists, where we have a number of openings. It's not particularily easy making an urban conflict style game set in western europe and the USA using textures that were previosuly used to represent a cybernetic alien stronghold on a desert planet - but we'll try. The texture artist will need to be well versed in the creation of high resolution tiling game textures for use in level design. Demonstration of previous work is essential to this position.

Additional openings are to be found in the 3d art domain - weapon / character modelling, skinning, and animating. There's a great deal to be done in this field, from simple to complex pieces, and as such we're open to a wide degree of expertise. Previous work would be good to see in this field.

Lastly, mappers are required for level design. Although we only intend to release a small handful of pieces in our first release, each level itself, multiplayer or singleplayer is a large undertaking, and as such it may take several staff to accomplish at any great pace. Knowledge of the Doom3 / Quake 4 integral map editors is preferred, but previous level design experience is essential. It would be nice to see some previous work in this field.

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