Hey, ModDB, Sizer here for FW:TOW with a quick update. Work has been progressing steadily, and the team feels that the time is right for another live 'Ask The Developers' Session. So this coming weekend, (Saturday, 19 March) at 10:00 PM GMT (GMT Time Converter Link Here, we will be hosting said event via our Livestream account at Livestream.com.
We plan to cover all sorts of hot topics, but what we want to do most is to answer your questions. So go ahead and leave a comment on this news post with your questions and we'll try and answer as many of them as possible during the event.
Also, you may have noticed that we recently released a render of the new Kuat Drive Yards. That's a preview. If you attend the event, you will be among the first to see an exclusive in depth reveal of the model in all its three-dimensional glory.
Module 1, Shipping/Receiving and Administration
Module 2, ISD/VSD Yard Complex, 6088 Polygons
Module 3 - Less Than Battleship Yard - 3979 Polys
Module 4 - Dry Dock/Orbital Moor/Offices - 4085 Polys
Overall blueprint:
Battleship/Large Yard
Shipping/Planetary Transfer
Repair/Orbital Moor/Offices
Destroyer/Frigate Yard
Storage Depot
We will also be showing off the universe, and maybe even doing a little dogfighting for you guys LIVE, so don't miss out!
sorry for r-tard question...
i live in gmt +1 that means i will have to be on at 9pm right?
@Ponyus: You would have to be on at 11PM your time. For a quick explanation, if it says +GMT then you add that number to the base time, whereas if its -GMT then you subtract. For an example my timezone is Pacific Standard Time(GMT -7) which means that it would take place at 3:00PM for me here where I live.
cool beanz
Could you record the livestream? As to the model: Is the whole ring going to be composed of other parts, too, or will you line up this one until it makes a whole ring?
Ya, we can definitely record the livestream.
Damn the tiny planets in Freelance are a total immersion-killer. I had hoped you had somehow magicked them out.
Ya, we have. We've made the planets, in some cases, 100x bigger than the originals with some planets being over 500km in diameter. Here's an image showing the largest ship in the game, Imperial Star Destroyer, in the background: Moddb.com
Woo, Wings 3D. That's what I use. Nice to see someone use it for high quality projects.
I love Wings3d. I use it for getting all my basic designs down, it's so intuitive for relatively low poly projects. It's got it's limitations though, and I use 3DS Max as my detail work tool.
Nice work on this guys, the whole ring seen in its entirety around the planet should look really impressive.
is that sketchup i see? thats my modelling software of choice ;)
Announcement: This event may be moved to several hours earlier, either 8 or 7pm GMT. Watch for a more official announcement.
i'm loving this mod more everyday
Event is in about 2 hours at 8 GMT