The mod is not dead, haters. Just so you know.
The only reason why i haven't updated anything in a while is that i lack access to any computers, so i can't work on the mod as much as i would like to. I also plan to move once again, i need to find something more permanent to live with my girlfriend at the moment... i will also start with distance studies in Januari, i will then hopefully get myself a laptop and work with the mod from that on my freetime.
alto it might go abit slow right now, i will resume with the mod when the time comes. Until then you can enjoy the alpha releases.. and haters can just turn around and go away. Never needed you here anyway.
Keep hope strong, one day i'll resume progress on this.
+1 Karma
Thank you so much for coming back, now I will start playing generals again :D
I lost faith and thought you worked in secret or something, I am sorry please forgive me.
i new i didnt quit :D
thank you for coming back outcast!!! :D
good luck with continue the mod :D
Yes ! both you & the mod is still alive =]