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Another Month, another trip to the world of 40k, this time with new fangled Moving Pictures! purty. Since we are ahead of schedule with the coding side of EX and so far behind on the animations, due to a lack of animators, some of the team members have begun animating things to the best of their skill

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Another Month, another trip to the world of 40k, this time with new fangled Moving Pictures! purty.

Since we are ahead of schedule with the coding side of EX and so far behind on the animations, due to a lack of animators, some of the team members have begun animating things to the best of their skill (Animators are harder to find than the 'off' switch for the Golden Throne).

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Here are some shots of the in-game class selection menus that overflowed from January's news. Each menu will list the classes that you have saved enough experience points to be able to use, the more powerful classes requiring more experience. All the classes from version 1 of EX are shown here for illustration.

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Although we have begun animating for ourselves it does not mean we have given up the search for experienced animators, there are still literally hundreds of animation sequences left to do. If you are an animator and you can help us, please get in touch, we need your help.

DennisG - - 725 comments


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bf40kadmin - - 288 comments

Nice work, your doing pretty well :)

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Rogrio - - 9 comments

Good models.

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Scarfaces|Boomstick - - 117 comments

For god sakes fix the space marine eyes. LOWER THE BROW! they look great just in the name of the god emperor LOWER THE BROW

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ChromeAngel - - 708 comments

Scarfaces|Boomstick Can you draw me a picture of where you think the "brow" should come to? Perhaps sketch over one of the screenies. I'm happy with the eyes as they are you see, i'd be happier raising the "ears" than lowering the "brow".

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DiePflanze - - 49 comments

I think the animations of that giant red ... thing ... look a bit too human... can you make them look more like an insect ore something by for example not moving his arms in the same way the legs do? They could hold them almost still, that would give them this kind of "present you weapon" effect you find in the nature.

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DiePflanze - - 49 comments

And he should move his head also, when he runs he could bend his back a bit so he gets a little hunchback, his head still pointing towards enemy.
That would give him the kick i think...

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Darkwulf90 - - 6 comments

As stated by the animator on the forum, there are reasons for his doing what and what not. Some of these reasons are background in 40k which he is keeping to and others are to do with the model.
Here are some of the reasons he stated:
Nids aint insects and therefore why the hell should they move ike them just cos they have external carapace.
Nid Warriors are, in part, based off human DNA which was added to the origional nid mix to improve them to this galaxy, so a bit of human movement would seam to be logical.
Hunching is imbalanced with with more mass in the torso then the lower half.

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