Post news Report RSS Intelligence Bulletin Vol 1 * No 6

Welcome to the sixth “Heroes & Generals Intelligence Bulletin”. The purpose of this bulletin is to give you an insight in the development progress of Heroes & Generals and show you what each of us are working on at a weekly basis.

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IntelligenceBulletingVol01No06First of all, welcome to all the new community-members!

We started this week by sending out a press release Monday, where we announced Heroes & Generals to the public with our Debut Teaser.

This resulted in quite a few mentions in the gaming press around the world. We’ve been featured on Kotaku, Joystiq, Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Destructoid, Igromania (RU), Gamecorner (PL), CD-action (PL), Genk (VN) and many other sites and forums around the world. Our Game Director Reto.RedBjarne even made an exclusive interview with John Walker from Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

Our Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and IndieDB profiles have also been launched/relaunched and started to grow.

Our forum is sizzling with activity, and the number of posts have exploded.

Quite a few interesting On Topic threads has been spawned, and we’re slowly digesting the feedback, and trying the best we can to answer questions.

And finally we’ve sent out more Alpha-keys this week, which you can read more about here.

Propaganda this week

Heroes & Generals Debut Teaser

Our very first Teaser – designed to lure you into our site and sign up for an Alpha-key!

Welcome to Heroes & Generals – [Alpha Footage]

This video with early Alpha Footage was originally made as a temporary video for our Landing Page, but it was quickly picked up by the gaming media, so we decided to make it public

A Google search indicates that we’ve made at least a small dent in the search-landscape. :-)

Developer Reports this week

Campaign map, the next step

By Reto.Chrestangen
“At the moment I’m working with Reto.Placebo and Reto.RedBjarne to create the next version of the Campaign. We’ve had several iterations of this part of the game to get it just right, but the concept is not finalized yet. We are still trying different setups and need to test our ideas with the community. But below you can find our plan at the moment.Read More

GUI in the action game

By Reto.Goonstah
“This post is going to be about how we go about creating and displaying the OSD (on-screen display) in the action game.” Read More

German pilot’s headgear

By Reto.Robotron3000
“Since we have shown a couple of the in-game weapon models, we felt that we should also show something from the character department. So without further ado, here is the German pilot’s headgear.” Read More

Team Debriefing


Reto.RedBjarne, Game Director
“M.I.A. (Amongst other things – did an interview with Rock, Paper, Shotgun. /Reto.KenSolo)”

Reto.Fleck, Level Designer
“This week had been focused on getting the Supply Mission up and working – and it does! It’s not public yet – and needs to be tied up to the strategy part. Besides that I’m working on a Skirmish Mission – with tranches – new type of fun.”

Reto.Robotron3000, Community Manager & Game Designer
“I’ve been working on the webservers keeping them propped up during the influx of new signups. Other than that I’ve been working on the forums, trying to answer questions and getting questions to the right people in here so they can write real answers to the questions instead of me guessing on the internal workings of the render. :-)


Reto.Hr.Wille,3D Artist

Reto.Mato, Lead Character Artist
“I’ve been making the German Paratrooper uniform parts and applying new shaders to the other uniforms.”

Reto.Owleater, Character Artist
“Working on the Cloth Shader prototype for US Army. Making maps for the evergoing US helmet. And Featured Developer updating demand from the lovely Reto.KenSolo.”

Reto.Colding, Lead Animator
“This week I have worked on sitting, bouncing and leaning in jeep – also hanging in parachute and falling through the air without the parachute deployed – last but not least i have made a place mine on ground anim and fixed batch animation export in my tools :)

Reto.Dave, Environment/Props/Concept Artist
“Been building new city buildings and fixed some issues with rock boulders, where I fixed the normal map and tweaked the diffuse map so hopefully it’s gonna look better ingame now. :)


Reto.Goonstah, Programmer and Technical Lead
Upgraded the servers which handle – the press release generated a lot of traffic. :-)
Booked a server in US (Chicago) for the action game. It isn’t running yet (maybe next week).
Migrating the user registration and account management website to run on its own, independent of the game’s backend, to improve the server uptime.”

Reto.Chrestangen, Flash Programmer

Reto.Placebo, Code connoisseur
“* Worked on scripts to fix up small issues with the database related to the campaign map
* Implemented functionality to spawn skirmish and supply missions – choosing the most simple way to do this in order to test the levels.
* Started re-implementing MIA functionality which links action and strategy game”

Reto.Hal9k, Render Programmer
“Bug fixing the stable server, setup of new private buildbot to avoid messing up our development server every time we do a developer buld of the game. Bug fixing deployment of linux action server.Dynamic random weather support (until I get some “real” weather-data from the War Server).”

Reto.Ogssan, Gameplay Programmer
“Once again there have been a few bug fixes this week. Additionally I also tweaked the mines so each player only can have 10 active mines at any one point. Added some internal debugging features, cleaned up some code and finally worked on new gamemodes.”

Reto.Leto, Gameplay Programmer
“Put in the new drive animation for the jeep. The animation tilts the character acording to the current acceleration and the direction of the vehicle. Did some new aim code to make the character less static. Collision code has been fixed to compensate for target and bullet velocity.”

Reto.Murphy, Senior Programmer
“…[static]… Can’t… talk…. coding……. [radio silence]…..”

Reto.Injection, Senior Programmer
“Bugfixing and cleaning up everybody else’s mess :-P


Lead Sound Designer“My main focus this week has been to create bullet impacts when you shoot at stone, concrete, brick walls and asphalt. It’s not working a 100% the way it should but it’s getting there. The magnetic Hafthohlladung mine and the No.74 sticky bomb have new sounds when they are being attached to what you want to blow up.”

Reto.Lord, Audio Programmer
“Nothing to report. Illness and bug hunt/fix.”


Reto.Topo, CEO

Reto.KenSolo, PR & Marketing Coordinator
“This has been one exciting week with many new community-members and a whole lot of press. We’ve been featured on many major gamesites, so this week I’ve mailed with a lot of games journalists and bloggers and made sure that they had received our press kit, etc. I’ve also tried to dig my way through the thousands of posts in our forum, and answered a few questions in some of the threads. Besides that I’ve started some small test-ad-campaigns on Facebook and Google AdWords.”


The Intelligence Bulletin is designed primarily for the use of the members of the Heroes & Generals community. It is a vehicle for the dissemination to them of the latest information received from Reto-Moto Intelligence sources about the development of Heroes & Generals. Readers are invited to comment on the use that they are making of the Intelligence Bulletin and to forward suggestions for future issues.

Reto-Moto Intelligence Division,
Developer Department

Sign up for an Alpha-key here!

(Heroes & Generals blog link)

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dafishanator - - 560 comments

I LOVE you guys :) :)

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PierreOfTheFrench - - 320 comments

I think it's really great of you guys to have jumped into full on community news after your public annoucement and especially because I know in the other posts, you were kind enough to read/respond to comments. For being such a veteraned dev team it's really nice. Games looking great, can't wait to try it out!

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Yeah, being this active, makes me think yer going to support the game well and not just the usual approach of an occasional message.

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Radar11m - - 694 comments

looking good

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