Strike Force Commando - Help - Info - Instructions

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· Temple: GAME.
· Ship: LOAD.
· Stone: OPTIONS.
· Corners: EXIT.

Combat movement.
· W: walk forward
· S: walk backward.
· A / D: lateral movement.
· Key 1-3: change ammunition to bullets / missiles / flamethrower
· F1: Help.
· Esc: Abort the mission.
· Pointer of the mouse: movement direction / hand / aim point.
· Left button: shoot/action/catch/activate/ push.
· Right button: change to normal mode or combat mode.
o Aero-motorbike: Mouse.

Mission report.

Computers: the temple is controlled by computers and the main facilities are protected by a security system that use passwords. There's a main computer that manages all the temple system, you must find it and activate the self-destruction process.

Officials: they have the codes of the security systems and the main computers. You can recognize them because they are unarmed. You must find them and get their passwords.

Aero-motorbikes: when you start the destruction process, you have 3 minutes and 30 seconds to escape, the intelligence service have discovered that there's an hangar where you can find some aero-motorbike.

Hostages: if you find some colonists, you must to tele-transport them.

The weapons.
· Multi-function machine-gun MFG-655 with missiles and flamethrower
o Bullet, caliber 12 mm. Half reach.
o Mini-missile, caliber 50 mm. Long reach.
o Unlimited flame-thrower. Short reach.
· Aero-motorbike with unidirectional laser.

The characters.
Commando: is the main character of the game. He has two performance modes, in the combat mode, the pointer is an aim point and we can shoot to the place that points with the armament that we have selected. In the normal mode the pointer is a hand that will indicate us with a movement with which objects or elements of the room can work.

Hostage: the humans that survived the attack are used as slaves, it is believed that they have manipulated their brains and their reaction when seeing us is completely passive. When we locate one, we should tele-transport it.

Alien Soldier: it has two machine guns of half reach and it is harmful for contact. It is the most common enemy and it can be eliminated with anyone of our armament. Their normal state is of surveillance and only will attack us if it detects us or if we shoot him. When it is eliminated we obtain an object that can
be ammunition or a first-aid kit.

Alien-nest: they are armed with a weapon machine gun of floor of great caliber and high shot frequency. They are more difficult of eliminating and they are those that first we should attack when entering to a room because it will remove us energy at great speed .

Surveillance-dron: small air robots of movement that explode by proximity. If we don't come closer they don't suppose bigger danger but if we want to destroy them we will only be able with the missiles.

Official of temple: the officials are aliens that possess the codes of the computers. They are recognized because they are unarmed and they escape from us as soon as they see us. It is vulnerable to any ammunition. Once eliminated will fall the code in a card, you cannot pick up this card, and it will disappear if we pass to another room without having examined it.

Aero-motorbike pilot: they appear only in the return to the transport temple levels and they can damage us with crashes or shots. The only form of eliminating them is by laser impact or by its own stupidity in avoiding rocks.

Monk: a stranger being that is mortal to the contact. Their nature is ignored, but it is believed that they are human mutants. It cannot be eliminated and to escape is the best option.

Alien of fire: alien of great size and invisible at half distance. It is the most dangerous enemy and their attack capacity for surprise subtracts a lot of energy, we cannot also eliminate him with any ammunition type for what we will have to escape as soon as we detect it.

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