Post news RSS ICS 2.0 Armory, New Player Model & Weapon Skins

Big Fun Stuff! ICS 1.0 rolled with ACM™ Weapons weapon performance modeling that improves weapon realism, game-play and rewards skilled, aimed, select-fire over spray and spam. 2.0 continues the design tradition and expands it with the addition of new weapons and tweaks to existing ICS 1.0 weapons

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Big Fun Stuff!

ICS 1.0 rolled with ACM™ Weapons weapon performance modeling that improves weapon realism, game-play and rewards skilled, aimed, select-fire over spray and spam. 2.0 continues the design tradition and expands it with the addition of new weapons and tweaks to existing ICS 1.0 weapons like the SIG 551.

Guns & Gear: Weapons R'Us

All new in ICS 2.0 are the Suppressed H&K Mk23 SOCOM Pistol and OICW XM-33a Rifle. The SOCOM now offers every player a stealthy backup option, and the OICW is a unique prototype over/under weapon with 20mm grenade 'rifle' over a 5.56mm close-assault rifle. 20mm KE munitions are perform like fat, slow moving, exploding bullets and are great for motivating that well covered sniper to move (or die).

Beta 2.0 Load Screen ICS 2.0 Weapons (1600 · 1200)

ICS 2.0 now includes three new fragmentation grenades: F1, MDN 11, and M67, that offer unique and realistic trade offs of weight, damage and explosive radius. We haven't stopped there ICS 2.0 also includes two new tactical munitions the M15 Phosphorus Grenade, and M7A3 Tear Gas; we even have an M95 Gas Mask as equipment option offing truly unique and fun tactical options.

The New M67 Gas Mask Reloading The OICW

Changed weapons in ICS 2.0 include the M4 which gets a more modern skin and voice, the M3A1 SMG which gets a new paint job too; the Silver Talon is now loaded with Magnum AP ammunition and is a real hand cannon; the USAS-12 gives up it's role as shotgun as we've replaced its 000 shot with 12g rifled AP sabot slugs -- so it's now a heavy, low ROF close assault monster that takes some real marksmanship and cautious judgment to be effective with; we also fixed SOF II's M590 crouch/lean bug and did a made a minor damage adjustment; and the SIG 551 now has more muzzle climb and less accuracy on full-flow.

OICW & GIGN New Special Forces & M4 Skin

Summarily the changes and additions flesh out the ICS 2.0 armory to twenty-five carefully balanced weapons and munitions that offer unique tactical performance and realistic relative scale specialization -- all are capable weapons if used appropriately and are enormous fun to play with. To learn more about the ICS 2.0 ACM weapons and their tactical capabilities jump to our ICS 2.0 ACM Weapons Page for the full poop.

New Player Model Skin Sets

ICS 2.0 also rolls two detailed skin sets with five models each: GIGN (left) the elite French Counter-Terrorist force and U.S. Special Forces (right).

New GIGN Model New Special Forces Skin

To see more shots of the other player modes jump to these ICS Picture Gallery pages: [1], [2], [3], [4], and [5]...

More, More & Still More!

We had to make three news posts because the feature payload of ICS 2.0 is just too massive for one post, if you missed the first post go take a look at our ICS 2.0 Release This Friday Post where we show the new level designs in ICS 2.0.

Next up well take a look at ICS 2.0's new game-play features, slick new Admin GUI and other enhancements that will have you drooling until you have your hands on ICS 2.0 -- which won't be long as we turn it loose this Friday!


BlueWolf72 - - 812 comments

please say so. Im working on mods of 2003

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NeoGeniX - - 11 comments

yes it was! 2.0 will be released tomorrow.

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