Post news Report RSS Hypercube Source

Hypercube Source is now uploaded to the ModDB servers for all to enjoy. Lets go over the traps. 1. The laser beam trap, which has three phases, each phase getting deadlier and deadlier. 2. The spike trap which shoots many spikes out off the wall and after killing you they return slowly. 3. The teleportation

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Hypercube Source is now uploaded to the ModDB servers for all to enjoy. Lets go over the traps.

1. The laser beam trap, which has three phases, each phase getting deadlier and deadlier.

lazer beam phaze 2 Spike trap

2. The spike trap which shoots many spikes out off the wall and after killing you they return slowly.

3. The teleportation trap which teleports you to an isolated location, if you want to get out you will have to kill your self with the bomb provided.

4. The explosion trap which sets off several huge explosions that are heard by all the players in the cube and splatters your blood across the walls.

5. The gas trap which sprays toxic gas at you, if your fast enough you can escape before you die.

Gas Trap Boot weapon model

6. The swinging wire trap inspired by the first trap of the movie Cube 1. This trap swings extremely fast and after killing you it swings back down slowly before folding up.

7. The fire trap which when activated flames come up from the floor, you can also escape this trap if you are fast enough.

Another feature of Hypercube Source is the boot. Cube fans know that the boot is a very useful tool when it comes to detecting and surviving the traps. The boot is used by throwing it into a room, it will trigger 75 percent of the traps in the cube.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 52)
sbnewsom - - 656 comments

Ok, we will not be using the name Cube: Source, and officially we will be having a full singleplayer/mp modification with its own story. So with that said, we won't be able to release the media we wanted in the coming days. Hopefully once we have the traps done, player death tech done, and hopefully some more up to date videos for the public to see.

Anyways, so you won't be too dissappointed, I did get around to uploading the original Cube movement test from the old version on video. So here, check it out.

I'm glad your not thinking of competition Cubedude, my intentions wasn't to compete but to announce. lol ;)

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SkinnY - - 33 comments

Awsome, i just hope you guys are going to fix the current ingame bugs :) but i always wanted to make this myself, but.. well so many things to do, so little time to do it you know :)

GJ guys, hope to see some bugfixes soon!

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methy - - 1,221 comments

Kick-***! Downloading now!

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drunkill - - 570 comments

:O like the movies!

Now we need the prequel, cube!

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Sp3ctre_1053 - - 18 comments

To no take this as a personal offence, but these are my impressions:
-there isn't a way to start a sp game via using the menu
-why are doors made by two, uncomfortable, pieces?
-the ladders are really bugged, it's almost impossible to enter a side door or detach when descenting from the ceiling door.
-the bg image is clearly a, ugly in-game screenshot (provided with hud and crosshair) with inverted colors
-i abandoned the game after 2 minutes because of these tricky ladders


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scratch - - 138 comments

Indeed. This mod has potential, but:

-the current state is that it's far away from being playable, it's more like hurting your fingers on purpose while trying to get through doors
-there isn't even a slight chance of knowing where you are, sprays don't last forever
-beaming the player back to spawn if he heads the wrong direction is nonsense
-boots can't be picked up again, that and the previous facts make the mod frustrating

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INtense! Staff
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

it is definately a good start and an original idea which is great to see. keep it up

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M2k3 - - 2 comments

This mod has some good ideas but there's lots of things that need fixing:
-The boot is a grenade. It acts like a grenade, lights up like a grenade and explodes into a million pieces like a grenade. FIX THAT.
-The ladders. As stated by everyone else the ladders are screwy.
-The ending, I won't spoil it for anyone but your choice of ending the mod was rather unintresting.

Also to the person by the name of "Scratch" that said "beaming the player back to spawn if he heads the wrong direction is nonsense" Well Scratch if you've seen the movie Cube 2: Hypercube then you would know that that's exactly what happens in the movie. Sure it's a bit of a boring twist that I don't really like either but when making a mod like this the developers have to stay true to the events in the movie.

Overall it has an OK start, in my opinion you should've held off the release until some major bugs were fixed. I love the Cube movies so I would really like ot see a mod like this fly.

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RatoN - - 564 comments

This is just a personal opinion but this kind of game seems more suited for single player than multi.

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grasn - - 401 comments

hey this is funny, nice job guys!!

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JoeX111 - - 516 comments

Holy freakin' crap on a popsicle stick! :O

Downloading as soon as I get home from work!

Expect a review to follow!

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scratch - - 138 comments

M2k3, regarding the beam-to-spawn, does it really contribute to the game? I myself would ask me this before implementing it into the game just to stick to strange movies.

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

Alright im making a news post. stay tuned

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lemoncurry? - - 73 comments

yeah this is unplayable right now. if youre going to have more than 3 people at least make them spawn in different rooms. and i agree with raton this is more like a single player.

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onebit - - 31 comments

1. Ladders doesn't work. But here's how you go through the doors: Climb over the door and press E. You release the ladder and you might hit the little ledge in the gate. You can then continue.

2. The traps was kinda crappy. In the movie the traps triggered randomly, in the map they trigger as soon as you enter the room.

3. Spawns. (Like we discussed when we played 5 minutes ago)

4. I suggest you move over to CSS. You will have animations (why doesn't they work now? Did you mess up the code?) and func_ladder.


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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

Alright another news post is comming.

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Larkuo - - 122 comments

yes do respawn or this mod will DIE!

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

OK, download version 2. I hope its a lot better with the respawning.

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RPRaiden - - 23 comments

Man I love the movies! Nobody ever seemed to have heard of them... <3!!!

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m4x0r - - 43 comments

Nice job so far man but What I would do is make the boot a prop, and have players use the USE key to pick it up and throw it.
Also in multiplayer the character models look pretty dumb with their arms all out like that, so I would find a way to change that.
And my last piece of advice is to fix the ladder problems.

Other than that I think it's really good so far and you and your team did a good job. =>

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

ok, no offence taken. :)

1. Its MP thats why you cant start a SP game.
2. The doors are made by two pieces because thats how they were in the movie.
3. The ladders are extremely easy to do once you figure it out. They really are. :)
4. The bg image is just an ugly in-game screenshot hehehehe. :) Your right about that one.
5. 2 min. huh. well this mod is ment to take a long time to beat.
This mod is very discrimitive against players, because you pretty much need to be a huge cube fan that is willing to give hours to thinking and playing the mod just to figure a way out.
Me and the cube fans I made the mod for are extremely happy and are having fun. Plus some other cube fans that saw the mod here had a lot of fun playing. So im sorry you didnt.

once again sorry.

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Cell84 - - 1 comments

You said to comment, so I did. It was fun, but buggy. I really hope you decide to work on a new map, or new version of this.

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

well, this was a quick mod i just did for fun, I dont fell like fixing that stuff.

1. The ladders are fine. After I told people how to do it , they were fine and got used to it.
2. DUDE your a F-ing genus, If i make the boot a prop, then it wont explode. I love you man!!!
3. And about the arm problem, I might try to fix that, (Might) :)

Thanks for the boot as a prop idea. Thanks.

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

hehehe i may release a version 3 now.

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manneedname - - 104 comments


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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

I dont think so, I have a lot of real work to do on Evolution. But there is a chance.

I only made a version 2 because version 1 was TOTALLY unplayable.
But version 2 is fine. Yes there are some things that could be better.

But to change the biggest problem, which is the doors/ladders. I would have to redo the entire thing.
which would take a month or so. And i dont have the time.


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wickedtoaster - - 106 comments

i was totally confused. of course ive never heard of the movie, but i like to try out mods that have been released for games i have. so i fired it up and i didnt know what the hell was going on. more frustrating than fun imo. the concept is pretty cool and considering u guys made it in a month, ill give u props for that, but i just couldnt stand it.

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TekkaBlade - - 8 comments

Wow, this is so awesome. I remember watching this movie along time ago. Just something that takes patience and brians to get out of. If you don't have either, you won't make it out alive. Hahaha. Great stuff!

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BarryC - - 44 comments

To no take this as a personal offence, but these are my impressions:
-there isn't a way to start a sp game via using the menu
-why are doors made by two, uncomfortable, pieces?
-the ladders are really bugged, it's almost impossible to enter a side door or detach when descenting from the ceiling door.
-the bg image is clearly a, ugly in-game screenshot (provided with hud and crosshair) with inverted colors
-i abandoned the game after 2 minutes because of these tricky ladders


This game really blows chunks, updates to fix the ladders and doors would rock.

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PHP - - 1 comments

you shouldn't have to have things explained to you in order to play a game, there should at least be instructions if it's built poorly.

The ladders AREN'T easy to use, I know how to use them, but it's mostly tricky, hit and miss, and frustrating.

Incorporating things from the movie that kills gameplay seems rediculous, this is the game, the movie is something different. If you want the movie you should probably watch it, the game should be based on it, but actually be fun.

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M@ty - - 508 comments

Indeed, despite being told how to use, I still can't use them correctly. Nad if I go through the door in the floor I get stuck, a large amount of jumping and pressing e and moving has gotten me free a few times, but otherwise I've had to resrtart.

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CyberMan - - 79 comments

Without reading anything, i dont understand anything and dont find the game amusing at all... havnt heard about the movies either :P(i did got the ladders to work, just a little jerky)

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

(QUOTE) The mod created more pain than pleasure.

Ya, hehehe. The cube is not made for plesure. This mod was made to simulate a hypercube. Not made for game play.
The next cube game I make will be made for gameplay and not simulation of a cube. :)

So consider this mod a test.

I'll PM you.

PS: is your cube mod listed on ModDB

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EvilErnie - - 100 comments

cool idea for a mod.. loved the movies....

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m4x0r - - 43 comments

Glad I could help with the prop idea
If you aren't going to do it, would you mind if I added it in myself?

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m4x0r - - 43 comments

oh and another thing, if you fixed the player animations I would give this mod like 10/10 hahah, I really don't find the ladders/doors that big of a problem, and I understand how hard it is to make something like this and I appreciate it, so good luck in whatever you decide man =>

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zdfgsfgsdegfs - - 136 comments

This looks sexy as ****.

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sbnewsom - - 656 comments

Nice job, but thankfully an official Cube: Source mod is going to be released with shifting cubes, extremely detailed and complex traps and of course no ladder problem. Nice idea though. ^_^

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

When will this be. I dont think the source engine can handel detailed rooms?

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

Hey m4x0r, do what you would like. :)
its all yours. lol

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m4x0r - - 43 comments

Sweet! Is there anyway I can get the mod not finalized? Like so I can edit things and such?

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

If i can get access to my faster internet ill send you the hammer save file of hypercube source. You can decompile the models/textures if you need to.

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

PM me your email

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m4x0r - - 43 comments

wow, I love you, uhh yea let me pm you it

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sbnewsom - - 656 comments

CubeDude89, media will be released either tomorrow or saturday of "Cube: Source".

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Jambozal - - 337 comments

Ooh competition. Always does either A) wonders for quality of both mods or b) kills one mod. I'm hoping for the former XD

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

LOL, mines dead LOL.

No problem though. :)

Is Cube:Source on

I'll go check. :)

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

ok, where will I be able to find this media at for Cube: Source???

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D@rson07 - - 356 comments

just wanted it to be 50, yeah im bored

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DennisG Author
DennisG - - 725 comments

Very cool, But how did you design it so that the player can go through the top doors?

Did you do it like I did?

PS: Why the wierd colors?

And Hypercubes only had 1 door between rooms and not 2.

Good job.

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