Household DEATH! v1.0 is now Released!
After numerous power outages, blistering weather, and downright sleeplessness, HHD 1.0 is Finally released!
I planned to Release it yesterday; but due to the aforementioned problems... well, you catch my drift!
Household DEATH! is aimed to be a Comical / b-movie horrorish Half-Life modification, using weapons you can find in an average house. Version 1.0 contains 6 weapons and 2 maps, music, lots of blood and weighs in at 28mb.
HHD Requires Steam due to some engine functionality that Valve added to the latest version for Condition Zero, that HHD utilizes, so unfortunately if you don't have Steam, you will need it to even play the mod/check it out.
I've taken a different approach on this mod, description wise; Unlike traditional mods which list all of the features/weapons and a number of screenshots (My own others included) I've been keeping hush-hush, to keep it more of a surprise. So check it out, and let me know if you like it, and want me to continue to work on it / expand it, and add more weapons and gameplay modes!
Finally, the download page is located HERE
Have fun!
Congrats on finishing the mod
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