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I was going to simply write "Pikachu!" here, but there's that 50 character thing, plus Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander would feel left out. But mostly the character thing.

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As we've had a lot more attention than I think any of us anticipated, we decided an F.A.Q. might be in order, that could be updated over time. The good Professor has a great thread already up on the forum, so I'll be copying and pasting that here.

What is this game?
On the portal page, there is a section entitled "What is Pokemon Generations?" which will tell you a few basic things about the game.

When is the next update?

This one is also paraphrased to “release?” or “when’s the date for release, please tell us in hours and minutes!” and even “tell us release now!” and a copy straight from ModDb of “WHEN DOES THE UPDATE COME OUT PLZ SAY IT :( NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!”
There are two answers. The answer that you want is that it will be ready as soon as it is ready. The answer that’s honest is that we aren’t certain enough about it to give an accurate estimation. That said, the more often development members have to answer that particular question, the more time it takes away from actual active development. These good people will put forth the update as soon as they feel it’s ready to be put forth, and are genuinely more anxious about progressing than you are, whether you believe that or not.

What will be included in version *.*.*?
As an update nears the state where it’s polished enough that it feels playable without presentint too many undesirable side-effects, and we’re sure about the list of features included, a wild NEWS POST will appear, letting everyone know what to expect in the next patch. Some updates may be a bit bigger than others, and will include a small video update to show some of the progress. Some updates may just be minor bugfixes, and on that note won’t really require anything more than an explanation.

Will Pokemon Generations feature every Pokemon?
This one has been asked quite often, although I’m not really certain why, as it’s a fairly accessible point mentioned in many places throughout the forums and Moddb page. Pokemon Generations will ONLY certainly feature pokemon numbering 1-251, or from Bulbasaur to Celebi. It’s also been asked if we’ll include later incarnations of these pokemon, and the answer can be found in the last sentence. Though they’re based on forms from these generations, they aren’t from these generations. Pokemon Generations will only feature Pokemon #1 through Pokemon #251. It is POSSIBLE, but very unlikely that Generation 3 will be considered, but beyond that is certainly not happening.

Can I be a beta tester?
But my friend, you already are! There will come a time in the future when we need a more focused group of people to test certain things extensively, communicate with us on a very regular basis about those things and provide general feedback about other issues, and when we do, we’ll be doing our best to gather testers that can provide us with the kind of feedback we need in order to continue to shape things properly.[/spoiler][spoiler]But for now, testing the current version and reproducing bugs help keep us from having to do just that, giving us more time to work on many other things! So battle your friends, explore, and try all sorts of things!

Will Pokemon Generations have ______ or ______?
Pokemon Generations will be focused primarily on Generations 1 and 2. This means that most of the features taken from the games will be features taken from these two. If it was in those games, there’s a good probability it will be included in Pokemon Generations.

Can I help?
On a case by case basis, sure! As we get closer to the point of needing assets, like art or any sort of voicework, we’ll be sure to let people know. Currently, there are a few people helping out with models, and we’re doing well on sounds. Pokemon has a pretty good range of music, so we aren’t really hurting for plenty of samples and arrangements, and given the nostalgic nature of the project, it might do more harm than good to the atmosphere by including original tracks rather than sticking with source material.

There is a thread with more information about helping out here.

I can’t play the game!!!
That isn’t a question. However, a general play guide is posted here and there’s a guide on playing over hamachi here. On specific issues, try reading through the forums and making sure your issue hasn’t already been addressed, and if it hasn’t, make sure your topic is helpful, and provide those trying to help you with as much information about any errors or problems you have so they don’t have to guess for you.

Also, we’ve noticed lots of donation-related questions.
Let me answer that in this manner. We’re doing everything we can to make sure we don’t incur any costs in the process of development-other than bills required to keep our computers and internet going. That said, we’re starting to see that people want things like always-on, official servers, and server/file hosting would require money. In the event that we start doing something of that nature, we might consider adding donation support on the basis of keeping those things going, but for now, things are set up in as cost-free a manner as possible, and we’re hoping to keep it that way.

Now that the F.A.Q. is out of the way, the update is getting closer to release. We've decided to add Mac support, so with that, some things have taken a bit longer. We ultimately went through a few launcher designs and approaches but we're finally settled on one.

As far as content goes, polishing is happening on the catching system, Rattata and Pidgey are being worked in, and Squirtle's getting a little more love. The new map is coming along well, and bugs are being squashed. There are a few new UI elements, that aren't fully working yet, but the idea and direction is there. Saving is working, too, so you don't have to re-catch your pokemon(although once we move past testing pokemon toward story I hope we'll clear that data ;P)

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

love it

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NESfall - - 3 comments

Sounds cool man, best of luck to all of you. Remember, no matter how impatient we may seem, it's better to wait to ensure a quality product. Besides, the reason we are so impatient is because you're making something monumental and amazing. Take your time, the internet's not going anywhere!

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Xofolez - - 197 comments

couldnt say it any better- this guy is right.

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Pengu221a - - 15 comments


Awesome, but if your game gets enough success you have to make all 5 gens!!!!!

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Kyrious - - 5 comments

Soon to be 6...

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darkpikachu - - 109 comments

no i have a feeling the 6th gen is gonna s**k

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

How would it suck? It's still Pokémon, and we all love Pokémon, right? :3

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darkpikachu - - 109 comments

shut ur *** it WILL suck

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Zeno_magatama - - 28 comments

Stupid genwunners, and they call themselves to true pokemon fans, pfft.

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

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Conorrhea - - 3 comments

I can't wait to play this, but you guys do what you gotta do to make a great game.

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Geeyermo - - 6 comments

Hey you guys..... am I the only one whos gotten a crash report message upon start up of the game?

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Xofolez - - 197 comments

You said ths will be based off the television show and game combined. For all intent and purposes we will call the following "mini-games." Will there be meowt-balloon ambushes where you need to send team rocket 'blasting off', will there be games that test your pokemon [and even trainer's skill/ button mash ability] like seen in Blaze's Gym challenge where ash was required to race Blaze in the melting of a large column of ice, will there be dress-up dolls [lol had to go there :P ], and is there going to be a camera for use [like in Pokemon Snap [Nintendo 64]] with photo achievements as well?

Other questions:

Will you be including themes that ash had partaken in the movies?
Will you include the +100ft tall Dragonite in the game [whether it be scenic or retievable]?
Will we find you guys in the developement center 'developing the game' from Cerulean City [lol red/blue reference]?
Will there be trade requirements in the game in order to reach 251?
Is missing'o going to exist?
Will there be a truck beside the St.Anne ship with mew underneath it [idk if that rumor was true, but a buddy gave me a mew once]?
Will you be including pokemon stadium features or similarities?

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Xofolez - - 197 comments

Will there be co-op game play/guild systems?
Will we be able to affiliate with organizations like team rocket and such?

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JordyJS - - 271 comments

We're not psychic, sorry. We have plans for a lot of those things, but without anything to show for it, my words are nothing but hollow.

However, the forums likely have the answers for many of those questions already.

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JonardLolz - - 5 comments

About the +100ft tall Dragonite, why not making it an easter egg?

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

Create evolutions for charmander :D

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

What about big pokemons? A they be really big?

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Skattastrophe Author
Skattastrophe - - 127 comments

Pokemon will use their suggested height and weight from pokedex entries, which you can find at Bulbapedia, if you're so inclined to peruse.

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Dayfinder - - 12 comments

Whoopsies, I asked this question in my "say wut" comment.
Noted. ^^

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

hay will their be Evolving

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Skattastrophe Author
Skattastrophe - - 127 comments

It'd be difficult to obtain a Gengar if Ghastly was always a Ghastly.

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AjdinF - - 69 comments

Ok I might take my time with this comment, but I would appreciatte If you would read it :)
Ok, first off I too can't wait for the update to be released and with more features and egc, but I do understand that making a game such like this one takes time and pattience, but I just want you too know that this game raises pokemon games to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL, from the first nintendo pokemon game I have played I dreamed of a game exactly like this one, it is so perfect, so full of details, precise details, you guys are making so many kids dreams come true, you might even not be aware of that, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my PokeHeart (so cheesy haha), you are the best and I fully support you in everything and will be waiting patiently :)

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Dayfinder - - 12 comments

Hey You, developers!
I've tried out the V1 and everything I've seen is looking like it's going in the right direction.
I've just got some suggestions and questions.
Currently, the game has 2 modes: Trainer + Pokemon.
When in Pokemon battle mode, the UI should shift to show moves, power, and which is "selected" to be used.
There should also be some kind of marker to show where the move will hit.
Naturally I'm going along the "Skillshot" route, as this game seems to have the basics of starting that route already, with manual attacks that have limited range, and hitboxes of their own. [as seen in Charmander's Fire Wheel (?) attack.]
Also, I can't wait for leveling + enemy AI's.
Last suggestion, and this may sound odd, is learning new moves.
Having a massive movepool is quite a lofty goal, and I don't expect it any time soon, but it'd be amazing to see different moveset pokemon fighting in style.
On to questions. Will your leveling system be similar? IV's, EV's, Pokemon abilities & personality 'types' (modifies stats)?
Will tail whip and the other similar abilities get reasonable affects similar to the games? Currently, tail whip is a damage move.
Will it get reduced to a less damage move, +status effect?
(It's always bugged me that slapping pokemon with your own's tail never did damage, but scratch did...)
Last but not least, do you intend to have unique pokemon sizes, like the games describe them?

Can't wait for your reply, and I hope I've helped in some way or another ^^

Note, I don't expect any of this any time soon, I just hope that maybe I've helped the idea side of things.

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coolpomech - - 103 comments

tail whip isn't meant to damage its defelects projectile moves like ember

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Dayfinder - - 12 comments

Point being,these moves should inflict status effects AND damage, to a more minor degree.
At current I only see it doing a decent amount of damage.
I haven't seen it reflect anything, but I haven't been doing LAN or anything like that.

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Spaceduck120 - - 5 comments

Hi id really appreciate it if you guys could make a how to video on how
to download this game.I know lots of others and I would really like to try
out this great looking game but just dont know exactly how to do it or get
it to work.

I wish you luck☺ on your current and future development on this game!

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Skattastrophe Author
Skattastrophe - - 127 comments Here you are, chap.

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Spaceduck120 - - 5 comments

Thank you so much!!!☺

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GrandCorsair - - 2 comments

What do you have against gen 3 and up?

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Skattastrophe Author
Skattastrophe - - 127 comments

Covering the first two generations in as much depth as we hope to will require way more work than you'd think, and while these two gens are probably nearest and dearest our collective hearts, meaning there's more motivation, I know I like a few other pokemon from each generation. But realistically, it's just not a feasible goal to try and tackle every generation Nintendo throws out, and from the get-go, months ago, we kinda set that in stone.

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ScottyPlaysGames - - 4 comments

Can't wait guys, I will Probably make a Video on it on my YouTube Channel, Don't rush genius guys, Keep it up! ;)

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

When i try to run the game it says this

There should be 'PokeGen_Data'
folder next to the executable

Please help.

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Skattastrophe Author
Skattastrophe - - 127 comments Looks like you didn't keep the PokeGen_ Data folder in the same folder as the PokeGen.exe file.

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

hay will you be aloud to rid on pokemon like the size of arcanineamd fly like control your pokemon in the air like make it go up and down and stuff like that

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ccarson7 - - 29 comments

i meant arcinine

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ccarson7 - - 29 comments

o and some thing where you can create your trainer ? and when you swim with like a feraligator it will not be a lapres or a fish

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ccarson7 - - 29 comments

and also aloud to let all of your pokemon out and a thing where you can make it so you can have a team of 6 or 12

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ccarson7 - - 29 comments

o and also have like a feraligator on all 4's i have herd it some where and if i remember it seed it is slo or something so it goses on all 4's and on 2 leg's 2and something like that for tyfloshon and stuff like that i just thout it would be cool

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trainer.gray - - 5 comments

how are wild pokemons going to appear in the world? is it going to be like pixelmon where they just walk around and you capture them or is it going to be like the videogames where you find them in grass?

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

I'm a programmer here, I figured I'd throw you some advice. You're 'Connect to server' is setup to take input how many digits? I run locally with 12 digits in my IP address out of the sheer fact the way my IP is done. I can only type it down to the last digit won't input.

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

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Skattastrophe Author
Skattastrophe - - 127 comments

I'll make sure this is noticed. Thanks!

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

you could make a pokemon generations 2 with gen 3 and 4 ;)

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