I focused primarily on making combat/monster spawning in this update, along with fixing bugs/tweaking stuff as usual. I walk you through the update in the video below, and you can find a list of all the changes in this update at the end of this post! Check out our website, twitter, youtube, facebook, or talk on the forums!
-Made the mouse wheel change the active item.
-The game now pauses in the escape menu in single player.
-Terrain at the max height is now diggable.
-You now have health.
-Time of day/player position are saved/loaded.
-A file versioning system has been implemented.
-You can now play offline after logging in once.
-Added "News" and "Forum" menu buttons.
-When an object is selected, you can hold F to non-uniformly scale the object, or V to uniformly scale the object.
-Objects now rotate around the camera's up vector rather than the global up vector.
-You can die/respawn.
-Zombies (green capsules as of now) spawn at night, wander around, and attack you if you get close.
-You can now delete placed objects when you have any place-able object equipped, instead of just the object editor.
looks interesting... you need a different skybox other than default unity though.
I had a skybox but I took it out because I am implementing a day/night system. So the background color changes based on the time of day!
hmm... ill watch this
Sounds good :D.
Free and more realistic than Minecraft?
Okay, I'm curious. *hits tracking button*
No too keen on just placing the objects, feels like an engine sandbox demo.
Did you wait until nighttime? Zombies spawn. Other than that, yeah, it is pretty much just a sandbox at the moment. Keep in mind this game has been in development part time for only three weeks though.
Well, im tracking this. I wanna see what we will get out of this... Reminds me of Gmod :)
Yes Gmod is a major source of inspiration for this game :D.
I like the project and I'm tracking it for sure. A little advice though... prepare for your videos before recording it.
Thanks for tracking! Yeah I definitely need to prepare before making them lol.
Everything is fine just pls remove this default grass texture u get with unity3d. It gets me so anoying :D
LOL, don't worry I will! I just didn't feel like making my own texture or searching the web for a good free one.
what programming language are you using?
Nowadays what language you use really doesn't matter much for PC games, but I am using C# with the Unity game engine :D. I use C#/Java for all my projects. I stopped using C++ about a year ago and will never go back.
Looks interesting, tracking.