Post news Report RSS Guedin AoT - WIP #08

For this video, I'm covering Titan attack and awareness.

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New WIP video of the project, I hope you'll like it

Titan awareness

When the titan got a target, his head and body will follow it. The first body part to follow the target is his head, and when it reach the angle limit, the whole body turn to face the player too. This way, we can avoid having the head turning on itself, by 360 degrees.
The eyes movement, as well as the body turn animation are not implemented yet, but that's something that I'd like to add in the future.

During attacks, the titan can follow player movement too. This way, when the titan is trying to catch, his hand will move depending of the player location. If he is trying to escape with a dodge, the titan hand will try to follow the direction of his target. Thanks to that, I can limit hitbox issues, and too obvious player teleportation in the hand when he is caught.
To do that, I'm using blendspace in Unreal

Lastly, the titan is able to anticipate the player location so he can time better his attacks.
Red spots in the following gif represent the player location that is used for triggering attacks. If the spot is in the titan attack range, then he will start the attack. This way, if the player is far, but is coming really fast toward the titan, this one will be able to launch the attack sooner, because he knows that, if the player doesn't deviate from his trajectory, he will be in range when the attack will reach the target point.

How to kill a titan

For now, it's almost impossible to kill a titan. The main reason is that all the gameplay features has not be implemented yet. Dodges will have some invincibility frames, which will allow the player to go through some attacks if it has been well timed.

Moreover, I plan to implement a counter attack system, which can be executed after a well timed dodge. If the player can do a counter attack, he will obtain an advantage over the titan, that need to be determined yet. (Maybe a dismemberment or tendon cut thing, like Levi did)

Another thing that need to be taken in account, is the fact that the final game will be multiplayer, and that attacking a titan alone will be difficult, but targeting a titan with several player should lower the difficulty too.

Finally, when it'll be time to balance the game, it will be easier for me to "dumbify" the titan, rather than the contrary. And if I decide to add several difficulty level, it would be easier to start working on the hard mode first.

Thanks for reading and following me :D


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kazumo - - 1,174 comments

Amazing update, well done!

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TheRyderShotgun - - 4 comments

That's cool! The titan spinning on a dime is, i guess, but you're making good progress! i'll be first in line(wait what is it supposed to be if its non-profit? browser? free download?) for the game!

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

The titan is too fast.
When you get in front of him it's really hard/impossible to get behind him and kill him.

I hope there will be all kinds of titans.
This one is just using one hand to get you.
Some other might use both hands or just right hand...

I hope you will add sounds of titans walking and cable attaching/shooting.

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Maggol - - 117 comments

i think the titan movement is fine. If i remember correctly isn't the mass weight of titan is light, too light for it's own size in the anime/manga. So the reflex response of a titan is considerably fast and almost at same size as normal human. So it will give more point to teamwork, taking one titan maybe need 2-3 person, one as the bait, and the others as the attacker.

But maybe you can make some like difficulty slider, like 100 percent of reflex to 25 percent of reflex for titan, their numbers or the amount of abnormal titan.

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

well,I think the titans are stronger if they are bigger.
While abnormals are even stronger than let's say those that are 12 meters high.

There should be a system that is imitiating your growth as a titan's killer.
At first you would be weak as those newbies that were with eren and got themself killed.(maybe starting out with a team - if it's multiplayer 5 people of the same level is gathered and they start the game)
As you go forward and improve you would achieve levi level of fighting.(then you can solo)

What I dont like is that the game is in 3rd person shoter view.
It should be first person shooter because your view should be limited.
Imagine playing this game in fps view with oculus rift.

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Maggol - - 117 comments

Despite scripting a system that imitating your skill as a titan's killer. What if the player skill and teamwork is more focused as the gameplay design. Well, i mean that no levelling system ala RPG, judging from your second paragraph a system like that tend to make people grinding and less teamwork. With a little simulation progression system, that reward player because he/she have a good reflex and good observation or tactic and also teamwork and winning the round, i think that will be have a more meaning to victory.

About 3rd person view, i think a game at this speed need to be played in 3rd person. Because if played at FPS, wow, most player will have motion sickness or nausea because illusion of speed. But that's just my opinion.

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

well,maybe even if you are skilled you would need a team,but that team would be made of people that are on your lvl.
If our goal is imitate the source material as much as possible.
The same goes with a fps view.
With fps view there is much more possibilites with titans and it would make it more realistic.
Imagine "swinging" around and all of sudden a titan comes from the left which you couldnt see because of the building.
That would make the game harder and more like aot we know.

What also would be fun to see is having fps type of battles.
For example in counter strike you have counter terrorists - good guys and terrorist the bad guys.
So you start as a human if you want and when you die you become a titan trying to eat humans.

I think you get my point.

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IceLacrima - - 225 comments


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jamman88 - - 226 comments

Usually I'd offer to help with programming, level editing, or modelling, but your skills put me to shame, you're like John Carmack or David Rosen level good, maybe I just need to spend more time on physics, gotta learn that sweet IK ;)

But, I might be travelling to europe in July and I have some really nice camera equipment, I could try and take pictures of walls and such for textures, I wouldn't be able to upload anything till I'm back but if you're interested let me know? I just think it might be a good way for you to get some royalty free textures that are legitimately photo realistic.

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

Definetly agree with you.
His modeling skills are quite amazing.
The coding part is a wip,but for now it's good and pretty fast.
I hope to see some more different animations and possibly another character like mikasa :)

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Maggol - - 117 comments

yes, it make me motivated to learn more about making game. Watching guedin progress is really something.

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AnaseSkyrider - - 10 comments

Nice work with the Titan. I'm eager to see more as you develop the game, Guedin. I'm glad to see your clarifications on the Titan A.I., and you should probably let some of the people know what's going on with the A.I. in the YouTube video's comments, and link them to this page so they can read more.

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TheRyderShotgun - - 4 comments

if i could suggest some things to put in as final touches, it'd be range weapons like bows, flintlocks, and the anti-human 3d maneuvering gear because pvp with these mechanics will be hectic and awesome as ****.

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TheGreatJedi - - 1 comments

Its pretty cool and have good mechanics
I have some suggestion
1st of all
3DMG must have a lock function in order to perform swing manueuver and prevent automatic unreeling and prevent unwanted reeling in to the hooks location which is totally canon
2nd i think you should implement backhooking except this is risky because you won't be able to see where you are hooking at the back to cancel an attack or stuffs
3rd about the midair stunts i believe those require Gas usage to maintain balance in the air and I'm pretty sure people don't
need use gas burst to do that. all in all this will turn out to be a Good game with multiplayer requirements
and successful dodge + counter attacks are good mechanics for AOT games
but instead of simply cutting the tendons and stuffs you can make a counter attack on which he will pass through the titan fast enough to leave it dumbfounded and vulnerable in the nape because of missing its attack
I prefer for it to be harder since its a horror genre type of game
Also if you have decent AI programming skills i suggest AI player that don't kill but support you are somehow distract titans
Good job again and hope you can finish the game someday

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jp_b36 - - 56 comments

i was really hoping this game would be multiplayer (it would reallly be fun as ****). You sir, you deserve a to receive a job and a good pay developing games, every time you update something you show us a huge improvement since the last update

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KanataHaruka - - 2 comments

This looks godly. Aesthetically and internally you've done a good job!

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AnaseSkyrider - - 10 comments

As I said: I'm posting the critiques of your article's writing on your article. So let's do this.

1. "When the titan got a target, his head and body will follow it."
While not grammatically incorrect, the phrasing is slightly awkward. Instead of "When the titan got a target", you should write "When the titan has a target".

2. "The first body part to follow the target is his head, and when it reach the angle limit, ..."
The weirdness here is in "... when it reach the angle limit, ..." because it should be "... when it reaches the angle limit, ...". The change is in "Reach" to "Reaches".

3. "... the whole body turn to face the player too."
There's two ways to correct this. You either write "... the whole body turns to face the player too." or you write "... the whole body will turn to face the player too.".

4. "This way, we can avoid having the head turning on itself, by 360 degrees."
The comma between "the head turning on itself" and "by 360 degrees" is not necessary.

5. "The eyes movement, as well as the body turn animation are not implemented yet, but that's something that I'd like to add in the future."
There should be a comma in between "as well as the body turn animation" and "are not implemented yet". You also should have added an apostrophe after "eyes" because you mean to use the possessive form of a plural quantity. You could also write it as "Eyes's".

6. "During attacks, the titan can follow player movement too."
I'm not sure if it's grammatically incorrect, but it sounds slightly less weird to say "player's movement" instead of "player movement" in this context.

7. "This way, when the titan is trying to catch, his hand will move depending of the player location."
Instead of writing "depending of the the player location.", you should write "depending on the player's location.". Note that I added a possessive property to "Player", but I changed "Of" to "On".

8. "To do that, I'm using blendspace in Unreal"
You should've added a period at the end of that sentence.

9. "Lastly, the titan is able to anticipate the player location so he can time better his attacks."
This should be written as "so he can better time his attacks." rather than "so he can time better his attacks.".

10. "Red spots in the following gif ..."
The beginning of this is slightly fragmented. Simply adding "The" before "Red spots" would work fine (but you should remove the capital 'R' from "Red" after doing so).

11. "If the spot is in the titan attack range, then he will start the attack."
You should have said "titan's attack range" instead of "titan attack range".

12. "The main reason is that all the gameplay features has not be implemented yet."
You should have written "have not been implemented yet." instead of "has not be implemented yet.".

13. "he will obtain an advantage over the titan, that need to be determined yet."
This last part should have been written as "which needs to be determined." instead of "that need to be determined yet.".

14. "Another thing that need to be taken in account, ..."
Simple correction: replace "Need" with "Needs". You also don't need the comma at the end of this portion because you can smoothly transition from one point to the next without it being confusing in English.

15. "but targeting a titan with several player should lower the difficulty too."
Since a player is an individual, and you're speaking of multiple players, you should have written "several players" instead of "several player". In English, most words work like this. Some words use the same word for the singular and plural version.

16. "And if I decide to add several difficulty level,"
Same thing as last time; you were speaking of multiple levels, so should should have written "several difficulty levels" instead of "several difficulty level".

That is all. I don't like how English deals with some of its rules for punctuation in quotes, so I use my own system, but I don't use it very consistently. Hopefully, that shouldn't be confusing.

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

Lol dude,you wrote a huge *** text that is all about grammar???
I honestly came here to see the content of the game not if his english was good enough.

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AnaseSkyrider - - 10 comments

I asked him on YouTube if he minded whether or not I critiqued his writing on his videos and articles. He was cool with it, so I wanted to give him help in at least one way that I knew how to do.

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

Still,you could off said something about what the article was about instead of just grammar...

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AnaseSkyrider - - 10 comments

You clearly missed the whole point of what I was doing. I didn't need or have anything to say. Here:


Now **** off. (I'm in a bad mood)

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

I didnt miss the point.
You could off just messaged him the mistakes...-_-
I am also in a bad mood when I see a grammar nazi sometimes even if it's you anase.

My point was that the grammar isnt more important than the content akka game itself.

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AnaseSkyrider - - 10 comments
Just read this >.>

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

Good for you,but you still remain grammar nazi ;)
Also,I am not really sure if what you are doing is actually helpfull to him.
What you are doing is telling him that 2 + 2 = 4 instead of giving him 4 apples for him to count.

I honestly didnt even notice the mistakes you mentioned because our brains work in a way that we can read something correctly even if it's incorrectly written just by looking at first and last letter.

I came here to see the video which showed pretty much everything and then I flashed trough the txt if there is something new,but all it was there was explaining what was shown in the video so I skipped the txt.

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AnaseSkyrider - - 10 comments

I'm just trying to help him improve his damn writing anyway. I seriously don't feel like dealing with this stupid crap. I asked him, he didn't mind, so I'm helping him out slightly. He was nice about it, I was trying to be nice and not annoying, and you're just ******* me off (in tandem with all the other crap that's bugging me today). There was really nothing else for me to say. I'm gonna comment on his stuff from time to time to point out some of the little things that he can correct (or use to improve his writing in the future), and I'm also going to do my normal commenting crap. It's not like I'm doing this INSTEAD of doing the normal interactions and compliments and questions and crap.

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

Good,I didnt notice you commented another comment before this one.
Sry :)

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AnaseSkyrider - - 10 comments

It's okay. I'm sorry for being a douche-bag about this. I got frustrated with a few things yesterday, so yeah. I'm better now, hence why I'm apologizing.

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Antibot_One - - 129 comments

Looks amazing! Keep working please)

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psychonicjoe - - 1 comments

Amazing work, keep it up.

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The_Cheese_Dragon - - 62 comments

I recon it would be pretty cool if the titan's expression changed to angry every time it misses you and smiles when it gets you, or it thinks you are coming into reach, that would be really cool and damn creepy!

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asabarno - - 9 comments

i love the anime and now i love the game too. cuz u know what ?

i think this is the best of Shingeki No kyojin game especially this game is free Right.

and amazing work. if i can rate u i will give u 5 stars or 100/100

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Farid_ - - 2 comments

I got a few questions. You specified that the game will be multiplayer, but will there be a singleplayer option too? And, will there be an Expedition mode in which you go outside the walls and do things just like in the anime?

Thank you in advance,

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asabarno - - 9 comments

i think for singleplayer this game gonna be hard. u know the titan is so fast. and that the reason the game must multiplayer mode. i hope too there is singelplayer mode why not. Expedition mode yeah i hope too, we can ride a horse, hunter titan.

please tell us Guedin's

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dean19971997 - - 2 comments

for some reason it says "The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer.Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." even though i have it installed ? can someone help me please ?

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