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PvM is back in business! An introduction to those who have just discovered us, and a progress update about where we are and where we're going.

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So, how should I start this off?

We're not dead. =p

PvM is Back in business!PvM is back in business!PvM is Back in business!

We have been very much alive the past few weeks, and we are now closer to a release than ever before.
As this is our first (hopefully) public news post, we recognize those who have only just learned about us. To those of you, welcome! We are the team behind Pirates vs. Mandalorians, a total conversion mod seeking to add the Black Sun Pirates and Mandalorians as full-fledged, unique factions to Forces of Corruption.
So, what can you expect?

-Fight across the galaxy as the Black Sun Pirates, Galactic Empire, and Mandalorians in several new GCs and planets including Malastare, Ordo, and Ord Mantell.
-Utilize a variety of new weapons and tactics in both GC and skirmish to dominate your opponents, including the Torpedo Platform, Basilisk War Droid, and new structures including the Fighter Deployment Platform.
-Reap the spoils! Defeat the weakened Rebel Alliance, Zann Consortium, and other factions, then add their units to your disposal. Whether you want X-Wings or Krayt Destroyers to bolster your war effort, you'll find them on the defeated remains of the enemies you conquer.
-Enjoy a refined GUI with plenty of new SFX throughout the mod.

So, where are we? We're almost at the point of a first release. Want more details? Stay tuned for our next update.

Chagall - - 282 comments

Awaiting the first release ^^

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DarthONeil16 - - 174 comments

The Beta was great! Can't wait to play the full game. :D

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foreverrussia1 - - 77 comments

lol, how did you get the beta? It was in-team.

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MogenarZ Author
MogenarZ - - 355 comments

russia, he was one of the testers. =p

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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